I’m in a bit of a winter stupor. We’ve had a colder, wetter season than any I can recall since 1989 when I moved to LA. Otto and Iris and I have been staring out the window a lot.
I’ve been visiting Santa Barbara county beaches every chance I get and walking beside the early morning shore.
In the classroom we made repeat patterns using stencils. Everyone had slightly different ideas about colors and patterns. They look like spring to me!
Despite the dreary winter days in early March, I tried to get out in all weather and move more. The view of snow on the mountains is worth the climb up to see it. I’ll never break any land speed records, but decluttering the mind occurs whether I’m walking fast or slow.
All of these photos and words have been sitting in my DRAFTS box waiting for me to finish this post, but I’ve been distracted by life.
And cats.
I had the urge to make some envelopes from different papers. I sat at the window desk during one of the many atmospheric rivers delivering water via the great current in the sky. Folding, gluing, tracing, cutting, watching the rain slide down the window panes.
We’re all ready for the windows to be flung open. It’s been unseasonably cool for months.
but we’re hanging in there.
I wrote that a few weeks ago in the middle of a deluge of rain. But with no rain in the forecast and temperatures that have finally climbed above 60 we Californians are thawing out. We’re tentatively sitting outside and getting back to our old tricks of outdoor living. Pulling our heads out from under our shells and sniffing the air.
The extra cool weather and all the rain is no great hardship in the great scheme of things. Moss Cottage hasn’t sprung any leaks, my trees haven’t fallen, and the electricity only went out once all winter.
The air smells good. Like flowers and grass – the kind that grows on hillsides and in yards.
Sprink Break just started, the sun is shining, and I spent today on the back patio with a friend. Sketchbookery is very very good in person.
If there are any homo sapiens on the other end of this digital postcard let me hear from you. It’s always good to know I’m not clickety-clacking into the void. Plus you might want to let me know your spring plans. Where on the great seas you’ve been paddling your little boat. Do you still have both oars? Has anyone fallen overboard? Are you happy? Can you see my smoke signals?
Let me know.
Dear Mary Ann, I love it when I see your posts.I have long covid and currently finding hard to motivate myself to do physical tasks around the yard. Living in Southeast Brisbane the garden grows like jungle.I go for short walks with the dogs, and relish in the beauty of other peoples yards..especially the flowers.I do love your cats too.
Hi, I’m quietly watching from PNW, as it rains with my two new kitties nearby (Calico momcat and Orange Tabby soncat). You are not typing into a void. I’m here, being encouraged by you.
I love your postcards. They always brighten my day.
Mid-April and spring has FINALLY sprung here in Montreal after an ice storm last week that left us without power for 5 days. Winter is way too long here.
But the sunshine and warmth have inspired me to pull out my sketchbook and all will be right(ish) with the world.
Hello from Georgia! I have followed you for years and years, and took several classes from you. Your blog is always a delight…great photos, fun cats, art, flowers, and tons of inspiration, and of course those smoke signals! Our spring has been wet and chilly but that’s okay with me as I know once summer gets here it will be hot and humid and I’ll lose all energy.
I’m turning 80 this fall and still love art journaling, collage, and stencils…much of that because of your influence. Thank you for many years of enjoyment.
What a pleasure to hear from you, Janet. I’m glad you’re still on the arty path with all of us. We just read about the Georgia colony in Social Studies today and how it was meant to be for poor folks in debtors’ prisons – a place to come to work the land and be farmers in the new world. Alas, it didn’t work out that way, but the kids thought the idea was a fine one!
Zelda here — retired from teaching a few years ago and then went back for two years after COVID devastated credentialed staffing in our area as many teachers took early retirement. Now I’m getting ready to re-retire! My partner and I live in Oregon, Just south of Portland, but I was raised not far from where you are, I think though. I grew up in Eagle Rock. Love seeing my hometown — and Santa Barbara — in your photos. We’ve had a cold, super-wet winter like you all, so we are looking forward to some family trips this summer, including scouting out retirement homes in New Mexico, where hopefully the sun shines more than it does here lol.
