Can’t recommend this book enough. So so good!

Bean and Bacon Soup!

Hungarian Mushroom Soup!
The owls are still hooting outside my window. The sun is still rising. Autumn is deeping. We’re all still here. Let’s live like this, one day at a time.
I’m not planning to stick my head in the sand about our recent election and our new wannabe strong man. I’m reading the news instead of watching it and keeping current on what’s happening. I’m also keeping my eyes on the billionaire boys’ club and sycophants who worship at the school of tyrants. No sense getting worked up about cabinet appointments and what not until the dust settles. Vulnerable populations are at risk of increased hate crimes and I plan to pay attention.
Now more than ever I need my sitting practice to keep my mind fresh and open. I’ve been walking in some new places, making lots of soup, and turning my attention to the natural world whose leaves and petals glimmer in the early morning light.
In the classroom the usual hijinks are taking place as we prepare to take a week off from school. I’m ignoring what I can and doing my best to remember only what’s important amid the chaos and constant chatter of school life. Now that I near the end of working life I wonder how on earth I lived in a noise chamber for this long.
I’m thinking that a trip to Paris next October might be in order.
I have 6 months and 20 days to go until I stop reporting to work.
When I return from Thanksgiving break I work for 2 weeks then have 3 more weeks off. January is right around the corner.
Everything is right around the corner and I’m getting little jolts of bliss thinking about it, but also jolts of irritation and dread at other things that are set to cross my path. Well that’s just the way of things isn’t it?
On the whole, I think I understand my assignment.
Dear MAM. I am so excited for your retirement! That means you will have more time for your creative pursuits which I hope include more video classes. I miss creating wonderful things. So hard to motivate myself all by my lonesome to be productive. New Year’s resolution is to finish my book sculpture inspired by Alice in Wonderland. I have some fairy lights and gold leaf to dress it up with. All in my head for now though. Hope your holidays are awesome and filled with feasts, family and friends of the non-toxic variety. TTFN
I am loving this for you. I was hoping to find a way to retire/transition to just working in my side hustle in the next couple of years but the election means I need to keep working for the next four years to assure that my son has very good health insurance for as long as possible. I’m worried about what will happen to the ACA.
May I suggest you also try a trip to Sicily? My daughter and I just spent 2 weeks driving around the island clockwise and visiting 15
Different cities and towns, each charming and different in its own way. There are many UNESCO sites to be seen. The scenery is breathtakingly beautiful. The food is oh so delicious. The people are lovely. Prices are cheap and even lower in Nov. You won’t be sorry and you won’t run into swarms of tourists. Sicily is underrated. Put it on your list.i have traveled all over Europe and I must say, it’s one of my all time favorites.
So excited for your retirement. It will be as good as your dreaming about. Your cottage will be perfect and gardening, cooking decorating and art alone will keep you busy. You’ll wonder how you had the time to work.
I retired in 2018 and went to France that end of September into early October. It was Paris couple of days; high speed train to Avignon then onto Arles and back to Paris. I loved it all. Make sure you do it.
Enjoy your blog. You are a funny girl. Loved the wig series too.
Also enjoy your art class and looking forward to taking another soon.
I’ve been thinking about putting soup or stew or chili in a thermos to bring to work. Funnily enough, 12 years ago when I started this job I bought two thermoses, and I’ve never used them. Hopefully I will get to do so this winter!
Paris sounds terrific!
I remember when I was preparing to quit various jobs, every little thing began to get on my nerves in the final days. This too shall pass.
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello you, I’m a long time reader of your blog and participant in your workshops. I just love your writing. I wanted to recommend a new to me newsletter called Tangle written by Isaac Saul. It’s helping me as I now too only read the news. I hope you are well and thank you for your many years of SERVICE in the classroom from one school teacher to another.
