I apologize for holding you hostage in Paris, but I can't help it. I get things stuck in my brain and can't move on until I'm completely finished.
I went to stock up on cat food today and had the best conversation with the Parisian woman who owns the pet supply shop. She asked if I'd gone to Berko, the cheesecake place on Rambuteau. Hells yes! Apparently it's VERY popular with the locals for the American style cupcakes served. I was smitten when I saw the salted caramel cheesecake slices. Salted. Caramel.
I know… American style cheesecake in Paris. Don't judge.
Anyway if you go to Paris and stay in the Marais, get thyself to Berko for a slice of the afore mentioned nirvana-inducing yum.
Where was I? Oh yeah I was just getting ready to take you into Angelina on Rue de Rivoli.
You did want to go didn't you?
I thought so.
We'll share one of their famous mont blanc chestnut whipped cream (like buttah people!) meringue confections. Chrissy and I split one of them when we went.
Maybe you'd prefer this. Just sayin'
We'll go on the longest walk along the Seine when we're done. Not that we'll need to – what's eaten in Paris stays in Paris. I promise.
I just resumed my walkabouts here in LA this week. Feels good to be getting back into the moving routine I began in December. I won't be breaking speed records anytime soon and I still have to stop and catch my breath on the hills, but I feel stronger and can go further than before.
In 25 years I want to still be tramping around foreign cities with my camera.
Wonderful pix! 🙂
How were you able to get those pics of perfectionary? I tried the same thing, and was not so politely told to cease and desist. Being American, I assumed the “Excuuuuusee MEEEEE” Steve Martin stance and tone, and was escorted outta the shop. Me Bad.
I just bought an old 1957 Michelin guide to France.(I love old guidebooks.)Your recent posts have awakened a desire in me and I suspect I may be soon be unfaithful to my two loves – London and Italy. Paris somehow seems very doable after walking and Metro’ing with you. I stayed in the Marais about 35+ years ago…just one night tho with my 7yr old son. En 2012? bien sur!
What a pity we didn’t get around to trying Angelina’s. Love your photos. Pop in if you like to see mine.
I agree with Paul….your brother? 🙂 that your blog has been as great as a plane ticket! And if you can’t walk for some reason 25 years down the road I will push you in the chair. That is if I don’t eat to much of all those goodies and get to plump to move.
Sister…..I loved the visit the other night! Your photo’s are so breath taking, and there are so many to see. When I have a little more time I want to sit in front of your computer and flip through them at my pace. They took me away to far away fairyland….where everything is perfect and as it should be. Your blog has been as great as a plane ticket!
You are zee best…I have loved your tour through the City of Light…so wonderful to see what you saw. Lisa and I thought about you this week when we got together to bake out of David Lebovitz’s book, The Sweet Life In Paris…pop on over to my blog to see what we made. It’s not Angelina’s by any stretch of the imagination…but it brought us a little taste of Paris on a cold and rainy spring day. xo Fran
I, too, wish to be held captive. What beauty!
me. hostage. paris.
or should i said
If this is being held hostage in Paris, keep me! please! the pics are absolutely gorgeous! thanks for all of the sharing . . . now, back to my walk through Paris, again!
Your pictures are just stun-NING!Thanks for sharing your wonderful time with us!
We’re still looking forward to each day in Paris. Don’t leave! Once smitten like this, I think one never really leaves Paris. Yes indeed, we must all keep up our energies to return, again, and again and again.
Thanx again for a great trip to Paris! We had such a great time!
Yum, Angelina’s. As we say—It is so good you want to sit in it!
Ahhhh I just love traveling through some else’s shoe’s and eyes. Makes me long to take trips of our own.
Mon Dieu! Such beauty. OOOh Angelina! Paris is Heaven. I’ll have what you’re having…and one of everything else! The Marais, Luxembourg Garden, the Quais. You may hold me hostage in Paris forever.
I hate this phone…GAWKING not hawking!
And I, too, want to be stomping around, hawking, taking photos and having adventures in 25 years and for that very reason I walk EVERY DAY. (Often in the rain…) I don’t really like it, but it is growing on me!