Rainy morning. I’m savoring each drop of wet. And the idea of an entire day tomorrow to hibernate in my own bubble of dove gray.
Yeah it’s true. This blog has been hijacked by a troupe of banana-eating monkeys. Regular programming will resume. Eventually.
Thanks to an abundance of gorgeous scrapbook paper in our supply cabinet, we made Shoo Fly & Ohio Star quilts this week in math. One on the front and another on the back.
Visual poetry. Made richer by knowing that 4 packages arrived this week from Carol by way of Michele. Carol, who died of breast cancer at the young age of 53 and left her supplies to Michele, who in turn found a good home for them at the little classroom in the big city. (We used her paper in the quilts.) Thanks Carol. We heart everything. We heart it a lot.
The sticker stash is extremely popular. And the images? I really couldn’t have hand-picked a better collection.
The child above has a good eye for balance. I admire her restraint in doo-dad application.
I’ve said it before. I’m deeply fascinated by the images that flow out of this pencil.
From these little boy hands. This ability to draw from the mind’s eye is uncommon.
Image after image just pours out and every single one can be explained. Tiny ships threatening to capsize in oceans wild.
This sketchbook was new a few days ago, but it’s nearly filled now. A bigger one will be provided. Along with a brand new set of Prisma colored pencils (thanks again, Carol).
Such ferocity! I hope he never stops building little fires and sending his smoke signals out to the world.
This week I introduced photos to the mix. More ideas are blooming than I can keep track of. Books to hold stories illustrated with stickers.
Adding lines of typed text to pages in the visual journal. Folded books made from a single sheet of scrapbook paper.
Love letters written to future selves.
I could go on, but I’ll stop.
Oh, that’s what I love too…dove gray! My husband’s business is in L.A. Me and the kids live in Chicago. I don’t know how you all put up with all of that sunshine! It depresses me!
You look like the person I wish I was. Kerry
Your kidlets are amazing! I know that each child is a creative spirit but I can’t help but think how you have enriched their lives – opened their eyes and filled their hearts. I heart you for sharing your heart with the rest of the world. I’ve missed you! I’m way behind in blogland. Nice to start catching up again.
Loving the beanie dude with the missing fron t teeth, he is very cute…and the tiny boat floating above all those scary sea beings… very telling…
Don’t stop, ever. The Carol story reminds me that we go on and touch multitudes we will never know or even imagine. I’ll give you an Amen on the cool, clouds and rain!!!
prismacolor! i just got some!
How can I dare to express the pulchritude of these pages? wow. Look what we can do if we just grow up.
i know you said regular programming will resume, but i truly love seeing these and so want to figure out how to bring them to my daughter’s classroom…and i have to agree…my oldest son can draw those star wars things and tanks etc from his mind’s eye lickity-split…craziness it is
I am absolutely LOVING the efforts of your junior artists. And what an amazing monument to Carol’s memory! New living, breathing art being created by the supplies she bequeathed. A new generation of artists getting their start and helping her memory live on. How fantastic! I wonder what it would take to start a foundation that did just this? Hmm!
By the way, the photo of the Chinatown dragons totally rocks!
I am going to arrogantly assume the Ohio quilt pattern is a tribute to, let me see, ME! Now don’t burst my arrogant bubble.
The kiddles continue to amaze and fuel hope for the future. Such talent and enthusiasm can only be credited to the teacher who encourages it with her own talent and enthusiasm. MMMMMMMWAHHH right back at you!
Look!…our own M.A. is whipping up an army of Creatives to go out into the World with a passion for booking it. Soon, there will be a Department of Books, an Embassy of Books, a Bureau of Books…….
OK, so I’m tempted to just drive over to LA and hang out in your classes with the kids for a week! Looks so fun!
I’ll say it again. Teachers are the nation’s true wealth. These children’s lives are so enriched by having you there. What a wonderful roles to play; making a real difference in the lives of children. xo
The lovely trail of giving….Carol—>Michelle—->You—->Children……
It does just go on and on…..thanks
Missy from the bayou
LOVE how there is a rebel in that group – he made his own pattern!!! LOL
GREAT JOB teaching these kids! They look like they having so much FUN!!!
Yes….do…go on!
please go on! We love it!
totally amazing artists
This made me smile, and tear up a bit too. What a nice tribute to Carol. I think the kids will remember this one for a long time. What a great math lesson, quilts.( So much better than writing out the times tables over and over.) Enjoy your rainy day in LA. You make it look so beautiful. Mary
these photos bring tears to my eyes. i haven’t forgotten about sending you supplies, they WILL get there…
i am blown away by the pages your kids do! they must be so happy when you take photos of them!
you rock for doing this with your kids!
I love the tears of the dove added to “Forever Frends Nelson” page. Each element is perfectly chosen and placed.
pitty pat pitty pat thump thum THUMP!! (heart sounds)
this gets better and better. What do you think would be the response if you printed this page (it’ll take more than a sheet o’ paper) and showed it to the monkeys. They know from your squeals that you adore what they are inventing but what would their reaction be to see work reproduced thus?
I can’t even express how much I enjoy watching the fruits of these little minds and hands. It would be a dream come true if I could be a teacher and get to do any kind of art projects with kids. Thanks for sharing… it just fills my heart with joy.