Sunday on the back patio! A tray of journal supplies and some cats. A cup of coffee, scissors, an enormous travel journal.
My regular writing journal.
A stack of photos I'd printed.
A few roses.
I have a little pocket tucked inside my book for things I found on the street in Paris. Exhibit 1: 2 recipes found in the labyrinth of metro passages underneath the streets. Must scan and send to Chrissy so she can translate and I can make. I'm sorry French cook person who lost them. But please know they were found by the right person. Me!
I love adding photos to the journal. Scribbling on notes or things I remember. Thoughts I find inside my head.
Happy Sunday!
p.s. I lost my Parisian umbrella. With the ruffle. Accident or tragedy… Still trying to decide, but I'm thinking the latter. I hope whoever finds it, loves it!
That table with your tray of ‘journal goodies’, wicker relaxing outdoor furniture, a couple of cats, pillows, cup of coffee, journals…is the most perfect picture to me! Enjoyed your paris journey and your journals as a result!
Hi Mary Ann – Since I love all the little details in your photographs I need to know about the first picture in this series…you say
you are out on the patio journaling but I see the sliding door behind you and it seems to look out towards that lovely lavender door.
What is out and what is in? It has been driving me a little crazy in a very Alice In Wonderland sort of way.
Enjoyed your trip immensely but still willing you to go on a real adventure to INDIA!!
Happy Spring – even here!
Pam (Mpls)
I love the way that somehow the ‘found’ things – the street art, the recipes – are more precious than bought things. It’s the serendipity which makes it all so lovely. Thanks for sharing again!
I love your Paris journal and the tours you took us on. What a wonderful time you must have had!! I want to change the subject to a past trip that you took us on. I was watching HGTV last weekend–my favorite show “House Hunters International”. They were just starting to air the episode when I said to myself “Jeez, that looks like Merida!!” and sure enough it was!! It is a testiment to the wonderful job you did sharing that vacation with us, that I would recognize a place I have never been to before!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking me along–it was a blast!!
definitely a trade, something lost for something found. Jamie Oliver has a nice ‘n easy Banana tarte tatin . Of course you didn’t find that recipe on the street of Paris.
You have created quite a luxurious refuge of your patio. Great furniture. Again, yay for MaryAnn! That second shot looks like a magazine pic. And what is the origin of the text ” Friday Journal” is that a single font, press-on letters , or what.!?!
What a mellow Sunday afternoon! If you feel like emailing me those scans, I will happily share the translating – and I’d love to have those recipes! (Ulterior motive!!!)
Love your journals!! I agree, let’s think that the cook who lost the recipes has found your umbrella.
Maybe the french cook took it in exchange for the recipes.
I think I like your Sunday . . . bliss!
Your journal is AWESOME girl. Oh just to sit in one of those chairs, sip coffee, bask in the light while you add more ‘life bits’ to your journal, listen to you retrace every step, share all those small moments that become priceless to recall and are even better when they are shared.
I lost a jacket in Paris. Maybe it is now keeping your umbrella company! Your journal is looking fabulous. Can hardly wait to see more!
I’m looking forward to translating those recipes for you. The banana one looks sinful.
BTW, beurre ramolli is softened butter, Cynthia. Very important since the recipe writer has it in capitals. Looks as though it’s written by an elderly person.
I wish my journal could look as fabulous as yours, Mary Ann. I’m just too tidy. For instance, drawing all over Jean-Paul’s face just wouldn’t occur to me. But it has now!
OH! Your lovely umbrella. I hope it gives someone else pleasure. Umbrellas just have a habit of skipping off like that. If only I had a euro for every brolly I’ve lost in my life.
It has been so great following you on your adventures. Your patio looks wonderful to journal in. So sorry about your umbrella.
I just want to be there! The rose is breathtaking, and your journal looks like a journey in and of itself – like a person could get lost in there for days.
What a wonderful way to keep dreaming the dream. Sorry about your umbrella, I hate when that happens. Oh well, you had it and loved it and obviously it served you well. Now you can fall in love all over again, with new ruffles! Happy journaling.
Your porch looks so cozy and inviting! What a great place to journal and dream. Sorry you lost your ruffled umbrella!
How fortunate that you, grower of lemon trees, should find a recipe for lemon pie/tarts in Paris! You’ll have to let us know how the recipe turns out, although I can almost translate it myself. 🙂
Pastry = 180g flour, 100g butter,___oil, salt, water…juice of one lemon, zest, 60g butter but what is “ramolli”??
I’m imagining your lost umbrella travelling around Paris, continuing your adventures for you! Your journal just gets more amazing all the time. Enjoy filling it up with your memories.
Somewhere in Paris, there’s a person blogging about the ruffled umbrella they found, and they are sorry, umbrella person who lost it, but it made their day.
what a lovely spot to sit and journal! So summery! Love your journal, adding photos is the best part! So many memories come back with each photo!
that journal is HUGE! love!!
Oooooooo, that journal of yours is looking good enough to eat! And to think you could work outdoors. It was a coat AND gloves sort of day here.
Watch your mailbox. A tiny little treat is on its way to you…..
Glad that you arrived home safely and are now esconced in your back patio once again. Awesome trip you took me on. Thank you for letting me tag along.
Glad that you chose that needlepoint pillow to rest on your couch; and I’m sorry you lost your ruffle umbrella so soon. You barely had time to enjoy it. Maybe you can find something like it in LA.
Wishing you a peaceful week ahead,
Cool glasses!
A like/dislike combo:
Sunday on your patio looks fabulous! 🙂
Sorry you lost your umbrella. 🙁
I love the rose. I think that I could smell it. How nice to be working on your journal and dreaming over your memories of that lovely trip. Even we your readers have lovely memories of that trip, thanks to you and Chrissy. I am so sorry that you lost your ruffled umbrella. I had one once. They all thought I was crazy and who is to say that they were wrong but i loved that thing and I was really sorry when it disappeared as umbrellas are prone to do. I am looking forward to your next class.