My sister sent me some photos she took today outside her apartment in Minnesota. First snow of the season. I had just uploaded some shots I took this morning around the casita. Then out and about in Hollywood on my way HERE. Good breakfasts served up by cheerful waiters.
My shots are on the left, hers on the right.
We'll do more of these. I'm thinking of a blog where 2 women do these photo-a-day triptychs diptychs but the name eludes me. Help?
Just ordinary photos, no planning. How cool of a project is that?
This quote from Mary Jean Iron crossed my path this week:
Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before
you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect
tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One
day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow,
or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more
than all the world, your return.
UPDATE: clever readers to the rescue! GO HERE to see the project.
oh normal day!
xox – eb.
yes Mary Ann and YES again – I have followed these two too for some time – and yes again to the quote from Mary Jean – oh yes indeed…
xox – eb.
kelly and linda: EXACTLY the one i was thinking of: 3191. Thanks very much. I’ll investigate the others too. I don’t have the unflagging commitment they did, but would like to play around with this idea either on or off the blog.
I bet this this is the one your talking about:
It was the original and went from a blog to a published book.
Great photos. Jo Horswill in Australia also did this (her blog is mystory). Her link is on my side bar, she did this last year with her friend Janette. I loved visiting her blog and seeing their daily photos at the end of each week in mosaic.
Jacky xox
the Noticing Project is the site you´re looking for:
I have a RSS-feed from them, and every day new photos come in to inspire.
Just like your journals inspire 🙂
Have a nice day!
I remember it too.. hope you find out because it’s great.
Dear Mary ANn,
Received the package….GOOD GRIEF!!! TWO!!!! My daughter just got in from England(hubby in Air Force)…so you must be psychic…..we make perfectly
stylin’ twins!!! Thank you so much. Have your ‘paper
packet’ ready. Will try to get it out this week…son
is getting married on Sat. so may be another week. Don’t give up. Lost all my email(virus) so new address –THANks Again..your the best.
3191 😉 Stephanie and Mav.
I love how you and your sister did them…very cool. You should go for it!
ihanna did it… but I think there were more partners.. Diptych, no?