Aren’t these folded paper stacks gorgeous? You can find out how to make them HERE. Super simple and so fabulous I think. I’m making them with my craftpunks in the classroom. You need a catalogue that’s stapled, but I also used junk mail that I cut, folded in half, and stapled. Any paper would work.
Tonight I’m going to make MORE with vintage ledger paper. I prefer the densely packed ones more than the looser ones. I’m stacking mine up like layer cakes all around the house.
All you need is a glue stick. I’m digging the sculptural quality.
Buck inspected each one and found them not worthy of his attention. What does he know?
Oh, I luv these!
Is that Buck?? He doesn’t look amused by the paper wonders. He knows they are trying to steal his thunder.
Thye almost do, but don’t tell him I said so.
Alas, I did not win, why oh wise and wonderful number generator thingee do you choose to smite me so cruely? WHY??? I even offered thee chocolate….
At least Mary Ann inspires me to go on. A faithful reader.
i just love this idea and the individual forms and sizes
I hope you took pics of your little angels creating these.
My 17yr old Miss Kitty Mama would have licked or chewed any part that has an adhesive. Her favorite thing to naw on is packing tape-go figure!
Wonderful and inspiring as always!
California snowflakes!
congrats to both winners – i feel like i’m a winner anyways. i’ve spent the past few days going back through your blog, and it’s like i’ve fallen into wonderland. fabulous art journal pages, wonderful stories, and who can forget the cat posse! thank you for sharing so much of yourself.
Well I didn’t win but it was a win just finding your blog. thanks for the tip about the insides of envelopes, already used it to a nice effect. Buck makes a great model, he shows up your art to its best advantage. Mary
always listen to him! he might know more than we do.
these are so cool, but in a bizarre way!
Thanks for taking the time to share-not only the goodies but even better your
words and pics!! Merry Christmas.
Missy from the bayou
Buck was not impressed. ha ha. 😀 Dang he’s a cutie.
Thank you for the give away. No I did not win ,but like you said, I never win anything either, but just being involved was exciting. These garland are the best. Thanx again, Sharon
Congratulations to the two lucky people. I love the paper stacks and thanks for the link, I’m going to give them a go and hang them up at different heights in my studio.
Congrats to the winners and I love these garlands. I may have to try and make some. 😀
I have been waiting to see what you were going to make with the monkeys this year. I’m thinking about making your paper stars using pages from the varied large array of past calendars – AcK!! that means cutting them up, using them!! Ack!
p.s. is typepad changing format again? comment box, etc are diferent.
If you would have used cat nip glue sticks Buck would have liked them.