this morning i reported for duty at yesterday's journal center for a playdate with myself. i like my new outdoor studio a lot. a larger than normal troop of birds kept me company. hummingbirds, red-headed finches, sparrows, crows, and hawks. everyone was doing fly-bys. chortling, twittering, cackling, beeping. a duck might've flown over and quacked. i can't be sure.
i was smack dab in the center of my pink & orange happy place.
here are a few snippets.
pam started the background of the one below and i finished it today.
i haven't sat for long stretches in my big visual journal in quite awhile.
gwen (a blog reader) sent me an email about the big red farmhouse she and her posse of art girlfriends used to gather at up in the pacific northwest. doesn't that sound nice? they still meet 3-4 times a year.
i'm pretty sure if kim jong-un, bashar al-assad, mahmoud ahmadinejad, barak obama, gathered at a big red farmhouse and played checkers or knit sweaters, crocheted rocks, or drew portraits of each other our world would be way less tense. i'm gonna suggest it.
i found the stars poem!
I’m another of the “redfarmhouse” art journalers. You are most welcome any time! those weekends, and those artist friends, are blessings in my life. hopefully in mid may, our nest retreat, we’ll be able to do a little outdoor journaling!
Is this Valhalla? Looks like it to me.
Outdoor studio gets an A+ from me!
Awww, I’m one of the red farmhouse posse and I have to say it feeds me in a way nothing else does. There is nothing like gathering with like minded souls to ground me in who I am. The only thing that could possibly be better is to gather in the lovely warm outdoors.
forget Kim, Bashar, Mahmoud and Barak! We crafts deserve this waaaay more than they do! 🙂
I love your outdoor studio with all those gorgeous flowers. I also love all your bright and fun pages.
Make that three to take on those men. I am already packed!
your outside studio is amazing. have i asked you what paints you use. the colors are wonderful.
Man, I knew I was stalking your blog for a reason. All foreign heads of state should gather in barns, maybe even shovel a little something rather than creating it. Huge fan of your journals! Makes me want to change all my scrapbooks into jounals. At least last two big trips I bought used books in native languages to use as journals. Alas, they are still on the to do list.
Your patio studio looks wonderful…very inviting. And I love your idea for an Art Retreat Summit for the world leaders. Nothing brings people together better than art supplies and yarn. Just think of all the goodies they could create. I vote for you for president!!
Miss Moss, what a gorgeous outdoor studio you have. My heart beats a bit faster with all of that color.
Regarding World Leader Retreat Weekend, may I humbly request that checkers be left out? I firmly believe it could encourage competition. Embroidery, quilting and all of the gentle arts are perfect. I would also suggest Cat’s Cradle and other string games. Often four hands and cooperation are required.
Happy week to you, dear one. e.w.
Bless your heart for starting off my monday morning with laughter!
Mary Ann – I am one of Gwen’s lucky friends who gathers with her and other arty ladies at the red farmhouse – now we have moved to a different location and I’m looking forward to seeing the new digs in a couple of weeks 🙂
Thanks for the brightness and cheer on a MONDAY Monday in my cubicle.
I love your patio studio and want to use my backyard deck for such antics BUT(a big but) I’m being overrun by my son’s hubcap collection! Any ideas for hubcap art?!
The whole world should have a red schoolhouse to fiddle at times. Knitting with friends truly feeds your soul! I have said it many times before…
It’s just so peaceful to sit together and do things we like…
You are so right! The world would be such a better place! Just another reason we need to keep the arts in schools too.
To Susan: I am from Ohio also. I am in Southeastern Ohio half- hour from Athens. What part are you in? I did an art retreat twice a year for 10 years with 16 women . Two volunteers from the women taught us crafts/art that they knew each retreat. It was so much fun! But they sold our retreat house and the group fell apart. I have mourned it ever since. Would love to find a kindred group in Ohio even if it was just 4 or so women.
Mary Ann; I will be laughing all day at the visual of my beloved Barack with scissors and glue. Thanks for the image!
(That should have read “suit” case…not suiting….
O.K. That’s it!! I’m packing my suiting case with all my journalling supplies and yarn and coming to visit! What a wonderful place to play, especially since here in Ohio, we have a winter snow warning….. 🙁
I enjoyed this post SO MUCH. I would have enjoyed sitting in that wonderful outside studio. You both created so much beauty and joy! Way to go!
What a lovely place to sit and journal…. your back yard is beautiful and looks so relaxing!! I bet it’s a great place to share one of sister’s cocktails with friends…. or yourself!!!!!
I think you are on to something with the checkers, sweaters and farmhouse…you go girl…if anyone can get em up and movin’ it’s you, and I would also suggest giving them a pile of magazines, paper and scissors (if they promise to hold them correctly)that they create journals…I can see it now, headline news where in we here about how all these people have solved all of the problems because they learned how easily things can be patched up, glued down and cut out and still create harmony on a journal page…bingo…apply that same simple logic on the world at large…life would be so much simpler. PS. I would have loved to be in on the lasagna party…have an awesome week!!!
Perhaps you and I should be invited to the table along with kim jong-un, bashar al-assad, mahmoud ahmadinejad, barak obama, to play checkers or knit sweaters, crochet rocks, or draw portraits of each other. the addition of two strong women could add fun and common sense to rhe mix. So, Mary Ann, you suggest it. I will pack my art supplies, clean underwear and a nightie. Just think of the possibilities…