Maybe this is why the city shines in darkness and the light drops away from the sky…
A fragment from Music For Landing Planes By by Eireann Lorsung
I love nighttime in Los Angeles. You can hear the soft roar of the city from wherever you are. The cool air starts seeping into the house. The curtains in my bedroom window stir in the breeze. Sometimes helicopters flutter overhead with their rotating search lights. And when it’s really really late you can take drives through the streets and pretend you are starring as a detective in some old B-movie. Or better yet pretend like you and Harry Bosch are working a case together. Maybe a coyote will cross your path as you cruise around looking for evidence. The thing is you never know what you’ll see and it doesn’t really matter. The city is drifting off to sleep and you’re awake driving through it.
Can you tell it’s Friday? Ordinarily I would be tucked into bed by now, but with the weekend looming I’m a free bird. Maybe I’ll go for a drive with the camera and take some photos like the ones above.
Or maybe I’ll make a big pot of black coffee and stay up all night making a mess in my journal.
Or maybe I’ll go stare at my wallpaper rolls all lined up on the kitchen table waiting for the tubes to arrive. Yeah. I think I’ll do that.
yummy yummy wallpaper! Did I hear you mention you were going to sell some of it?? Don’t you just love Friday nights? It is my favorite part of the weekend. So luxurious, knowing you have the whole weekend in front of you. It might as well be a week long. But then there’s the pit in the stomach of Sunday evening…. Have a great weekend and be checking your mailbox frequently.
I can’t stop looking at your journals…you have inspired me to go back to mine…I have given it up far too long…can I ask what marker you used that writes so evenly over everything?
Amy E
(subtly_strange at livejournal)
Oh wow-the wallpaper is eye candy. Um, want want need need 😉 LOL! I Hope you have a great night playing in your journal!!!!
Woah! Those pictures have me awake now LOL