Hello gentle readers. Here I am I’m popping into your mailbox on a fresh breeze of November. October came and went with me absorbed in the trance of living. And now on a cool & sunny Sunday in the city of angels I am ready once more to scribble out a postcard.
Here I am. This is what I’ve seen and done since last I wrote.
Witness the mind. A veritable light & color show in flux every second of the day. No charge for admission. although what you watch can have a tendency to reduce you to tears, fill you with dread, joy, or irritation. It all depends on what’s playing. Travel through the depths at your own risk. Mercifully, or perhaps regrettably, it all passes. A technicolor cloud, gone before we know it.
I’ve invented a few new walking routes. Down sidewalks slanted by tree roots. Up stairs paved with dried leaves. Walking in autumn is a pleasure. I wish I could do it every morning, but alas, there is school. Meetings, kickball, multiplying exponents. I wonder what it must be like to stay home and be eternally domestic. A different kind of work. In a few years I think I’ll try it.
Relocation Out of the Sprawling Metropolis. That is the chapter I’ve read the most in my own LA story. I’m being called to smaller, quieter, cooler places. Let’s see where I land.
A transmission came across the wires recently. I tune in regularly to see if I can pick up a strong signal. But my transmitter is unpredictable and frequently picks up static and squelches. I patiently turn the dial. Usually nothing, but the other night the stars hung lower than usual in the sky. The moon had set. Something came through.
Signals coming in strong from the north central coast. We’ll see how it pans out. For now I’m researching and checking the listings.
The mystery location:
My current location:
Moss Cottage looks like a doll house in the photo above. Bottom half of the picture on the left side. A needle in a haystack.
I can’t imagine ever leaving. But I think about it all the time.
Meanwhile the sun is setting earlier. And look at us. Here we are talking to trees, knitting sweaters, sitting on our porches. Being here now.
Let me know what you’re getting up to.
On My Bookshelf
omg! your paintings! and that tree photo! it looks so inviting like a big bark pillow!!!!
“Thy woods, this autumn day”…… this is one of my all time favorites!! Happy Autumn to you. Loving your paintings, gouache?
Love your wanderings and ramblings as usual ! I’ve read a few of the books you listed as well but missed your reviews as you usually do : )
Hi Mary Ann! I had to come over and take a look at your blog. It’s such an inspiring place! I’m back to playing with gouache occassionally, thought in Colorado it is SO DRY, I have a hard time keeping it wet! Anyway it’s fun to play with. You’re getting very good at it! Love your latest work.
How lovely your home and surroundings look. I’m glad you’re so happy there.
Over here we’re well into autumn and it feels almost like winter: high winds, rain, soggy leaves, long walks with Budleigh through muddy lanes. We love it!
I’m working hard to self-publish my novel and a collection of my short stories. When they’re done I hope to send you copies.
Reading: I’m just starting The Animals of that Country by Laura Jean McKay. It’s had exciting reviews. XOX
Your postcards are the BEST! ❤️👏
Your writing, paintings, and photography are always so beautiful, it always draws me in, and makes me pull out my paints, and then I never have the time or energy to finish anything. You are the best Mary Ann! Next year work will be 2 days a week, so looking forward to it!
my sister went to 2 days this year and loves it! oh the freedom! happy for you. does your new year begin in winter or summer?
Hello and lovely to hear from you! Right now I am supposed to be doing a music assignment for my delightful cello teacher. (He really is delightful) If you ever need a joyful challenge in your life , take up a musical instrument . At 67.Especially cello, with no previous musical training at all. I love the process, which is fortunate. Two notes, any rhythm, .I have got overly excited about the words. Maybe I will illustrate the page too!
