Under the music I can hear the rush of cars and trucks
on the highway…
and my fingers drumming out
a running record of this particular June Tuesday
as it unrolls before my eyes, a long intricate carpet
that I am walking on slowly with my head bowed
knowing that it is leading me to the quiet shrine
of the afternoon and the melancholy candles of evening.
from Tuesday, June 4, 1991 by Billy Collins from Sailing Alone Around the Room
This is what fall feels like to me: a quiet shrine I am heading towards. Perhaps in a darkening forest with leaves drifting down, or beside abandoned railroad tracks, or in my bedroom at sunset where I lift my head from my book in time to see the last of the day's light burning orange in the trees on the horizon.
Tomorrow the high will be a mild 72 degrees and the low will be 60. Autumn is pulling into town on Friday.
More mailart arrived in a friend's box in Iowa.
I am thoroughly and completely engrossed in this book. I'm always pulled to stories with dark themes and miserable characters. I enjoy having my heart break a little bit from the beginning all the way to the end. I also enjoy reading about real events then doing a little research and learning more. Like THESE ships filled with Jewish immigrants who were turned away from port after port during WWII. While I'm reading the book I need to keep stopping and closing my eyes and saying, "This happened to someone. This really happened."
Anyway, despite my grim review, you might enjoy this book if you love the marriage of a good story and beautiful words. A perfect combination as far as I'm concerned.
Musically, I am currently drowning in this CD.
These earrings will soon adorn my ears. Diane has some L O V E L Y things in her Etsy Shop. Go have a look.
The Missus is enjoying a moment of respite. Her brothers enjoy chasing her around and around ALL DAY LONG. They insist they do it out of love and concern for their sister's waistline, but I'm not buying it.
Thanks for sharing the book – its on my list now to pick up next.
And the earrings and the cat are gorgeous!
yes… a quiet shrine… this is very – inspired and inspiring me now… ready now for a quiet shrine…
yes my shrine is indeed quiet… enshrining the quiet…
xox – eb.
I agree- you should teach a class on the “how to” of an art journal. I’d be there with bells on or whatever it would take to get me in that class!
I’m reading the same book but I’m only on page 75 (of 582). I haven’t ever read JCO before but I love her style.
How will I ever finish this book in my alloted 3 weeks? Maybe I’d better put my name on the waiting list for it again right now.
I love your journal pages. “a quiet shrine”…what a lovely way to think of Fall. The weather’s just turned cold and a bit rainy here recently…and I have to say I wasn’t quite ready for summer to leave yet. 🙂 But I shall ponder the “quiet shrine” concept…’cause I could use a little quiet (between my ears)…and shrines are ALWAYS good. 😉
that cat needs a belly kiss for sure!
Hi! As always, I love your journals. I am wondering what you use to write in your journals. That top piece looks like pen and ink old fashioned style with neat blobs and stuff. Is it?
ALso, do you know what Artfest is and if so, are you going? If not, you should totally apply to be a teacher there!
Thank you m.a. for such a great post including me~your blog is a highlight to my day! Hey, I was on Judy’s blog earlier, and saw the great package she received from you! How special! I know I saw a Trader Joe’s bag~~~ How does this mail art thing work? I am soooooo inquisitive 😉