Yes is the answer to the question. Yes, I’m going to Budapest in August. A river runs through it – the Danube! I could hop aboard a river vessel and be ferried off to Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Croatia, Moldova, Romania, or the Ukraine. That’s a lot of places. That’s a BIG river. I could meet a river king like my friend Maria José did when she was in Cambodia! Except that I’m going to keep my tuckus in Budapest and not go to any of those places. I’ll just stay in Hungary the entire 2 weeks… along the banks of the mighty Danube sipping coffee, reading, writing, dreaming. Returning to my apartment at night. Leaning over the edge of the balcony. Breathing in another world.
That’s what I’ll do.
But in this exact moment I’m in Los Angeles. On my back patio. Blogging on the laptop. Peach juice all over the front of my shirt.
The sun is beginning to set. I can hear mariachis drifting up the hill. Someone is having a party. I am officially developing summer brain. School is out in 9 days. I’m still completely absorbed in FULL TILT BOOGIE. Creating an online class is like getting a jumbo jet off the ground. Fraught with peril and excitement and combustible energy and big ideas and last minute changes and pure love. A wild ride any way you slice it.
I am from Hungary and I always get exited when somebody of the blogosphere comes to visit my country!
I wish you a wonderful time in Budapest!
I wish I could feel the magic of new places the way you do! Just recently realized that I am where I wanted to be, but that the thrill is gone. I want my groove back, where did I lose it? boo hoo…..
I live in Vienna, which is not far from Budapest and the Danube also runs through Vienna – so I think you should take the ferry and also go see Vienna – I think you’ll love it.
For my part: I am longing to see the US – whenever I see pictures of all the wonderful places the US have to offer I feel like taking a year off and go on a trip!
have a great journey
P.S. I don’t think regular Hungarians run around in embroidered shirts and swirly skirts just like the Austrians don’t wear Dirndl and Lederhosen on a normal day ;.)
Budapest!! My favorite of all of the cities I visited last fall…spectacular. The Danube at night…the view from the Fisherman’s Bastion, the hidden little cafe’s tucked into neighborhood courtyards. You’re going to LOVE it.
Greetings Moss Cottage, What wonderful Journies you always seem to take me on. I can not thank you enough for these trips some i’ve been dreaming of for years of my life others you have introduced me to ans made me dream of my own walks and sightings How magical your life is and the way you live it.I can not go on these journies my life does not afford me this but again how rich I am to have you taking me along.
Have a wonderful day,
You live your life in such an amazingly creative and interesting way!
You seem to never let a day pass without appreciating it’s beauty,
and then adding to it.
You are such an inspiration in so many ways.
Thanks, Mary Ann, for sharing with us.
this is what I call living and oh how i miss California
This destination is on my list. My family is from Budapest and I’ve always longed to see this beautiful city. Please, please, please, lots of photos. Have a grand time!
Oh, boy! I can hardly wait for your Budapest reports. What fun you’ll have! Are you packed? I would be…..
I’m going to Kenya and Tanzania in January and I’m already so excited I keep dreaming of Africa and lions and elephants and hippos! (And a little fearful of snakes as I DON’T. DO. SNAKES.
Have a wonderful time and please take us all along in your pocket again, like you did in Paris. That was such a delicious trip, although I got fat from the croissants—and the cheese. Mais oui, le fromage!
ah budapest! wonderful, exciting destination. you must try the turkish bath….in that steamy, medicinal, hot baths… you’ll feel like a whole new woman!! can’t wait to hear all about it.
I’m so excited for you to visit Budapest. It’s actually one of a small handful of places I’ve been to and have always hoped to go back! My husband and I traveled to Romania to encourage/help friends who were there building group homes for displaced and under-resourced children. We entered/exited the country via Budapest and just loved our quick trips there. Can hardly wait to see what you discover. Maybe I’ll send you a flat Kas to pack in your bag and it’ll be just like I’m really there 🙂 The Full Tilt Boogie is amazing too Mary Ann, thank you over & over for sharing your glorious self with us!
Oh this is thrilling! I’ll be along for the ride. I love your trips, just like being there myself.
Budapest is lovely. I was there for a day and a night three years ago during a whirlwind tour of Europe and Eastern Europe with my son. Beautiful, beautiful city.
Ah yes. Buda and Pest .. across the river from each other. Divided by the river and joined by the river. LUCKY DUCK! Donna
Budapest will be a wonderful place to absorb. I have not been and want to go. Sunset on the patio and fresh peach dribble while blogging just seems perfect. Wonderful week to you…
Yea!!!! Another trip to look forward too, another place to enjoy from my corner of the globe, tagging along for the ride and speaking of rides, Full Tilt Boogie is officially the best ride EVER!!!!!! Lovin’ it, every single twist and turn. Mary Ann you offer up the best summer amusement park, Disneyland ain’t got nothin’ on you!
Budapest and Full Tilt Boogie whirling through my mind would spin me out of control with no focus on “right now” moments. Haven’t had time yet to start FTB but I hope to next week!
oh, you’re taking us to Budapest – how exciting!! I can’t wait to curl up on my side of the room with my book and my latte, to soak in the foreign intrigue with you.
i feel you near. i like that.
Have a great time on your new adventure. I am so happy that you get to do this. I dream about it and hoping it will come true one day of being able to go overseas. Loving FTB but knew I would anyway. Hope your 9 days at the “real job” go fast. Thanks for the great classes you do.
What a wonderful place to go! So exciting and romantic dahling! Watched all the Boogie videos yesterday and plan on starting soon as my online class starts July 1 so I am a bit jet lagged myself 😉 The Videos are FAB btw and as always you are soo funny. Dee light ful!
your trip sounds so exciting! i can’t wait to hear all about your adventures there.
Go to the Central Market. To die for. 3 stories…sigh. We liked this one so much for lunch, we went back for a dinner. Rivalda Restaurant up by the Castle
I love how wonderful you make traveling sound. I look forward to seeing all of your great art and photos from Budapest!
PS Thank you for all of the hard work you are putting into Full Tilt Boogie!
What a brilliant choice of destination. I keep saying we MUST go to East Europe while it’s still has its own individuality, before we westerners invade it forever with our chains of shops and ‘restaurants’ (you know which). Or have we already?
I read a book when I was little about an adventurous, courageous, rather naughty girl from Hungary. Horse riding over the plains was involved. Too bad that I can’t remember its name. Anyway, it made me long to go there. Do you think people still wear beautifully embroidered shirts and swirly skirts and soft red boots?
All this we’ll know after August when you find out on our behalf.
oh lucky you! it is on my travel wish list!!!!! can’t wait to travel along with you via your blog!
Sounds so exciting! I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time. I’m loving FTB by the way! Your manner of teaching is so personable and the workshop is just packed with great information. Thanks for exceeding my expectations!
I love Budapest!! I went there years ago when it was considered an Eastern Block country! I spent one, entire rainy day cafe hopping!! The cafe’s are exquisite!!!! And the Danube!!! Just spectacular! There is an island in the middle of Buda and Pest- I don’t remember the name, but it’s a lovely park with some beautiful ruins!!!! I envy you so and can not wait to see your images and armchair travel with you!!!!!