I have a friend with pink hair. She sent me mailart. I love to get mailart. Almost as much as I like Trader Joe’s BBQ Chicken Pizza. No wait – more. Way more! Check out this cool piece by my mailart buddy Randi. She writes books AND she sends me mailart. What could be bettah? Not much in my opinion, unless just as the T.J.’s BBQ pizza is coming out of the oven the mailmain were to stride into my kitchen and put the shiny clear mailart envelope into my hand and say “Bon Appetit” then wink at my reflection in the clock. That would be better.
The photo of the doll is a birthday gift from my extremely talented and gifted genius of a brothah. He makes cool things and gives them to me. The head on this girl came all the way from his head supplier in Germany. He’s made lots of these babies and doesn’t know it yet but next time I’m at his house I’m sneaking my camera in and taking pictures of all of them in compromising positions and then I’m going to post them here.
This is really 3 posts in one which seems to be par for the course since I can’t seem to stick to one topic. My 2nd graders have a really hard time sticking to one topic when they write too. I mean how’s a kid supposed to decide which is more important to write about: his pet chickens, the tooth that just fell out, or who has the most marbles? I’m going to be way more sympathetic when I go back on-track in 58 days. The nuerons of creative people can’t be expected to fire in predictable ways can they? Mine are clicking all over the place.
The journal pages I’ve been posting are all from my latest visual journal which I began in the fall. I’m going to be adding a couple pages to most of my posts. I also have posted a MAIL-ARTIST photo album over there to the right which I’ll be updating sometime today. My favorite blogs are the ones with tons of pictures that rotate frequently. Speaking of blogs, one of my favorte bloggers in the blogosphere is Pam Garrison – One Woman And Her Crafting Tales. If I knew how to put a link in this post I’d do it, but for now you can click on her link under my blog list. Anyway she has an article in Somerset this month that is really good. Mostly I like visiting her blog because it reminds me of a pretty frosted cupcake. Her style is very different than mine, but that doesn’t diminish my enjoyment of gobbling up her writing and pictures every chance I get! There is also a v. cool article on spraypaint by Michelle Ward and Lisa Hoffman which is right up my alley. My cheeks are starting to bulge out from all the blowpens I use. That is not a good thing.
Your brother made this doll? I love it! Does he have an etsy shop or other website where someone who is not related to him might be able to purchase a lovely doll of his? Lucky you.