Dear Mary Ann,
Like many of your dear readers (and commenters) I too am feeling significant disappointment and anxiety for the future of our country. Being of an age to have much more life behind me than in front of me, much of the despair is for my offspring, especially since they are female. I, too, wish I could leave the country and return to what the US was for me in the 1980’s and 90’s. Of course that does not exist anywhere and so I put on my big girl panties and get on with it every day. I retired from pediatric healthcare this year and am feeling glad not to have to face the day to day insanity that will likely be visited upon healthcare by the incoming tyrant. That said, we will all be at the mercy of it. Okay, on to some more positive thoughts…
I love to open my computer and find a post from you with your lovely photographs and words. I love hearing about your anticipation of your retirement. It sounds as though you have planned well and that you are ready. Those little bolts of bliss that you are feeling now will likely become longer and more frequent the closer that final day comes…
The weather is beginning to cool FINALLY in Houston making for lovely mornings and evenings to sit outside which is always welcome. Visiting my good friend with a fully stocked art studio and working on various fun projects is a fabulous way to spend some days. I look forward to those days the most. Having time to putter around without any time limits is also wonderful. Since I know how you too love to putter about your lovely home with your kitties, I know that retirement is going to suit you just fine. Getting up in the morning and realizing that the whole day belongs to you and that you can do anything (or nothing) you want is sooo pleasing. Just small things like waking without an alarm, knowing I do not have to go anywhere during rush hour, eating when I am hungry, playing when I want, taking naps, etc., etc… all just glorious things.
Do take photos in your mind of those small people you influence when they smile up at you. Those pictures are nice to remember when you’ll inevitably think back. And continue to make some plans to look forward to once you have all those endless days stretching in front of you. Once in a while there is some boredom, but I will say that when I think of being bored, I am still appreciative of the fact that I have the freedom to be bored!!! Then I get out my next book and begin reading.
Keep marking off the days! They will be done before you know it!!
I too am not watching one second of news. I work at not catastrophizing about what our country has done. I am hopeful about pockets of civil disobedience. I decided on doing a collage a day- not matter if it is good or not. We will get through this.
I too am not watching one second of news. I work at not catastrophizing about what our country has done. I am hopeful about pockets of civil disobedience. I decided on doing a collage a day- not matter if it is good or not. We will get through this. I LOVE retirement, started working at 11 years old watching kids for summers.
Welp, nothing is all good or all bad including retirement and election results.
I know I’m in the minority here, but I’m looking forward to at least some of president elect Trump’s promises coming to fruition. We weathered the storm of his first presidency, we weathered the Biden administration and we darn sure will weather a second Trump presidencey. All will be well, of that I am sure.
You already have a gratitude practice, I don’t need to tell you it will go into overdrive 6 months and 21 days from now.
There might be other feelings, too. I still miss the kids, I miss the feeling of being in a rowboat with a bunch of teachers all rowing together in time. I had turkey dinner with the grandboys at school last week and got lots of hugs, I got a note from a colleague sharing one of her kinder’s drawings of “all the emotions he could think of” and one of them was “getting ready to bite” and I had a moment hilarity and then a bit of longing for small people. I took a batch of cookies to share in the teacher’s lounge. Today I worked at RoadRunner doing intake for food distribution to those in need and got to practice my Spanish with some Cubans, some Haitians (?) and some Mexicans. I’m still finding ways to serve where I can.
Catastrophising about Washington DC doesn’t clothe or feed anyone or teach anyone to read. That’s my motto and I’m sticking to it.
Best of luck managing the bumps you have on your horizon, when I read that I immediately thought, “eww, I wonder if she has to get a colonoscopy” jCan you tell I’m overdue and feeling guilty about it? I’m gonna tell my doc I did it once and didn’t like it that much so, no thanks.
Thank you for checking in, you know we’re all counting down with you.