Some would call where I live Eaglerock, but it’s technically North Highland Park. Just south of the 134 freeway. That’s my hood. Love that you grew up here, Zelda. Dottie, my sister lives in ABQ and is crazy about New Mexico. Lots of blue blue skies and sun. I hope you find exactly what you want there. xo
I have enjoyed your blog for years and this and a couple others inspired me to start Sketchbooking (and spray painting, and book making). Health and life have interrupted me at times but I keep coming back to it. This summer I will be traveling to New Zealand for several months to help settle my daughter in to her new job and life (transitions are hard). We lived there years ago for a year when she was little but before I journaled. This time I’m looking forward to going with my paints and journal in hand. So excited to begin dusting things off and choosing my supplies. Neuropathy had taken its toll in the last few years, so this will be a whole new endeavor. Thank you for your inspiration, not just in journaling but in your approach to life!
Hello Liz, I remember you from the old days! Of course the little pic helps. New Zealand sounds green and gorgeous. Enjoy. May you move freely with strength where so ever you go!
Receiving your smoke signals here in central Florida! Always a treat to hear from you whenever you want to share..
Winter is our dry season, but global climate change feels like it’s making this one more dry than most. I’m headed back across the pond for the snowbird migration to Scotland in a few days. After two years of trying to be a full time middle-aged expat, I decided balance was dividing time between Scotland and Florida. I spent many decades bemoaning my fate of living in Florida, and it took living in another country to make peace with it. I now know where my home is, and it turns out it was right under my nose all along. Thinking there’s a book in this that’s not as eye rolling as Eat Pray Love (it needed to be said.) I’m advised fiction is my best bet as I can create hybrid characters, invent stuff as needed to tell an amusing/poignant/slightly cautionary tale of ‘woman finds love, quits job of 34 years, moves to another country, finds home was right where she left it all along.’ Inspired by true events…but nothing I’d personally know about of course…wink, wink. I would like it known that my poor besieged state definitely suffers from the most supremely bat shit crazy governor, and too many trees being knocked over.
I will be first in line to buy that book. Do you move with the seasons or randomly hippity hoppity back and forth?
Mary Ann, to answer your question, I migrate with the seasons – Scotland from April to October, and Florida November to March, more or less. I’m back in Scotland as I write this, where it’s been grey for days, but the cherry blossoms are gorgeous!
Hi MAM! So nice to see a new post from LA! I had hoped to visit grandson and girlfriend in Sacramento in early 2023 but the storms made that that not a great idea. Life and weather here in MD has been and down, but nothing to make us shake in our boots like so much of the US. Weird, weird weather and on that note, strange event. One marriage ago I lived in Malawi and there was/is just one road from the capital Lilongwe (our home) to Blantyre the main city. Well I saw a photo in our local Annapolis paper !!! that the recent cyclone had made a massive sink hole on that road! In my two years there we never had one storm or much even rain. But a cyclone?!?!?! Sadly many deaths in this very poor country.
Right now I am just managing to keep sane with life with a 16.5 granddaughter we are now raising since Jan 6 2021, not the most auspicious day to arrive but so good she is out of harms way. I have had to cut back on a lot and most of my time is spent clearing out stuff to give me room to breath. She and dh are now in Mesa AZ for a spring break visit to his family and the cat and I have, as you say, no demands from other humans though the cat is confused with only me. I do keep my hand in the artistic world working on my third digital Project Life album of Lotus’ life here. I do it mainly to keep me happy but I plan to get Blurb Trade Books for her – if and when she moves on to a life of her own. As I am 78 and dh is 83, we hope we can hang in til she is somewhat settled. I retired at 62 and do not regret one day of it!! not one! Fortunately we did a lot of traveling in those years and had planned to continue in 2021 but granddaughters & Covid’s arrival put a halt on that. I mainly dream of being back in Italy and London…but always Yorkshire, the place I was the happiest in my adult life and the home of my heart. More smoke signals anticipated!!
Oh Yorkshire and all of your beautiful past, present, and future lives, Maureen. How good it is to be HERE with all of it. Every single thing. Keep your eyes on the sky I feel another one coming soon.
Mary Ann, I so enjoy and appreciate your posts. They bring me much joy, and I’m grateful that you’ve continued blogging and sharing your life and beauty with us. If (and only if) you feel inspired to share: Who are some creators in any category who bring YOU joy? (Preferably bloggers or YouTubers because I’m not on social media anymore.) For example, I believe I learned about Benita Larsson through you, and she’s now a favorite of mine, so I’m curious to hear who else lights you up! Sending you virtual spring daffodils and warm lovely thoughts from Seattle.