Wish me luck
wendy, how good to take up new practices at any age. think of all that positive brain activity you’re stimulating! xo
Along with a little teeth gnashing, and snorting. Lucky me Teacher has a wonderful sense of humour
I’m sure you know about this but word to the wise. Make sure any rental fee for land under a mobile home which you own is rent controlled. A lot of seniors are being priced out due to 20% annual rent increases for the use of the land. A real scam but legal. Many cities have ordinances that keep rent increases to some fraction of the CPI for the city with a cap of 4-6% annual rent increase. Buyer beware.
‘Tis my nature to leave no stone unturned.
Mary Ann, your way with words always moves me…you can manifest a mood, an angst, a longing in a few meaningful words.
My (unsolicited) thoughts…don’t lessen the place Moss Cottage holds in your heart by looking at an aerial photo. Home is home is home until it isn’t.
Maggie O’Farrell for President!
I moved from a Denver to the mountains 6 years ago. A place in SW Colorado. Less than 900 in the whole county. No traffic signals. It is so lovely quiet after mid-September until late June. Then all hell breaks loose.
Not like the city craziness but not serene like fall and winter.
You are welcome to visit.
Oh Pamela it sounds good. You’ve obviously adjusted well.
Mary Ann, when you have time to talk about them, I’d love to hear how you liked those particular books!
Love those journal pages–I can just imagine how enjoyable they were to paint . . . and those very appealing photos!
Lucy By The Sea…oh how sad I was to finish the saga of Lucy Barton. I loved each book about her and this one was DEAR. So good! Abide With Me: fantastic! E. Strout is such a good writer. Paula Hawkins book: a quick fun read and a page turner. Read it while waiting for another library book to come through. The Buddhist books: wise and wonderful, but won’t appeal to everyone especially those without interest in Buddhism. I’ve read dozens of Pema Chodron and Dzigar Kongtrul is her teacher. I let the parts that want to land, land. Currently reading Marriage Portrait. Liked Hamnet better, but still enjoying!
Your “postcards” bring me such pleasure! Just wanted to stop by and let you know. This time of year always finds me thinking of making grand, colorful changes, just like the leaves do…it’s invigorating, even if the sweeping changes are all in my mind…for now. Sending autumnal greetings from the cool, crisp, beautiful foothills of Nevada County, CA!
Grass Valley? I can’t remember, Heidi. I remember falling in love with that area of California when I visited so long ago. Nevada City was so charming. I bet it is breathtaking this time of year!
You are the best. And from one commiserating teacher to another fantasizing about only doing what I want to do when I want to…our summers are such a tease. Thanks for updating us on you.
Hopefully our retirements will be as long as our teaching careers were and that we’re in splendid health to enjoy every morning that we can skip the drive in to school. hah!
The recent coolness is such a blessing. Even here in Mt. Washington, autumn has arrived. For the first time in 22 years, our street had trick or treat! All because one parent decided to make it happen. The littles were adorable in their costumes and shyness.
As for me, I have a big scary birthday soon. Planning a personal and private thoughtful retreat. I wanted to go to some seaside cottage, as you often find. It looks like I will be spending 4 days in Topanga Canyon instead. Trading waves for oak trees. Can’t complain.
Oh that sounds lovely Judi. A big scary birthday. Hmmm… will you be turning 70? That sounds not so scary. Please let me know how it is. I’ll be trailing along behind you soon enough. Enjoy Topanga – it will be cool and delicious.
Well, heck, I didn’t know Elizabeth Strout had a new book out. I am reading “Women in Sunlight” by Frances Mayes. Definitely escapism!
More and more, I too think about retirement. Of course, I don’t know when I’ll have enough money to do so. We shall see!
Friend of mine who works in a bookstore sent me the advance copy. I was so surprised and delighted!
Mary Ann,
This is one hugely inspiring, beautifully written post! Thank you for it! I can’t imagine considering a move to other pastures when your own neighborhood is so magical. Besides, your dear cats seem to have settled in!
Dede lovely to see you today. I love the little portraits you made. Some nights when the street racers get going and i have my bedroom window open I am so ready to split and head for a smaller quieter place.