I can’t recommend this memoir trilogy enough. Unputtdownable! I’m on Landlines.
Well, it happened. The hour glass now has less sand on the top than on the bottom. Both in general and in terms of my pending retirement from teaching, depending on how one looks at it – I’m nearly there. I can’t wait to be finished. Not with living, with teaching in an elementary classroom. There are a great many things I would rather be doing than trying to convince children to do things they don’t want to do. Oh it has been a long and winding road, but finally the school year is approaching the Almost End. The children are very sparkly and robust. I’m both allowing and bypassing things I wouldn’t normally. Where there’s an easier way to get something done, I opt for the path of least resistance. I wonder at times if this wasn’t the best, most productive strategy all along and why for decades I chose a more difficult route. I shall ponder this not at all. Leaving my teaching luggage by the side of the road will be the easiest thing I have ever released. I am done thinking of it. I will deliberately avoid discussions about the state of education. I DON’T KNOW is my new motto.
Will our current president bring about the downfall of democratic life? I’ll wait until the smoke clears before I panic. Troubling things have been set into motion, but will the courts put a stop to them? I think so. Will he abide by them? Time will tell. Will a 4-year-old brat continue to pick his nose in the oval office while his unelected crackpot daddy gives press conferences to a select group of hand-picked reporters? I don’t know.
I’m retiring in 17 weeks. Here’s what I’m planning to do:
Draw more squirrels & hares. Draw more from life. Draw more in person with other homo sapiens on a regular basis. A few middle-aged mammals can fit comfortably around my recently found table on the back patio. I’d like to get a regular group of LA artists together for draw-a-thons. Inquire within.
I’m loosely planning trips to Virginia, Paris, Dorset, England, Santa Barbara, Mendocino, remote cabins in California.
After 22 years my kitchen cabinets finally got repainted by the wonderful Pato The Handyman. He was at Moss Cottage in January doing a few spruce ups.
Be well, friends. Keep calm. Life is pretty good, even with all the jackassery.
from your excellent vocabulary, writing skills, creative talents and charming, color-filled home (not to ignore you having a heart big and kind enough to teach), i can tell that you must be a wonderful teacher, sure to be on many “my favorite teacher” or “my child’s best teacher” lists. i hope that you will from time to time think back on your career and always feel good about what a positive difference you’ve made in so many lives!
and soon your life will be different, too … in big and little ways that you can imagine and plan, at least in part, and in other ways maybe can’t yet foresee. how exciting!
from someone who is almost three years into retirement (from social work at age 64) and has no regrets about that … happiness for you that you can see “the light at the end of the tunnel” and sending you best wishes for much joy in retirement!
ps … if you are willing to share, i’d be grateful to know the color and brand of paint on your beautiful kitchen cupboards. same if you’d ever like to share other photos showing inside your very charming “moss cottage”. (i don’t think i’m alone in that wish!) please and thanks.
Kathy, thanks!
the paint on the cabinets is:
Benjamin Moore “Hiking Path” 524 in SATIN
you’re welcome. duly earned.
thank you very much for the cupboards’ paint information!
Each morning is like the first day of summer vacation when you were a kid (or adult teacher)!! You are free to wake up however you like and do art whenever you want. So much fun awaits you – and I know you will make the most of it. Absolutely no reason to panic on that score:)) I can hardly wait til you spread your wings and fly free . . . .
Sending hugs from Madison Wi.
Wish I were at your patio table with the other mammals:))
I’m so happy for you! Also, I love your cabinets. Don’t worry about potential panic, I’m doing it for you. Very best to you, MAM!
Sending Hugs,
Dear MAM. I am counting the days with you. I’m is pseudo retirement right now due to disability and spending my time trying to learn all art mediums, because why not? That’s my scattered brain hopping from one shiny treasure to another. Let me know about art meet ups. And I sense a new class brewing in your teapot???? TTFN.
So happy to follow along as you embark on a new journey. Selfishly I hope your new freedom and travels inspire you to create a new class or two to share, or even just allows you time to send out more smoke signals. It’s always a happy day when I see a dipatch from you in my inbox.
Love your destination list… xox
Love the cabinets!
…but who’s counting? wink wink.
Know what you mean about leaving the teaching life by the side of the road. So good to be focusing on other things for a change. Art, books, and travel will get us through this.
I am a retired classroom teacher. 12 1/2 years. I go to schools as a guest worker in the grandkid’s classrooms once in a while. Art type stuff. Smashbooks.
Hands down the best consistent thing ?
MORNING COFFEE. No rush. Fire in fireplace. Jammies. Wordle. Connections. Sloooooow start.
You are almost there !!!