Hello Deb, some Youtube sensations that I love are Martjin Doolard who is rennovating stone cabins in the alps. Jonna Jinton who lives in Sweden. And the Unexpected Gypsy. Sometimes I also like Bealtine Cottage. That’s who I can think of off the top of my head! Wait one more – Choki who is from Japan. Only one of these channels is art related, I watch U.G. because I enjoy her and her partner so much. She spreads kind positive messages. Oh yeah…anything by Tara Brach and sometimes Jack Kornfield. Wait…I keep thinking of more. I enjoy the young couple who used to be van lifers – Eamon & Bec. I never miss an episode.
I just finished 2 seasons of The Morning Show that I thought was excellent.
I’m out here receiving your smoke signals. I had my 54th bday on the first. I’m examining my life and figuring out adjustments.
happy birthday Tina!
Thanks for the fun day!
MA, finding one of your dispatches in my Inbox is the next best thing to finding an actual letter from a real and caring person in my mailbox! I appreciate that you make time to check in since the older we get, the more precious our time becomes.
Recently read Remarkably Bright Creatures, which I was prepared to drop as soon as it became formulaic and trite. Instead, it was surprisingly touching with wonderful character development. I think you might also enjoy Nothing to See Here…cleverly amusing and unpredictable.
Classroom faux tile mosaic is fab! Wonder how many kidlets will incorporate some form of reading/journaling/art in their adult lives because you were their teacher?
Springtime greetings from PA Amishland, which is being demolished to make room for more cookie cutter subdivisions at an alarming rate. I fear fresh food will become a true luxury before the end of our time on the planet. Keep those engaging and hopeful messages coming; we need them!
hello marilyn,
where’s my pack of gold stars?
just back from a week in Santa Babs. Love logging in and reading this. I will reserve those books on the Libby app. Can’t thank you enough i’m in need of something good! So much we take for granted may be gone one day. let’s keep saying a big thank you every day.
Hello, MAM! Been thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing. Here in Pa., it’s spring one day and winter the next. Today’s a spring day and tomorrow will be as well.
I’m looking forward to my UK visit at the end of next month (!). I really ought to be putting my travel journal together, a la Ticket to Venice. I went through my papers a couple weeks ago and sorted them out. Got my Cavallini & Co. posters/wrapping paper for the covers.
I have 34 days of work until I leave. I’ve got the countdown on my calendar. First time I have been anywhere since 2019! XOXO
sounds like a marvelous time you’re having anticipating your trip. enjoy every second now and once you arrive!
It has been a long wet winter in Southern California. Love reading and seeing your photos. Thanks for all you do.
Hi Mary Ann, I always love seeing a post from Moss cottage. It brightens my day. You are having my WA weather and I woke up to snow falling this morning. Enough I say ENOUGH! We have not had a nice Spring, very cold. I have been sewing needle books and trying to keep up with my watercolor paintings. Just waiting for the weather to warm as I can hear my seed packets screaming,”Let me out…plant me.” They are getting louder every day. Would love to be on the beach in Sant Barbara but for now I will be there through your photos. Thank you my friend.
Enjoy the winter wonderland. Spring will get there soon enough. Once you get some steady sunshine you’ll be high as a kite like I am right now. Your needle books and watercolors sound lovely. I’m leaving for Santa Babs in the morn. xo
A dispatch from MAM never fails to brings me joy – thank you for the Monday morning lift. I too have thought of you and all the rain, especially after seeing the wall literally come down on your street.
Hola and howdy-doo from Fort Worth, Texas – where the weather, and all state government officials are bat-shit crazy. April is my birthday month and it should be a profusion of lovely days in the low 70s. Instead, we have tornado warning, big swings in temperature — in the 50s last week and today it’s going to be 93. Oof. I’m counting down the days to a staycation next week that includes sitting on the patio drinking watermelon mint tea, reading, and doodling in my sketchbooks. Sadly no personal travel this year and only one work trip, but since I work for a travel agency that sells high-end group and individual incentive trips, let me just say this is the year to sit out. The demand is so high it’s like drinking from a fire hose to get everyone booked. Hotels are full, flights are full, seats are eye-popping expensive due to all the pent-up demand to go somewhere, anywhere but Italy (most of all). Australian cruise to see the solar eclipse, Vietnam, Iceland, London, African Safari…it’s bonkers.