Have to say i’m quite with you on status of the election. I had been so very hopeful, excited and then, yeah well… but like you I am paying attention. Quietly. Being on alert without being stressed. It’s a balance thing. It’s not easy maintaining equilibrium but I’m managing to not fall over and face plant. AT 65 face planting is so NOT what the DR. ordered. Soups looking tasty. I’ve been doing my own batch cookin, made Polish sausage/sauerkraut soup, chili, sloppy joes, and spaghetti sauce. Easy meals, served with some manner of crusty bread. Simple. I’m down to just a few more meals then it’ll be time to make more. Just me and the hubs these days. I hear you on quiet. I prefer quiet over all else these days. Used to like doing everything with tunes playing, now the quiet suits me more. Your world will be ultimately more quiet each day when finally that last day arrives. Paris sounds like a lovely idea. If I could pick up and move to Europe at this point I think I would. But then don’t think the impending chaos will stay within the confines of the states. He’ll upend a great deal of countries in his wake. Yes. Being ever watchful over here in Minnesota. Have a very sweet week Mary Ann.😍
Yes you do, and I so admire you MAM. The time will fly by. Is there a way to access your lists of recommended books? Of late I’ve been reading 5-7 books per week and there have been some good ones, but many of the ones I’ve gotten from the library have been doozies (and not in a good way). Anyway I’m happy for you.
That book sounds like exactly what I need right now… thanks for the rec!
If you are up for a small group to join in, I would love an art retreat to Paris or anywhere! I recently left FL to try new places and it has not gone according to plan w two hurricanes in my path—and then the election—and then my mom died suddenly. It’s been a lot. And yet. Now I too am looking at retirement in the next six months and I feel some sense of freedom and possibility and also remain watchful for those who are vulnerable. As always it will fall to the women to caretake those who need a hand up. And we will not disappoint.
Lovely photos. You will love retirement. I am 5 years into it.
Any chance of a new course at some point?
based upon reading your wonderful blog for years….. Southern or EAST sun exposure, an efficient kitchen with countertops, a front porch & or backyard oasis
and bookshelves in your big room for dining, crafting, reading, thinking will be heavenly….save one wall for rotating photos/works in progress/paintings
a full bathroom which storage is another plus.
and half bath
simple driveway for 2 cars
entry ways from front or back yard also provide space for photos/paintings/works in progress
save space in the bedroom/bed & side tables only
if you have a one car garage, you gain a lot of storage
donating & downsizing are very good verbs
Hi Mary Ann. Your posts are always enjoyed. Since I went to only readable news the last time we went through this, I’m now no news. And no news is good news.
So I’m planning a big change myself. Moving across this big old country back to where I came from. I’m scared and excited. Shooting for next summer. But I’m not on a schedule. I’ve been retired for ages.
Lightening my load … I’ve collected so much stuff but I’m thinking an estate sale will disperse these things to new folks to love them.
Good morning! Love waking up to hearing how you’re moving about the cabin Mary Ann… I agree with Jen…nothing can touch the good time in our heads (regardless of who’s the boss of us)…glad to be on the journey with you…the best is yet to come😉
Have you seen Amy Tan’s latest Backyard Bird Chronicles book? I think you might like it.
A+! Living in our joy really pisses off the tyrants! I plan on making them mad as hell every darn day!!! 🤣❤️👏
Love this👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Beautiful photos. I am glad that your plan to retire is finally going to happen. It will be exciting and new, but you have a plan and are ready, that’s clear. I wish you all the best!
So positive, MAM! I look to you for these wise thoughts when I’ve been worried.
Oh! I thought only we Brits have garden gnomes! Now I know. Although, come to think of it, Amélie Poulain’s Papa had at least one in his garden in Paris.
Oh Mary Ann, Thank you for your eloquent, sensible and doable thoughts and words. My current approach is head in sand with ears covered (try That pose!🤣) I get stomach aches w the contemplation.
I don’t think I approached my retirement w your kind of mindfulness. I hadn’t been planning it until the February parent teacher conferences and my accompanying apologies to parents for the district’s expectations for their little children rang too many alarms for me.
Your delicious anticipation is being enjoyed by your loving followers. Once again, thank you for you.
Beautiful photos! I wish I could walk there! You will live day to day however you wish in 6 months time and it will be forever more.
You are right, things do cross our path that we do not look forward to and there is nothing we can do to stop it happening. That’s life. We just have to push thru them and keep going. If we continue to have a good time inside our head, plotting and planning and thinking up new ideas and things to do that will bring us joy then nobody or nothing can take that away. “Mary Ann Goes to Paris” sounds like a very good idea to me.