Congratulations Mary Ann!! I am so very excited for you!! Setting down that luggage sounds like a great relief!! And there are so many exciting things for you ahead!! I am looking forward to your upcoming posts!! I do believe I have seen you at Descanco in the past!! If I see you there I will try and have the courage to say hi!! Descanco is one of my favorite places!! Oh, I do love seeing your kitties as well!!
Have a wonderful alibiet wet day!!
Kris Shedarowich 😺
Another fabulous update from you. I love the way you write!!! Especially about current events, both in your world and the wild world around us. Brilliant!
Congratulations on a job well done with those under your care and instruction… I’m sure you will be remembered by many as their favorite teacher. Well deserved from what I can tell. Let the countdown continue!
Thank you for another lovely letter. I am experiencing vicariously the joy of approaching retirement and the freedom it will provide to spend your time as your own!
Also, love the color of your kitchen cabinets! And the coziness of your kitchen.
Be well!
I started Landlines last night! What a coincidence! She writes so well, doesn’t she?
Yes! Each book is so absorbing.
OH MY DEAR AT2 – Congratulations for your years charming the uninterested little ones!
I’m thrilled that you’ll have time to relax and draw and travel and just BE your wonderful self.
You are/were so important in my life in lots of fun ways. Carry on dear friend, love, AT1
I love your kitchen! I’m so excited for your rapidly approaching retirement! Have you read Excellent Women by Barbara Pym? I’ve been reading a lot of British women writers lately.
You will enjoy your retirement to the limit!
I will reserve that at the library, sounds good. Always love hearing from you dear Gwen xoxo
Thanks! I get my pipeline filled with the best books from the peanut gallery belonging to dispatchfromla.
I am retiring April 18th after 47 yrs of nursing. I am excited!😆 I too fear for our democracy. Just watching the news triggers me to have palpitations. We have been through a lot of turmoil in this country and I have faith that we will survive this crisis. We are so divided and he encourages walls, not just at the border. If I was any shade other than white I would be scared.
Oh happy retirement from nursing, Neila! May our democracy survive.
OMG 😲 your Hares and Squirrels!!! Fantastic. Just fantastic. Are you using Tombows on those? Your kitchen cupboards are so pretty. 22 years was a long time to wait though. It is marvelous to read your latest post and how soon you will be free. The jackassery and grift are truly astonishing, disheartening &terrifying…but here we are. I do hope you get to Paris and can take your time there. It is a city that deserves a leisurely relaxed flaneur receptive approach in order to truly “get it”.
I just finished ‘The Saltpath’ and as soon as the 2nd one comes in from the library, I will read that one too. I once had a fantasy of doing that walk… but no more 😂🤣. Talk about the aphorism “My house burned down last night. Tonight I can see the stars.” I found it really traumatizing to read at times. The betrayals by “friends” really got to me.
I would very much like to return to Cornwall and explore it much more deeply. A warm bed everynight and no ramen noodles for me though. There are so many places I want to travel to in the UK.! I hope you too get to all your places. Congratulations on the release from the old life and your launch into the new one.🤗
I too want to explore England more! Have been to Cotswold twice and it was wonderful. Want to do London and Lake District next. Hope you realize your trip!
Nancy Jane,
Watery gouache with colored pencil, and yes, some tombow markers on the squirrels and hares…
I always enjoy your posts, don’t stop please. I don’t suppose you could swing by West Virginia (the best Virginia). It would be so great to meet you . If I was in LA I’d definitely come to your table.
I’ll beam you over in the contraption I’m working on, Sue.
Oh the beautiful toe beans! Thank you for sharing and teaching!!! I love teaching new librarians and library assistants at my library it’s a lot of energy and I’m in awe of teachers that teach full time with classrooms. Thank you for your service. And who knows what is going to happen politically? I love your description. I keep writing to Congress etc. Congratulations 🎉
Love your style: thinking, drawing and living.
What a great opportunity to join you and other like minded artists for days of drawing. Please include me in your list of interested creative people.
Will do, Margarita!!! xo
I’ve added those books to my ever-growing wish list. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to the bottom of it. Possibly not!
Thanks for your encouraging words. I like your hare drawings. Do you follow francescrickmore on Instagram? Lots of lovely hares.
Take care, stay well! XOXO
Thank-you so much for posting the IG Fens photographer. She has a wonderful eye and gift.🥰
Jackassery ! Killed me.
Girl! I am so happy for you. I’m counting down with you.
It’s hard not to panic. So we tend to laugh at the ridiculous.
You inspire me.
You friendship is a blessing.
I have that trilogy by my chair, waiting to be read. The were recommended by my dad who lives right next to the south coastal footpath.And…..did you know that the movie is coming out this year. Gillian Anderson to star.
I can’t wait!! I’d like to reserve a spot at your backyard table!! I’ll save one for you at mine!!