unless i'm blogging, like now, i have no idea what time it is. all i know is that i rose this morning before dawn and went out to the woodshed to gather more wood for the fire in the little woodstove.
later i'm going to let the fire go out so i can scoop out the ashes into the metal bucket. then start all over again. this morning I went for a little stroll with my camera. the air smells green and fragrant. layered through with woodsmoke. and it appears i am the one creating the smoke.
look, there it is now curling around the roof of my reading retreat!
i sat with my thoughts at the very edge of the bluff this morning. watching the water stream over the rocks. last night it rained and rained. i turned all the lights off and sat in the chair by the woodstove. snuggly & warm listening to the sounds the world makes late at night when rain is falling all around. good sounds.
ping drip ping
there could not be a more ideal setting for a reading retreat.
and there are so many spots to plunk down. indoors & outdoors.
reading thinking listening napping
waking up.
here's the kitchen. small, but well stocked for cabin cookouts.
this little place gets loads of happy visitors. which is why i already booked my next visit in february. how nice to know i can drive a couple of hours and reach this woodsy paradise.
earlier i thought i saw GIANT BUCK peeking his head up over the top of the skylight. then one paw swipe against the bedroom window last night. it's the first i've seen him since budapest!
there is magic here.
did i already mention the tangerine grove?
or the suspension bridge?
my reading stack:
plus may sarton and a centennial tribute to beatrice wood which i found here at the cabin. i finished this beautiful life and can conclude that… i don't recommend it. i mention it here in case you read the same npr review that i did and get tempted. everything else has been delicious!
My daughter just started college in Santa Barbara, so lots of trips between LA and SB in the next few years. Last time we spent a day and a half in Ventura but next time I think I’ll make the detour to Ojai, it looks beautiful. State of Wonder is on my book pile — I just finished the Language of Flowers, which you might enjoy. Love your blog.
I’ve had only one cat & it took years for us to connect on a twin level. Had to “put her down” as I could not endure the frequent seizures she had begun to have. Since her passing, I can summon her whenever I need to…she awaits in some netherland where she is comfortable and engaged with her ongoing life there, and is always happy to see me when I can focus enough to meet her. I have not had a relationship in my life to equal what I have with her & I am just so grateful that this being continues to be in my life.
I love your beautiful pictures. Ojai, I wondered when I saw the fruit sign, but I never imagined the cabin by the creek there, I’ve driven through a few times, it is such a great place. That is great you get to go back again. Loved that little kitchen it is so cute and cozy!
susie – theyre KEENS!
I can feel your contentment in every word and photo shared. It is contagious and infectious. I am so pleased to hear you had a visit from Master Buck. Love everything about your special hiding place in the woods. I’d be hard pressed not to visit every weekend if I lived your part of the world. So now on to other questions..those shoes you are wearing look mighty comfy. Please share details…I am in the market for a new pair of good all purpose walking wear.
cute people:
loved having you along everyone 🙂 i forgot to mention, BUT WILL! – that the cabin is in ojai. rental deets provided if you email me privately. im home now and getting ready to scoot off to my little punks who need educatin
What a gorgeous retreat! Thanks for sharing!
I’m just sooo jealous right now! 😉 Looks like a little piece of heaven to me!
I can’t wait until you tell us where this is. I want to go! (I’m in LA too.)
This looks like wonderful location to visit and mediate with Mother Nature. BTW, love your shoes.
Looks like a perfect retreat! time to be at one with books, bliss 🙂
So cozy, so magical. It’s interesting how the Human Being requires nature from time to time. Thank you for sharing!
P.S. That kitchen is adorable!
What a delightful spot — thanks for bringing me along!
Hello friends,
If youre interested in renting this magical cabin email me privately and ill send you all the details. This is my first time here, but Ive already secured my return trip in February. utter magic & bliss…
ooooooh, lucky you. that looks like pure heaven. the cozy cottage, the wood stove, the rain, the sound of water, what could be better?
I would love to know more about this cabin. It sounds heavenly for a get-away which HB and I desperately need!
It sounds wonderful. It takes me back to when I lived in Oregon. There is nothing better than a fire, woods and reading material.
Just curioso??? Where is this cabin? Lake Arrowhead? Big Bear? Somewhere else?
How gorgeous, how wise of you to get out of Dodge once in a while. My eyes are stinging with tears about the mention of Buck. My Bubba crossed the rainbow bridge 4 years ago Friday and I still think I see him sometimes.
Looks like you have reached heaven on earth… What a lovely cabin, and a stack of books, what else do you need? Great stuff!
Heaven. (And it’s always good when Buck visits, and bears don’t!)
retreat perfection. All the right elements including food on the ground. It must be very close to a 10 for weekend getaways. :o) Donna
Bliss. That’s all I can think of — looking at these photos, reading your words and feeling what you must be feeling…such a beautiful spot to just “be”.
Delish 🙂 I LOVE your cabin – magic indeed xx A perfect spot to read some May Sarton!