Picture this. A giant gumball machine. We’re talking HUGE. I’m in it thrashing about. Up to my neck in fluorescent gumballs. You don’t know if you should call for back-up. My head’s thrown back. I’m grinning. I’m braying at something. Possibly a neon yellow moon. Or hot pink sun. Don’t call.
It’s spring. In Los Angeles. Birds are singing non-stop. The sun is warm, but not hot. One of the buds on my lemon tree opened. You know… into a FLOWER. A lemon flower people! It is the most intensely fragrant magnificent smelling itty bitty perfume factory in the entire world.
I know how nauseating too much enthusiasm can be, but playing in this little journal has been so…so…g o o d. Color & pattern. Trying out ideas. Row row row your boat…
And now for a total change of pace. The Hurt Locker. Netflix has it. I ordered it a couple of days ago and watched it last night. Riveting. So glad it won best picture! Big surprise: Evangeline Lilly from Lost is in it towards the end. And Ralph Fiennes. Who knew?
Your journal pages really inspire me to try my own. I’ve given it a quick try…nothing that is too gratifying but I know that, with most things of this nature, it grows and becomes more grand as you put your hand to it. I figure that to just ‘get started’ is the best thing I can do. Hopefully, I’ll just get better at it from there…
I am hosting my first art retreat at my place next weekend. One of the things we are going to make are journals. For my sample one, before I put it all together, I sewed in some vintage papers, mostly a variety of vintage wallpaper. It’s fun, and like I said, it’s a start…
Thanks for your inspiration!
Beautiful pages ! Love the brilliant colours.
Love those delicious journal pages! The color! Hooray for color!!! And hooray for spring!
had to get my fix ……….. lovely colors Mary Ann……..by the way Mr. Lucious Maximus and I will be in Patzcuaro from March 26 to the 1 of April…… I will leave word for them to watch out for you…….and wll be sharing our lovely blog wth them…….hope you make it soon down there.
I liked Hurt Locker a lot! It was much better than Avatar (which I liked). Just a better, tighter story IMO. Love your spring time.
i just love these new journal pages. They are so fun and colorful and creative. New class coming perhaps??? hint hint!!
Loev your journals! yikes. mmm, mmm. love them.
lemon trees in blossom!! I can only imagine. Mr R is in LA tonight, texting us of the beautiful warm-ness.
not so much here, but it will happen…
love your colorful playtime
Ralph!?! And I was pretending the film didn’t exist due to fear of possible horrific violence….but Ralph? Who cares then! I’m off to cue my Netflix too…..and so loving your new colorful journal pages….swoon!
awesome, awesome, amazing color!!! It’s fun to see you play!!
Rainy, dank & dreary here In Brooklyn.
Spring is on the way …can just feel it.
Love the wonderful color combos in your book.
Especially love the imagined lemon blossom.
Sassi ;))
fantastic visual descriptions! yes I liked the Hurt Locker as well, did you see District 9? Really good movie too.
Still snowy here but if I close my eyes can almost smell that lemon tree blossom! Yummy pages … full of color goodness!
Wish you had shared a picture of the beautiful little white star that is your lemon tree blossom…
Here – it is snowing – again! Shall I send you some?
Lemons to be on tree – oh my, you lucky thing.
You always crack me up Mary Ann. I can just see you in a giant gum ball machine. We wanted to see Hurt Locker but blockbuster was all out…we watched Precious instead…heavy stuff… but worth seeing… the snow is gone…67 in MN… can you believe it…we are usually under a layer of snow in March…what is left behind however, does not look pretty…grungy grass, lots of mud, dog comes in with some seriously nasty paws…she’s all happy and acting goofy…I think I will join her. Now all I need is that tangy hint of fresh lemon…and I swear it has carried in on a slight breeze…have a great week girl…Rock on!!!!
i love those books you make! so great. so much to see on your blog 🙂
I thought someone put a quarter in the gum ball machine and you were heading down the shute into the hands of some grubby little munchkin! LOL
As for the Hurt Locker…went to see a matinee on the day following the awards. It was perfect to be inside as it was totally raining. Not a word was spoken in the movie theater and not a word was spoken by myself nor Mr. Hubby as we were both drained of breath just knowing this is real life for so many. A very thought provoking film to say the least.
May you enjoy the perfume of your wonderful little lemon tree with it’s blossom.