June in Los Angeles is just about my speed. A heavy marine layer keeps us insulated in grey until late morning. The thermostat is rarely raised above 80. Cool breezy evenings. Perfect sleeping-by-an-open-window weather. And by day…keep the windows open wide and listen to neighborhood sounds. No a/c needed yet.
Visual Journal Tip. Get out your notepads. Sharpen your pencils. Ready? DO NOT watch Spider Man cartoons and drink an entire pot of coffee before fooling around in your visual journal. Got that? Otherwise you'll end up with a big crazy spider web on your page. The facts.
Since I've been away from Visual Journal No. 11 for so long, I've been loosening up by working quickly without thinking (um. obviously) when I first open the book. I like to see what sort of shape I gravitate towards, what sort of images present themselves. Ever since I started this little journal (5 by 7) it's been like riding in a clown car. Heading straight to a giant gum ball machine. Splashy colors. neon colors. Wow. it's been FUN. Different for me. Feels like pilates for the art brain.
My favorite thing to do is problem solve. Figure out where the car went off the road – try and get it moving again.
Inspiring Funny or Awesome
Finally someone took the time to explain LOST to me. What a relief!
Old postcards & washi tape. Yum.
sfgirlbybay ALWAYS. but especially this guest post.
The first 13 minutes of this quiet video . I'm not a painter, but I love listening to painters talk about their quirky process. GO HERE. Susan Rothenberg. Fascinating. If you're a quiet contemplative sort you'll appreciate this.
Could you share a photo of the back of your collages? I have been painting away on some boards and trying to figure out the best way to hang them.
Yeah! Love the new posts and photos and links!
Lisa Hoffman mentioned your new journal pages; from your shapes, colors and the way you build a page, it seems more approachable without having to turn myself inside out…simple, in the best sense, and playful; I may not give up on journals yet. Thank you.
Fab links. Thank you.
Fab fire.
Fab all-sorts overhere.
Are you sure you are not a painter? Those look like paintings on the wall to me… I like them very much. Is the process of keeping a visual journal different from painting? hmmmnnn… i am full of questions tonight. art is good. love S. Rothenberg’s painty hands.
Dear Guru: Can you share what journals you keep, obviously a ROD journal, an art journal (more info please like what the heck is it and what is its purpose, besides the obvious) and any other journals, or any other art making activities that you persue? Signed: A devoted fan.
Love seeing your corner of the “art” world; pilates for the art brain…hmmmmm now that is what I call an awesome workout, Lost…from tiny hands, that’s what it took to figure it all out…and we watch Lost and I hated the ending. I like littlebrownpen’s version so much better. And the ‘wish you were here’ wall….thanks for the afternoon blog stroll…now I can go make dinner.
Janice those are bits that I cut off other digital pieces. This last one was cut off of an IStock photo. It was actually a 2 page vintage spread of plain old paper. The other ones I use more often…were from a Kitschy Digital frame collection.
I just discovered Susan Rothenberg recently, I love her, and this video is GREAT!! Thanks for posting the link!
Thanks for sharing the video link-I love haring about the process as well.
question-Where are you getting the wonderful ‘labels’, ‘faux sticker labels’ that you are adding to your photos–I especially love the ‘horsing around” one.
Mary Ann it’s fun visiting you!! I too love seeing how you “fix” something you do not like on a page. The finished pages are wonderful. And yes, the colors are a change for you, but I still see Mary Ann on them.
Oh to not have to use AC!! It is in the high 90’s and humid, humid, humid here!!!
Have a good day!!!
“…pilates for the art brain.”
You are the best!
All that lace made me think of spray paint.
I love this shot of your studio world! Thanks for sharing.