Armed with glue sticks and brand spanking new scissors, the 3rd grade journaling delegation set about to the business at hand.
These pages are unfinished, but I think they’re off to a fine start. Don’t you? An hour isn’t proving to be enough time, but it’s all we’ve got and we’re making the most of it.
Gradually we’ll add words to the pages, but for now we stick to images, patterns, color, shape.
I’m looking forward to going for a swim in my own visual journal this evening.
One of my little punks decided he needed another book to record the numbers he’s learning in Japanese from the math coach. He likes to visit her during recess. Who has time to play when you’re learning a new language? Not him.
Clever Readers: Lisbon, Portugal is INDEED the location we’re headed for next!
I’ve directed a friend to your blog. She is interested in getting her Peace Pals group at a local elementary school collaging about peace! You’re one heckuva teacher. It’s obvious.
Um, that should read “creator” not “creater”….ooops.
The little feather book creater has graphically illustrated that knowledge gives us wings!
I love the sounds the children made while sorting through the new supplies. We all do that, don’t we, when we start a new project and we are “playing” with our raw materials, whatever they may be. I always think it’s the New-Box-Of-Crayons feeling I used to get Christmas morning when I discovered Santa had left me a brand new box of SIXTY-FOUR in my stocking.
I’m sending you several boxes this week.
These posts always make me cry. (in a good way.) Thank you for sharing them and for sharing the joy.
Your little guy with his feather book here used my very favorite chinese paper!
and you travelling gals…holy moly…off to Portugal!
I would seriously consider a kitty companion for Melly if it were not for my horrible cat allergies.
Charley Harper prints fill my house. Seeing his work in the hands of your “little horses” makes me happy. Spread the magic of the visual journal page to the next generation and beyond. You’re like the sewer of art-y seeds. Carry on.
Oh that sound is wonderful! Ooooohhh. And the feather stroking, how dear is that. 🙂
i found myself just as excited to see what all was there tucked in those bags! totally delightful to hear them, and that you are involving us to peek into the fun with your videos. awesome mary ann!
You have SO inspired me, Mary Ann! I am going to see if I can teach teens at our community center to do this. Of course, after facing creativity + hormones, I may regret I thought of it. Still, your little artists are amazing. I love the feathery numbers book created by the boy studying Japanese. I’d love to see more of their artwork!
That does it! They are having way too much fun and we want to join in. I don’t care if it’s not core curriculum. We’re going to give it a go. Best to do it now before the classes go back up to 30 plus. I’m gathering up my stuff….minus all underwear ads, of course…and sending the first grade punks into a tizzy…
It sounds like Christmas in your class with all the exclamations going on in the background. Their pages are wonderful!
I love the numbers book and his sweet vice describing it AND his sweet little boy hand lovingly fluffy the feathers.
Yeah Portugal! Awesome! Have fun most cool teacher! I love the feathery journal!
Hey I sort of by accident ordered 12 instead of 2 of some new Cosmo Cricket scrapbook paper, could your little punks use them? Email me your po box and I will forward it to you!
Yipee! I was right first time.
Now you have to tell us who the man in the hat was. If it was James Joyce, I’ll have to go and look up what he was up to in Portugal.
I’m so looking forward to your travel journal. If it’s like your Italian one, our winter days will glow.
Oh – those lovely lucky children!
I love the sound effects, the ohhhs and ahhhhs , how delightful to see such excitement and enthusiasm.
all that cooing- do they coo all day or just for the camera?? that kid with the numbers book- don’t be fooled by his age and cuteness, he is a bookie for sure- he said so, he writes down the numbers that she says so he can remember them. really- it all looks great!!
I love their pages. What creativity they have. I love the video. He’s so proud of his little book. How cool is the Math coach for teaching him Japanese? You all sound like great teachers. I’m going to go through my stash and see what I have to send to the creativity pile for your munchkins.
Oh, how sweet!! The way he tenderly touches his feathers – I am filled with joy! Just love the wonder of it all, thanks for sharing your day with us :-)))
I LOVE those coos and exclamations “¡Mira! ooooooo….” (What a lovely mantra) and those plump little hands.
BTW, what do the grand poohbahs at your school think of this? Do they have an idea of how special this is, how VALUABLE what you are doing is?
You are the coolest teacher! I want to go back and do 3rd grade over with you as my teacher!
ditto to the “private video” restriction.
You have acquired some BO-dacious materials to lay upon the journalites. Way to go everyone!
Those glue sticks are probably being consumed fast fast fast! This is what schooling needs to be. Thank you Mary Ann.
I can’t see this. It says it’s a private video and I haven’t been invited.
Fine. I’ll have my OWN class.
Can I be in your class?