Here. Have a gander at a few more travel journal pages. I think I’ve mentioned…sometimes I like a page with just a photograph. Plain & simple.
Or an oddly sketched distorted foot. In a shoe. With extra toes. On a plain background. I need to sketch more. I look at this and time travel. Back to the day I was sitting on a hill overlooking one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world – the Temple of Artemis (what’s left of it). It’s just my sister and I up here. And it’s cool in the shade. I can hear drumming in the distance. It’s the last day of Ramadan. Carol is sketching the hills in the distance. Olive groves, grape vines, a small fertile valley. A bucolic scene and I’m right there sketching my foot. Right there.
Did I mention we swam in the southern Agean Sea? Sigh. I want to go to there.
Thank you to the nice person who took their ROD journal to Squam By The Sea! Someone told someone who told someone else and all those someones registered for class this week.
p.s. someone just walked down the street whistling “I Got A Brand New Pair Of Roller Skates.” i love that!
Please see my blog for a mention and a link. XX Gypsy Purple
We were singing your praises at Journalfest this past week as well, Mary Ann, it was such a delight to meet likeminded others who had taken your class and absorbed your oh so fabulous techniques. We wishing you were there to share the magic with us, you were definitely there in spirit!
Thanks for the Melanie! I recently downloaded her circle song. I still have a drawing I did of it…oh, lord, it must be 1970? 71? Wonder what she’s doing now…
You’ve got your lovely memories – and suddenly you gave me back one of mine.
Haven’t heard that Melanie thing for decades! What a great video with it: that gawky girl (just managing to stop at the doorstep) and the dog looking out as she’s sent on her way. Going to look at that quite a few times more.
So inspiring..your travel journals…I am off tomorrow to San Miguel
journal at the ready
I always take one, but have more burning desire to USE it
thank you 🙂
Another one who continues to be so inspired by journals! Thank you so much for sharing!
I am so inspired by your journals! Thanks for posting more pages.
BTW, “I got a brand new pair of rollersakes”…has been in my head ALL DAY! 🙂
You are truly the bestet of the best Mary Ann!!!! Brand New Key… that one too.
Thank you so much for keeping the ROTD class open! That rocks!
I am so happy you are keeping your class open. I love it and spread the word whenever I can. It literally changed my life and the way I journal. Now I find myself combining lots of techniques I learned in your class with others and making my own unique journals and filing them. Its ok to just paste a picture in!! Its ok to do whatever I want! Thank you!!
Also, there is a new commercial out that features that song and it always makes me smile when I see/ hear it. 🙂
Thank You Mary Ann! Your classes are such good “hands-on” therapy, I re-watch them to keep educating myself.
When I am cold
feeling blue
I tuck myself under the covers
and review classes with you
I feel so creative, my mind is a whir
the cats snuggle down
and wash all that fur
an afternoon with Mary Ann
Earl Grey and a scone
take up the ROD
oh, I’m so glad I am home:)
Your Humble Servant
And you had a group of fans at the BookJam in Palo Alto, CA. A lovely woman was showing her ROD to Cindy of ‘Artful Journey’ retreats, and her pal Stephanie (who I believe took your class (?)….she was with her mom who had a delightful accent and just hearing about her trip, her handsome husband and her mom piping in with comments it just made for a wonderful moment seeing a ROD in all its loveliness….If you ever want to teach a class in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains…. 🙂
xoxox Beth
That is wonderful news! I stalled out at mid-point. No particular reason other than laziness I suppose. I could engineer some valid sounding life interruptions but I really only just stopped. Now I can still have access when I start my engine again.
How is the floor show coming?
Mary Ann it’s official: YOU ROCK! Many days your blog posts get me through the day when all I want to do is run under the bed and hide. (Hey, it works for my Siamese). I work full time and I’m a full time PhD student also. I goad, prompt, trick and tease myself into completing homework and projects with the promise that I will enroll in your ROD class at the end of the semester. I’ve had a really great time with the stencilry class and look forward to ROD! Now I gotta go finish writing that critical analysis of three critically anal papers. No worries, I’ve hours!