An excerpt from my current reading pleasure, A Ship Made of Paper:
The sky is dark blue and the autumn sun is warm and steady, as if promising that winter will never arrive. A slow breeze moves down the street, carrying the perfume of the slowly dying leaves, a nearby field’s last mowing, the river. What can the world do to you with its beauty? Can if lift you up on its shoulders, as if you were a hero, can it whoopsie-daisy you up into its arms as if you were a child? Can it goad your timid heart, urge you on to finally seize what you most shamefully desire? Yes, yes, all that and more. The world can crush you with its beauty.
Yes, it can. I am smitten. Bedazzled. The drive to school down Figueroa could turn into a day-long photo shoot if I allowed it. But obligation calls. And the squeaky voices of 7-year olds.
My neighborhood is the embodiment of VINTAGE. 100% worn urban vintage.
Not a Virgin Records or Old Navy in sight. Who needs Vera Wang when Catalina has bridal gowns like this?
A place where a person can get completely lost. Or found. Everything is possible through the lens of a camera. Photoshop furthers the story along. Where is it all leading?
In this case, on this day, straight into the pages of my hefty 8 pound visual journal. How did it get so big? My smallest member of the cat posse weighs less.
The weight of paper and paint and glue and odds and ends cannot be underestimated. And how much does RED weigh? I wonder. Surely more than the other colors.
I am redoing the inner walls of my frontal cortex in deep shades of red. Gold sequins litter the floor. The wallpaper and fabric patterns are competing in a fierce battle. What a spectacular gaudy mess things are becoming.
Look. Birds. They’re everywhere. I’m in love with this blog that lives in Mexico. I think you’ll be charmed as well. Head south for a visit to Geninne’s Art Blog
And…drum roll please, she has stamp carving tutorials.
If this is a “spectacular gaudy mess” then it’s the kind of mess I’d like to live in daily. I just want to JUMP IN and SWIM in your blog…
Amazing photos! The ticket stand is especially interesting. I wish I could see my daily surroundings in South Texas through your eyes. I could use a fresh perspective. It’s going to be hard going home.
You have some of the greatest stencils and photos and yes….that FONT is FONT-A-LICISOUS. Where, what, how do you use them on your photos?
enjoyed another inspirational visit here. and how cool is that above font in the book? me want.
I cannot even articulate in socially acceptable English how much it ROCKS!
m.a.~ I am loving your new banner! And these pictures just simply ROCK! I love them…did you do them thru Photoshop? Also, give me some tips about buying the progam, as I gotta ask Santa for it, because you are getting me so hyped up with all these gorgeous picture enhancements and borders and such….
And~you know RED is my new favorite color!
Ah..these photos are marvelous. You do live in a local that lends itself to the camera.
Thanks for sharing..more great journal pages.
ginny took the words right out of my red frontal cortex…
oh you do do it SOOOOOOOOOOOOO amazingly…
yes – the coyote – yes…
xox – eb.
Coming here is such a treat.
You are exuberant with talent…thanks for sharing with us…..
ooohhhh- could you please re-do my frontal cortex too!?!?
lovely pages:)
Quick! run to Catalina right now and see if you can snatch up that dress in the window for me. I want to wear it on the plane when we go to italy so that when we deplane and embark on our adventure I will be appropriately attired.
P.S. grab a tiara while you’re at it.
P.P.S you might want to pick out something for yourself. I don’t want to come off looking like the wicked step-sister to your Cinderella.
I am loving your photos! 😀 My kind of photography….. 🙂 Question… would you be willing to tell me what the font is that you have typed with on the bottom of your photos? I have been looking for THAT FONT for ages… and can’t seem to find it. Would love it if you would direct me? Thank you!
“The world can crush you with its beauty” – what a great line. And your photos are grand, and I love the way you inset them into the card stock, and YES, that font is really cool but I *still* can’t think of anything except a baby coyote.
Yes! Second the question on the font.
I checked and Actions are not available for old PS Elements – I have always figured that since I haven’t explored it well I shouldn’t spend $$$$ on a newer version – even Elements 5.0 – not to mention the real deal PS. So I will plunk around with what I have at the moent. But, since you can use Actions – one of the leapfrog links from your earlier link came up with an action that mimics Lomo pictures:
Is an Action the way you flattened out and heightened colors?
I am most impressed that you have the oomph to make more art after a school day. I tend to slide into TV land too often. Yay! for you
OK…so awesome….now what’s that font???
These are so cool, I need to go figure it out.
exquisite pages as always. so delicious.
How can one tiny girl like you, be so colorful and observant, all at the same time?
Love the photos and the journal pages, but most of all your words. You sure know how to turn a phrase.