I can almost smell the ocean in your picture. I’m imaginging walking down the path to the empty beach with a cool breeze and the sound of the waves – heavenly. It’s lovely getting to tag along on your journeys.
Kimberly…yoo hoo. so great to hear from you. Wow 93 sounds so hot so soon. I haven’t traveled anywhere since 2018 – to Venice at Christmas time. It was a wonder and I carry those days with me still. Since then I’ve been up and down our golden state. I love her so much. Take good care and thanks for your dispatch.
I’m in the Sierra Foothills between Sacto & Reno. Depending on your microclimate, this spring we’ve had 3-6+ feet of snow, atmospheric rivers, hailstones, below freezing temps, trees falling, roofs caving, power outages and lines down, and our county declared a Federal disaster. We’ve also had neighbors helping and rescuing neighbors, first responders giving 1000 percent, days of bright sun in screaming blue skies, daffodils and blossoming trees. Living the Dream.
So lovely to see a post from you and pics of those adorable kit kats. I love reading about life in Los Angeles, and your travels outward from there. After 28 years in Austin TX (hubby’s birthplace) We trekked 2,000 miles back upstream, returning to my home town Boise, Idaho, & where hubby & I met 50 years ago. Both retired now, just spent our second winter here & it has been a doozy. It snowed on April 1st! Nothing like so many other parts of the country & even back at our place in TX. We are living the dream here in Idaho, both of us gardening up a storm, weather permitting. I am still unpacking household goods and art treasures & trying to find places to hang stuff in an old rancher house we bought ten years ago. Front and center in the book cases are journals & sketchbooks from the days of MAM classes.
Keep the smoke signals coming dear girl.
Barbara dear, I’ve never been to Boise, but imagine it as a fresh green place with big skies and incredible wild spaces. I’d like to pull up a chair near one of the bookcases and turn the pages of your handmade books.
Savor those delicious days of retirement. I hope to join you in a couple of years..
Ahoy, MAM! Sending up a flare from up the coast in PG. No trees down, no leaks but plenty of blackouts (stopped counting at 12!) Like you, walking the coast (we’ve got a large raft of otters out there right now) when I can, sketching and keeping busy indoors while the wind howls and the rain pounds. Grateful to be safe, warm and dry. Heading up to see the tulips in Skagit Valley this week and then further down the line, planning an extended stay in Norway (Oslo) for June as my daughter will be spending the entire summer there.
Norway! Oh Norway! Thanks for the flare, Linda. Give my love to the otters xo
I look forward to your emails and posts with wonderful pictures and words of wisdom! You, your art and kitties make me smile!!! Thank you!!
Yes. I can see your smoke signals and so a wave and hidey HO from Minnesota, where spring has decided maybe it’s not worth it this year. After a week of melting our heavy layer of snow, 9.2 ” arrived Friday night, after first heavy rain, thunderstorms, an inch of hail and then the snow. Heavy, incredibly wet stuff that was difficult to shovel. I stayed firmly planted at home till some kind neighbors dug out my driveway. The hubs got out early for his part time gig at HDepot before the plows created a 3 foot wake along the curb. No one was going nowhere fast at that point, even snow blowers were having a hard time cutting through and we don’t own one. But yesterday it was 50 and it began to melt. Oh but wait, we have more heading in from the west, this time with it’s sights set on Northern Minnesota. Us here in the mid section are going to get rain. I fully suspect we will be going from winter right into summer. Cuz that is often how things roll around here. For now I’m over here floating on a layer of melting snow and ice, both oars present and accounted for and no one is missing, except maybe my mind. 🙂
I saw your mind earlier. She had an icy ribbon of snow trailing behind her, but otherwise looked v.v.v. happy. xo
Frequently see smoke signals from down your way. We are teased with warm and then chilly days with wind, which tells us to go ahead back to the books and blanket, here in the Northwest. Jeanne is off to the netherlands for more creativity……enjoy the iris, we do have some Azaleas blooming.
Mary dear, I bet you have rhodies too or soon will have. books and blanket sounds comforting. xo
Hola MaryAnn! Many moons and two moves have happened since I sent you a note. Though I haven’t responded, I have read and enjoyed each blog! (I’m happy when I see there is a new one waiting for me.) The photos in this one are especially wonderful! All that rain you’ve gotten has removed the smog. Who’d have ever dreamed of that?
