Sitting outside. Dreaming of the big world rotating on its axis. Tilting towards the sun.
Under a cloak of starlight and firelight, summer evenings are passing. Friends have come over twice this week for dinner. And what's more…I enjoyed their visits very much! Strange and wonderful for an unsocial being like myself. Having a spiffed up patio is making me feel a character in a movie. The one waving the red handkerchief out the train window. I am not myself!
After a long absence from my true love, I've returned to her pages. I had a thousand intentions to sit down at my art table and BEGIN, but I kept getting distracted. Working life keeps me suspended in a state of perpetual distraction. Having an art buddy to spur me on helps to that end. Thanks art buddy.
Once spurred on I just kept going.
and going.
Love that fire pit. Is that what it is? Anyway, it’s neato.
I don’t blame you for changing it up with that fancy new patio 😉 Feels like you are on vacation all the time…I’m so jealous! Wish I was close enough to crash your parties…lol Enjoy yourself and have a great week, fondly, Roberta
You may not be yourself, but we’re loving all of you. Both of you?…you know what I mean….
Not specifically this journal, but my visual journal in general. THATS my true love. The thing I seem to love deeper and stronger than other arty pursuits.
Make sense?
nearby art buddy . . . swoon
fireplace on the patio . . . swoon
art journaling . . . swoon
you’re living the dream girl!
I love the queen page and the fireplace and the way you work with photos in your journals. Question: why is this journal “your true love?” I’m always curious about different types of journals and what turns people on to working with them …
Ah, your LA Patio looks so inviting. Hotter than you know what here in Texas, even if I had a patio like yours I doubt my little self could stand to sit out there right now! Love those darling kidlets, they are all so beautiful. Is that sweet little Sandra in this class or was that last year she passed through? I thought I recognized her in one of the class photos of kids and their journals.
AH, a fireplace. Ah, a memory here on the East Coast were we continue to have HOT, HOT, HOT days (think Island sounds now)… tropical weather does not lend itself to fireplaces much! We have had more than two weeks of 90 degree or hotter weather here… so I would love to be on your patio just to cool off!
But if you are not yourself – who are you? And why are you writing on Mary Ann’s blog? LOL
Your patio looks absolutely dreamy in the fire light.
the bonfire burning, the soft glow, ever so welcoming…that is one sweet little corner of the globe you’ve got going…so continue to enjoy it every single second you get….Just so you are informed: I have written down as ‘heaven on Earth’ world’s must see destinations. Mary Ann’s patio LA CA …lookin’ pretty darn good to me right about now.
Later gator.
Boy do I ever need an art buddy-someone who lived close by and could hang out at the drop of a hat. *i wish*
That and a glass of whatever you’re having. It looks refreshing and happy-making.
{wistful thoughts}