A blustery bright day in Los Angeles. Good for rescuing the berries from the fridge and making jam. Through the power of Google all things are possible, Amen.
One container each of the berries I had on hand. 1 cup of sugar. Boil until 220 degrees. One jar of summer ready to be refrigerated. Easy as pie. Ready to be spooned out as needed and deposited on the tops of warm toasty things. All winter long.
Great thing about a ROAD trip is I can take as many books as will fit in my back seat. No pack mule needed. Found some real gems today at the library. Including this.
Flying the coop at the crack of dawn! Talk amongst yourselves until I get back.
I’m late catching up after a trip to Canada. Your jam looks jammin’. I’m sure you’re having a wonderful adventure – looking forward to photos and stories upon your return.
I have to let you know – I tagged your blog. I want more people to see it and experience your wonderful artwork.
Enjoy your roadtrip – imagine that, a road trip that isn’t work! Love it.
The jam looks delicious, and the map/book/keys photos is positively enticing – I can hear the road calling 🙂
Maybe one more belly rub before you go will make “him” happy. Oh- and remember to give them all a stern lecture about letting squriels into the house while you not home. Stranger danger and all… Have a great trip and I won’t eat too much jam while you are away.
mmm Love the car trip; can’t wait to see the photos. Be safe and passionate. My heart is in your pocket.
This sounds dreamy. I got about a dozen books at the library today but forgot to start a roadtrip on which to read them! What the hell?!
Oh the jam looks great. Love the book you found, love old books. I found lots of new books at the bookstore last night myself. Can’t wait to hear your stories when you get home and see some pictures. I live through your photos.
I would love to be going ANYWHERE that doesn’t allow people under 3′ tall. And going alone. On an adventure…Enjoy!
Easy as pie. Pie!!! You could make toast empanadas! I thought you had left already. Happy to see a few more juicies (literally in this case) before the car starts.And you can take the jam with you – messy but you are the boss of you so nyah nyah nyahhh
There was a good article on Muir in last month’s(?) Smithsonian magazine. Perfect traveling companion.
wagon ho!