So excited for you thinking of retiring. Making that decision was, for me, the best thing! As an art teacher in public schools for 21 years, all my creative energy was used inspiring kiddos — too tired to do my own art. Fortunately, it hadn’t left me, just been put on hold. Now I am so grateful to be doing my own art. No lesson plans or discipline problems or teachers’ meetings, either. Bliss. I hope your plans continue for the perfect time to switch trails!
Thanks for your wonderful blogs!
Oh I do look forward to a life without meetings, without the ever present needs of small homo sapiens, without dodging the demands of the big ones. Enjoy your art making and overall freedom from the salt mines. it’s good to be steering one’s own course.
I am always looking for your smoke signals because they always make me happy. Even your nostalgic-with-maybe-a-twinge-of-sadness ones. I know of longing for sun and blue sky up here in the Packfic NW!
Oh yes you do, Diane. Glad you picked up my transmissions and now I have received yours. so all is GOOD.
LOVE the tiles. If I lived near the shore i would be out there whenever possible too. Hopefully the golden state is back now to golden weather.
I love those tiles!!! They would make a fabulous backsplash in my kitchen!
Winter has been hanging on here, too and I am feeling the effects…but it will pass. Thank goodness for my sewing studio and endless projects!I so enjoy your pictures and comments and the kitties
Form a homo sapien in Wisconsin
Mary Ann it’s always a joy to read your posts!
Thank you so much for sharing your life/creativity with us!
I’ve booked my flights to Venice this fall… I love all the planning and prep work. Daydreaming of Venezia is always part of the planning!
Venice. Please give her my love. What a joy to be planning a trip. sigh. enjoy every minute of the before, during, and after.
Hi Mary Ann–Love the art that your class did! Glad the cats are doing well. I have nothing much going on this spring, but it could change (hopefully). – Deb
Thanks for the pics! I was inspired by your paintings using gouache on black paper… why did i wait so long to try it!? loving this near venture
I was a primary schoolteacher for 30 years so I understand both your love for the “job” and eagerness to retire. Since retirement,I have pursued so many fascinating activities ( many enjoyed by you). I love your writing and always look forward to your musings and beautiful gouache paintings. Yours is a unique view of the world and I love it.
Thanks Paula, I’m looking forward to retirement. I can taste it.
So good to hear from you, Mary Ann. I worry and wonder about you in all the weather that we hear about California on the news. It seems it is wild everywhere, but we have been fortunate so far in Florida. I am over the moon for your stencil board! What I would not give to have a tile pattern like that in my home. So fun. The envelopes are a delightful rainy day project too. As I near my retirement age, uncertain of where to go and what to do next, I look to you for inspiration. Hope the kitties are eating well and growing out of the allergies. Much gratitude from FL, where it seems everyone has gone bad shit crazy.
Beth I am pinning a gold star on your collar for sending me a note. I’ll keep you and everyone else posted on my retirement journey and where it leads. Iris and Otto are thriving, no allergies. But maybe now that I’m opening the windows more they’ll return. I won’t think of such things. Let’s press the delete button on the bat-shit-crazies. xo
Greetings from Arizona. We’ve had much the same weather as So Cal this winter, though the quantity of rainfall is mostly less. Y’all have taken the brunt of the storms. I’m still mostly socially distancing with my higher risk status for infection. Last year I start (and finally finished) a knit temperature blanket. This year I took the same color ranges and am crocheting daily on the blanket. It’s more of a joy in the cooler (can you really say colder in AZ???) months of the year. It’ll be interesting to see how July and August feel under that weight!!
Thanks for the update on your status. I always appreciate seeing the glimpses of your days/weeks…..
Oh I always love getting your missives with all the beautiful photos of home, art, cats and the coast.
I live in Florida and it’s beautiful, but dry. The bougainvillea flowers fly on the breeze and the Black Belly
Whistling Ducks fly in formation right overhead. The palm leaves rustle in the breeze and fairy gardens
are around with twinkle lights at night…
I just finished a rubber stamp swap on the subject of Seed Packets…
I did Painted Flower Seeds and included a mini watercolor set in the envelope that was
stamped with art brushes and painted with watercolors. I am also doing the #100DayProject… which
for me is a watercolor postcard a day. Quite Fun. I am working my way through the color wheel at the
same time. I am a letter writer and belong to the Tampa Bay Letter Writers group. I loved those hand
made envelopes you were making.
