To console spiderman boy I brought in a book for him to peruse. It was a gift from my crochet guru. He’s a sweet boy and completely delightful. And he doesn’t like to be teased about his favorite shirt!
Lots of nights ahead of me free from Internet distractions. Sketching nights!
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Spiderman Boy is lucky to have you!! Sending hugs his way.
Your sketches of faces are so expressive. I really like that they take up so much of the page.
How very frustrating. I would be lost without internet. Shame on AT&T.
Nobody likes to be teased about their favorite shirt. 😉 I guess being internet deprived isn’t all bad, eh?
caught you havin’ fun. yes. you. are. !! xodonna
Peter Sis is one of my very favorite author/illustrators. His book called Tibet: Through the Red Box is so wonderful that I will tell anyone to just buy it sight unseen and thank me later.
Good for you – real tools in real hand. It is too easy to be sucked down that digital rabbit hole.