i like seeing all of my recent pages together. they’re like a map, showing me where i’ve been and which direction i’m headed next. my very own paint splattered GPS that says, “you are here.” and then…
“reconfiguring.” i love getting found. and then lost again!
that bottom right page doesn’t exist anymore. i covered it up. wish i hadn’t. but that’s the fun of working things out in a book format. a big container to hold your past impulses.
sara berry made this book in full tilt boogie
Love your pages Mary Ann. I’m always inspired by your work!!!
i love ’em 2…
xox – eb.
I love your jumbles and I love the book by Sara Berry! Your jumbles are totally inspiring me . . . we’ve been in Cannes, St. Tropez and Monaco for the last 4 days of glorious sunshine and have returned to Milan for another week. I may have to do my journaling backwards . . . write and tape first, and then decorate when I’m back home with my supplies. I was naughty and didn’t prepare pages before I left!
I love the color on all of those pages. What I love more is reading the comments from people who have taken your classes. Just reading them makes me a little teary eyed. Miss Moss, your love is spreading and appears to be weaving a web of support and joy, when for some, times are so tough. What a gift you are and what gifts you are giving.
I love the fact that your pages don’t always have to be ABOUT something. It feels awkward to me to blast out my Journal-y feelings for the World to see, but I vigorously embrace reading OTHER people’s artful and expressive way of doing that. You’ve reminded everyone that truly, anything goes. Your pages have that awesome “swing” that’s distinctively YOU. More, more and more. We want more.
I took ROTD last year (wait, was it TWO Christmases ago?) & loved it. Unfortunately, I just got laid off the Friday before Thanksgiving. Mary Ann, if a discounted spot opens up for Full Tilt Boogie, will you please let me know? I could use the inspiration (& distraction) right now. Thanks. Love your stuff. Once I get unburied from our move, I’m going to make another ROTD journal. So fun!
Reading this on my I-Pad and drinking morning coffee. After visual feast of journal pages I love reading all the comments. Couldn’t say what I feel any better! Sara’s journal is awesome.
Mary Ann, those pages are awesome! I’m here in St. Augustine (having a fabulous time – passed up on the last red velvet cupcake in the display because I know you would have wanted that one, I had the lemon twist one and was not disappointed!), totally inspired to get out my tiny little paint pots and start doing something similar, thank you for that!! And Sara Berry’s book looks fabulous!!
Jill, so sorry to hear you lost your job but I promise you, you will not be sorry you signed up for MaryAnn’s classes – she and they are the best gift you could have given yourself. I like to believe in that quote from “The Sound of Music”, whenever one door closes, somewhere (God/the universe) opens a window” so I know you will be okay, you’re just starting a new adventure in uncharted territory. Your journal pages will help map your path.
oh, fun pages! i love the page that doesn’t exist. it’s like your own little secret. only you know it’s there under all the layers! cool new banner, too! likey likey!
I’ve said this so many times and to anyone who asks me that your classes are the ‘bestest’ ever, there is something quite comforting in watching you work, learning from you, peering over your shoulder and taking it all in. Then there are your students, all of us who’ve gathered around, somehow word travels fast at how generous, supportive and wonderful the craft chimps are over at Moss Cottage and it’s true. The welcome wagon is already circling ready to pounce happily on new friends we look forward to meeting. Ok, now about all those journal pages…looking quite splendid and appropriately painty.
Mary Ann, you know I can’t say enough good things about your classes. I LOVE every moment of them and I love, even more, that they continue to enrich my life because of all of the cool things you’ve taught me how to make. I am so thankful for you and the fact that you share your journaling with us. Much love, Sara…PS I hope those winds aren’t making too much racket up at Moss Cottage. 😉
I just had to write to tell you that I just signed up to take your two classes, full-tilt boogie and remains of the day. I’ve always wanted to take them, but money is tight, then like you’ve said, “something happened” and well.. i clicked.. I bought..I had to!! well no sooner than I had purchased them did I lose my job. The good thing about money already spent is that you can wail all you want about how you shouldn’t have spent the money on something so “unnecessary” when there are real tough financial choices ahead of me, but it’s SPENT. done. over. you can’t change it. Your posts will be getting me through the next few months of hard times (ha! as long as internet holds out!) and will bring brightness to what will certainly be bleak days. These classes, the books I make with you on this journey will be my savior of sanity. and I appreciate that you give your artistry to us so we can gain these kinds of personal gifts. My new journey begins..