Happy Poetry Month! Happy Letter Writing Month! Happy Earth Day!
Enjoy your Spring Break!!!!!
Sending flowers and sunshine your way….Ladyfish (Lynda)
Just returned home from a week in Pasadena visiting my son. Gorgeous weather almost all week. 90s in Florida this week. Bummer.
Love reading the happenings in and about Moss Cottage! My little boat is adrift at the moment. A season of uncertainty. I can reach for a drawing implement or needle/threads and scribble for a bit to experience my true north. Learning confidence to trust what my heart says is true! Someday I will pitch the oars and let the wind carry my sails, maybe today…. Sending hearts in your direction!
i’ll look for the wind in your sails and steer towards you. if i can find the other oar this will be easier. i like knowing you’re out there.
Thanks for the dispatch. Glad you and the felines are well. I have visited California to see my sister. She lives up by Santa Rosa and the weather was cold. Most of the rain fell at night. I haven’t done much art but I’m always hoping I will again soon!
So happy to read your latest missive. Here in my part of Pennsylvania we are greeting Spring with open arms. We have had a weird winter too…. No snow to speak of which would have been normal. Just rain, followed by unseasonably warm followed by very cold. It can’t make up its mind. I am in a decluttering mode of sorts but having a hard time getting rid of things. I “might need them” syndrome has set in. The daffodils are almost done… the forsythia is in full bloom and the grass will need moving before we know it.
I had just been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing out there in what seems like, to me, a really crazy weather situation in California! Wisconsin has had what I call a normalish winter in that we have had more snow than we have had in many years. I have no complaints about this and have enjoyed 😉 it.
The stencil making you did in your classes look fantastic. I wish I had had you as my art teacher in grade school. Clearly you have impacted the creative life in a kickstart positive way for hundreds of youngsters over the course of your teaching life. Brava!
While I no longer have my crazy cat lady credentials, do so enjoy seeing the Otis and Iris photos and hope their health has improved under your care.
It is always nice to see your letters in my in box. 🙏 🤲
O & I are just now racing through the cat tunnel, barking at birds, and preparing for their late morning naps. Always a pleasure to hear from you, Nancy Jane.
Your blog feels like the best treat for my Sunday scaries. Only 7 more weeks to school teaching for us here in Alaska…still have both paddles but am certainly turning in circles now. Thanks so much for your clickety clacking!
Hooting and howling over your boat turning in circles. Yes! mine loves to do that. I thought it was just me. Remind me of where in Alaska you teach and what grade. Our last day is June 9th. Do I hear an “AMEN!?”
Heading into cooler weather here in Brisbane, Qld. About time too.I am nearing the end of a challenge to swim 25 km (over a month)I manage about 1 km a day as I near the end of this journey.Raising money for Reach Out, to help get more councilling services to reduce the appaling suicide rate in the 16-24 year olds age range.
On a lighter note.I love your cats, and envelopes..am off to the pool now.best wishes
swimming for a good cause. that sounds splendid and so good for you too, Wendy.
I’ve been a stranger. Sorry about that. I have excuses and reasons but none of them ring true. I’m getting older. I AM old already so getting older seems like a new kind of an adventure into the great unknown. I play in my sketchbooks a lot but mostly I procrastinate, avoiding whatever seems like work or effort. I’ll be moving soon, into my terminal home next door to my daughter so she can keep an eye on me and keep me out of mischief. It’s really hard to say goodbye to quite a few art supplies and my notes from several of your classes….. and how could I possibly say so long to my carefully carved stencils? I might need them again someday. But life marches on. I’ll be in the farmhouse if you need me.
I need you Jo. Coming over to your farmhouse this morning for coffee talk. It’s hard to move especially when you’ve been keeping house in the same spot for decades. I’ll dispatch a team of elves to help you do the hard stuff. xo
It is so good to hear from you Mary Ann.
The cats look so adorable. You must enjoy them so much.
I enjoyed the warm weather this weekend in Redlands with my sister and her husband. It is beautiful up there. I enjoy seeing her and the hills. So green right now. And the mountains still have snow. Gorgeous!
I don’t think I’ve ever been to Redlands! The hills sound lovely. I may have to drive out there sometime and have a look around. I love the snow on our mountains. SO GORGEOUS!!!!!!!
