for 48 years i had a love affair with the moon. but now i like starshine best. it's hard to choose. i certainly don't have to. not really. but when i was in chiapas this past winter, i saw such brilliant stars in that inky black sky and looked at them for so long with such deep wonder and love… that i knew after that i'd have to break up with the moon. and marry the stars.
this video has nothing to do with stars but i thought it was exquisite with a capital E.
you will too. i just KNOW it.
and this poem has everything to do with stars. ~
Looking at the Sky
by Anne Porter
I never will have time
I never will have time enough
To say
How beautiful it is
The way the moon
Floats in the air
As easily
And lightly as a bird
Although she is a world
Made all of stone.
I never will have time enough
To praise
The way the stars
Hang glittering in the dark
Of steepest heaven
Their dewy sparks
Their brimming drops of light
So fresh so clear
That when you look at them
It quenches thirst.
i LOVE the video, thank you so much for sharing. SO inspiring!!
I saw this on “A well traveled woman” on Tumblr. I have been meaning to share her with you. Her name is Bekah and she is lovely, not crafty, but lovely. I think you will like her world.
I would love to spend a day with this woman. The yoga would wear me out!
Enjoyed this very much
Lovely, lovely video; lovely poem. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
That video was perfection. Such a lovely human being, I just know it! Thanks for sharing.
You are right! I DO love this poem! And it makes me wonder why I don’t make time to read poetry…
That was just lovely and so beautiful!! Should we all be so lucky to live 95 with such grace!
I found your blog a couple weeks ago, and I am LOVING it! your voice, your art, and now, this poem you’ve shared. WOW! thank you so much.
what a remarkable human being – it is always a treat to be reminded of simplicity in our lives.
Maia is a very smart lady. What a wonderful video.
Wow. The beauty.
Beautiful video. Love Maia’s way of life.
That was fabulous. Thank you!
You bring us the best things in the world my precious, precious, beloved.
Beautiful Mary Ann. Just beautiful.
Happy that as the Boomers age, we yank the beauty and power of the process out of the closet. Congrats for shining the light.
OH!! My new role model. Thanks so much, Mary Ann.
I want to be just like Maia, so beautiful, so serene. Look at her! And look at her go with that hose! What an example.
Nothing to add…. Just perfect.
thanks for making me cry like a baby at work. it made my day.
love you,
The quesion of the morning is who out sparkles whom?
The dewy stars or Maia? Exquisite indeed!
Wow. Thank you for sharing that video. It was exquisite.
Oh that poem is amazing! Thanks for sharing it.
WOW…..just WOW!
I want to be Maia when I grow up. Heck, I want to be her NOW! And I definitely want a sweet little cottage like that so I could sit on that deck and look up at the moon and the stars. Enjoying this post over breakfast, a great way to start the day!
Love to gaze at the moon and stars when I take my dog Bella out before bedtime. Puts things and life into perspective with the journey of life. peace xo
LOVED your post – the moon and the stars and a magic movie … fabulous <3
That was a beautiful way to end the day. Thank you!
Oh yes! I feel cozy inside. thanks for sharing the video with us.
Amazing!! I love her! Thanks so much for sharing. Your blog is always a wealth of creativity, happiness, and joy of life!
Wow! Very sweet video! Thank you for sharing with us!
I am so impressed-=-she’s 95!! I bet she has been doing yoga and eating right her entire life!!
Thanks so much for sharing! I just got home after a stressful day & checked your blog (as I do everyday
🙂 ). That video was calming and wonderful and warmed my heart down deep. I want to be like her when I “grow up”!!
Oh, my…I want to be her when I grow up!