I’ve decided the best way to return from a fairytale trip to a city as lovely as Lisbon is very slowly. Much slower than a plane would deliver me from a continent and an ocean away. I need a more leisurely route home.
Here are a few photos to tide you over while I recover from the airline experience and settle back gently into the climate and sounds of Los Angeles, the quiet hum of Moss Cottage and my pile of cats.
The travel journal in full workout mode. It was near midnight in this shot, the windows were open wide, street sounds drifted up.
Carol sifts through her growing logbook of words and images.
Night falls over a moonlit city. Up the Elevador Santa Justa by our apartment and up into another world of Lisbon life. We made this trip almost nightly.
We went to FADO houses. We stayed at this one eating, drinking, and listening until 1 am. It was spellbinding. The lights are very dim so the video is terrible, which is why I present to you just the audio. It’s all you need.
Oh do get yourselves to Lisbon soon! In the meantime stick around for many more travel posts to come.
oh my god, THE MUSIC! goosebumps galore…..how lovely. so glad you posted that….beautiful. thank you.
Thanks for sharing. I especially love the moonlight city photo!
Fado … mmmm … I’ve been wearing out a CD by the Portuguese Fado artist MISIA for years now … can’t even go buy another one cuz this one still transports me. I totally also GET the need to come down slowly … I’ve been back from England for a month, still have over 200 pictures I didn’t post, but I haven’t assimilated it/them yet, and don’t want to share til I do. Take your time, Mary Ann … I’m happy to view it as you’re ready to reveal it.
welcome home,MaryAnn….that incredible music….so haunting….missed you and am so excited to see the ‘adventure’ revealed in the days ahead. Thank you so much for sharing…….Missy from the bayou
Wonderful photos, Mary Ann. I’ve followed your blog for quite a while, and appreciate both your art and your enthusiasm for life. Can you share how you found your accommodations in Portugal. I’m planning to go there next year and would like to rent a flat. I haven’t a clue, ‘though, about how to go about doing that. Thanks in advance,
Welcome home, and the music I am listening to now as I type….I feel like I am there (lol) though I am having lemonade. We missed you and you posting…….when does school start,,,not for awhile I hope
Your five billion readers missed you, right gang?
We now get you and STITCHED AND STENCILED?….almost too much to handle.
Do you think that Carol would give me that shirt?
Welcome Home.
That sky, those colors! welcome back, wishing you a peaceful, successful re-entry.
Gorgeous! And yummy cheese and crackers, now I must eat. If you could live in Lisbon from now on, cats and brats notwithstanding, would you? I don’t travel, I migrate.
You have me convinced we NEED another trip!
Glad you are home and looking so forward to seeing all your lovely photos.