Always good to read your posts. I’m an ex Angeleno (Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena) now living in North Carolina so it’s especially nice to see posts from our old stomping grounds. I’ve been doing acrylics for several years but moved recently and lost my garage/studio space to be messy in so am now exploring watercolors—so much simpler setup/cleanup though not nearly as forgiving as acrylics. Your place looks so cozy!
howdy Helen! enjoy your watercolor explorations. someone down below in the comments mentioned a class she’s taking that she really liked.
It’s great to hear from you. I’ve been worried about you with so much bad weather news out there. I love tiles with stencils your students made and hope you will share method details. I also enjoyed seeing your homemade envelopes–so original and unique. You’ve inspired me a great deal over the years I have been following you and taken a couple of classes. You bring a lot of joy to our very troubled world. Maybe bauty will save us all. A great book suggestion I recently enjoyed is “Becoming Duchess Goldblatt.”
Oh thanks for the book recommendation, Betsy. I’m currently reading something not exactly worth mentioning. Just so-so
Here’s to beauty and love and nature saving every last one of us.
I’ve returned to my RV on my Island property from a long winter hiatus. I have cleaned, sorted, discarded and organized. I love my little home. Spring has sprung here in the Pacific NW so I have seedlings sprouting under lights in the bathroom while waiting for the deer fencing to be installed/erected/set-up. But wait! Is that? I think…I think I see smoke signals…thanks MAM.
Can you see pods of orcas from your windows? Ima need some more information on all of this island/rv business. It sounds marvelous. Blow kisses to the deer and all the other animals.
So happy to receive another missive from Moss Cottage. Always puts a smile on my face. Walking with my friends between rainstorms. Trying to finish about 8 more lessons from Watercolor Live, watching the replays and painting along.
I’ve loved this rain–SO much better than our sizzling summers. Our lavender, California lilac and the dried-out looking succulents that I got last year, all look great–oodles of flowers! You’re better than me about getting out to walk in the rain. My doggy and I have been taking only very short walks between showers. Yes, it will be good for doggy and me to get back to more regular five-mile walks/hikes, but meanwhile, I’m not complaining! I’m even finding a little time to work on art!
the california lilacs are outstanding this year – blazing stands of blue and purple. love them! we’re getting some misty dampness this morning, but should clear up by noon. that’s when i’ll walk.
How are you not making a living by being a writer!? I just love reading about your life , California, the weather, the flora and fauna. It feels so different then my northern New Jersey/suburb of NYC life. You truly portray a different world. I love it. As for me, I blew out my knee and am hobbling around trying not to cancel Passover for the second year in a row. Last year’s orthopedic disaster was a broken wrist! I keep thinking that if Moses could part the Red Sea then, I can push through. Will be in touch xo
oh you can absolutely push through. you’ve got Passover in the bag! But if not, shall i send my private electric jet (it’s tiny) to collect you and bring you to me in the netherlands? we’ll rent one of those boats and float along the canals and this time i won’t make you lay down so you’re not blocking my view.
I do enjoy your despatches a lot, here in Sydney, Australia.
After a long and busy life l am now enjoying retirement in more or less good health, knitting, crocheting, puzzling and talking to friends. Just in the last few days l have been in the mood to knit bears. The first one was a sample for a friend’s woolshop, and then l just l just kept going, 5 so far, but that might be it for now. Tried to include a photo here, but the internet gods won’t allow it. Ah well …. 😁 Maybe some other time.
Bye for now.
❤️ Tia
knitted bears can save the world. i’m sure of it! email me a pic. link is the envelope icon at the very bottom of this page “find me here”
Always good to get your updates. San Diego is having the same weather. I am in a minority but I love the rain. Everything feels so clean and the air is always crisp afterwards. The sun was out today and it was an absolutely gorgeous spring day.
I gardened a bit and threw the ball for my dogs (yes higher maintenance than kitties), talked to my daughter who returned from Big Bear, still lots of snow.
Beginning to plan a retreat to England in June with a friend. We are going to a workshop taught by Mandy Pattullo. You MUST Google her. That’s about it. I wonder often where Pam Garrison is. I follow your blog and know you used to see her. I’ve taken workshops with her but cannot find them anymore. Take care🥰
Hello Jennifer,
I am sure my friends Mary & Syd know who Mandy is and have taken her classes. I think you’re in for a real treat. How good to be traveling again. My longtime friend Pam is alive and well and living her best life.