How fun to pedal around town on a bike like the one above. If I could pull if off without looking like a circus bear I would.
Spring brain is still dreaming about bubblegum, birds, and night air that smells like jasmine and lemon blossoms. If a robin wanted to land in the tree outside my window and build a nest and lay 4 blue eggs inside, that would be okay with me. Just saying.
p.s. 4.4 earthquake jolted me out of bed early this morning, but no aftershocks and no damage. It was moderate, typical, nothing out of the ordinary for we who live in LA. All is well. Had there been 4 blue eggs in the tree outside I would have dashed outside to catch them. Since there weren’t, I slipped back into bed instead. zzzzzzz
That’s a lovely thought, about saving those blue eggs.
Reminds me of Seamus Heaney’s poem ‘St Kevin and the Blackbird’ – do you know it?
You can hear SH reading it in his gorgeous Irish voice on the best poetry site in the world:
Were you scared during/after the earthquake?
Thanks for your sprites as always.
Glad you are okay! I got the “itis” too and I am so READY for warmer weather and chirping birds and pretty flowers!!!
*Stomps foot* I WANT SPRING TOO! I’m so tired of the drab brown of everything. Bring on the green.
When I sit down at my drawing table now I think of the beautiful paintings you’ve been doing lately and I feel inspired. Glad the shakey shakey was minor. xo
Still waiting for spring brain to occur here. But at least the temps are above freezing. And it didn’t snow today…yet.
Spring is clicking in here as well – helped by spring break this week and a weather change this morning. Time to venture outside and start to groom the outdoors. Every year I wish to plant peas on St Patrick’s day and every year it slides by unplanted. Maybe tomorrow. That’s part of spring, lots of possibilities.
I know it’s wrong, but I like the feeling of little earthquakes. I was tempted to get up and stand on the floor, but it was over. So I went back to sleep. Glad about your pretty lemon flower! Spring has sprung