I took a break in my solitary adventure for lunch with Dorothy, or as I refer to her Art Tart #1. I'm Art Tart #2. We united 10 years ago in our mutual devotion to all things creative.
She and her partner in crime moved to the village of sand and fog some years ago from the mean streets of LA and into a charming house by the sea. I myself have set my sights on retiring one day in just such a village. Particularly one where shelves of fog rest just offshore, waiting for the right condtions to sweep them inland.
Unlike me, Dorothy has a toolbelt and knows how to use it. She can build anything. Take this for example. I don't know what you call it. How about a napping reflection chamber/ tree house?
Where once was a wall, there is now this. I think it's spectacular to have just such a spot in a studio. And oh what a studio Art Tart #2 has!
A lofty 3rd story perch. On this day the view was of fog, but other days it is of glittering blue ocean. She likes to crank up her IPOD and dance to Ricky Martin, make collages, carve wood, sketch, make soul cards, make digital art on her computer, and about a thousand other things.
If you want to know what else Dorothy's up to she has a blog. I would like to see more women who live vital interesting lives in their 70's, 80's, and even 90's blogging. Wouldn't you?
Wouldn't it be enlightening and inspirational to know what lives inside the minds of "older" women? The good, the bad, and the ugly. I for one, am all eyes and ears.
Dear ART TART # 2….You are the absolute craziest, creativest, most original wild woman I know. And I learned everything I know about blogging and soul cards and the marriage of poetry, photography, pets, color, fabric, computers….ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL …from YOU. What a ride. Now I want to take your online class. But first I have to post a new blog. I keep forgetting. I now read your blog all the time….Love the Mary Oliver….was shocked to see my picture and my messy studio right there on your DISPATCH! But charmed to read the comments. love, ART TART # 1
It is so truly wonderful and inspiring to see a woman who manages to live her creative side.
I don’t know how you think about it, but to me it seems that is so much harder for woman to develop her creative side. Too many demands on her time. I am still struggling setting time aside, i.e. steal it, for my photography.
thank you for introducing us to Dorothy, she is great! I like all of the comments here too. I don’t envy the youngster at 23 who is afraid of becoming an “old cow” although I’m sure I was the same way at 23. The ironic thing we all learn in some way is that age happens to us all – it’s how we handle it that determines our real ‘age’. You and all of the people on this page are ‘young’ in the sense that we are all out here-still doing and learning and joking about it. That is wonderfully refreshing.
Thank you for sharing!
San Diego? where did I get San Diego? You live in LA. I didn’t wear my mask enough today. Yeah, let’s blame it on the spray paint.
I just visited Dorothy’s blog and I think we are kindred spirits. I can’t stick with something long enough to learn it because there are so many things to try! Makes me a little crazy really.
You probably love the fog because you live in sunny San Diego. I’m yearning for some heat because I live in foggy San Francisco. Yes, the fog is beautiful and mysterious, and the last few days we have had sun – not heat, just sun – but sometimes you just crave what you don’t have…
Does 58 1/2 count for OLD? Guess it depends on who’s counting. This is the most free time in some ways because the opinions of others start to really not matter. Getting the most fun out of every moment does. Doing art everyday matters. Connecting matters. Going to the beach fat and white is fine. Going junking is the best cheap entertainment around. Ignoring much…worrying less…going with the flow…sign me a HAPPY OLD BAT
I work with several young people. One who is upset about turning 23 in August. She does not want to become an “old cow”. I thought I am happy to be an “old cow” I love where I am. And I know longer have to worry about becoming an “old cow”. I am just starting to live and am glad to hear there are others out there with me! Thank you for your wonderful blog!
Thanks for sharing the original ArtTart with us. Mostly in my mind, I consider “Do I really want to do this?” and if I don’t, I don’t. Lots of the shoulds and gottas are falling by the wayside. It’s very freeing.
What a smile!!
Dorothy is my kind of gal! I’m 65 years young and I plan to keep making art and having fun for at least another 50 years!!
I love the Ranchland area of Cambria. We’re super fortunate to have a friend with a home there that we stay at now. Fogcatcher Inn…those were the days before mortgage payments 🙂 I love Dorothy’s little nook…What a great guest room!