Holy mackeral, I am looking forward to the meeting on Sunday of the middle-aged mammals. Coming together on zoom-a-boom-boom to have some good times and make some messes in our sketchbooks. Yes, we can. Yes, we are.
Right now as I write this the morning birds are having a party. Diving into trees, digging in the leaves with their scrabbly bird feet, tweeting up a storm. The mini-split a/c handy m’am is here servicing my units so no part of me is left uncooled by the blazing hot days ahead.
I’m making myself useful and staying out of her way.
Otto & Iris are hiding under the couch and might be napping.
I think I’ll paint some birds and insert them below.
The great thing about having service peeps come to the house are all the things you can get done. Also the naps are extra good once you get your house back to yourself.
I wrote that yesterday, then got busy doing nothing. Oh summer, I take such delight in your idleness. My sister and I had an art ZOOM this morning. Just the twos of us. I’m working out the final details for tomorrow’s gathering.
Here’s some stuff I’ll be using. Mark makers:
Stack of biggish practice-type sketchbooks at the ready. If you’re zooming with me don’t show up with your cutest, most precious sketchbook. Or I’ll make you hand it to me through the screen and I will throw it out the window and let Otto & Iris drag it around the house.
Okay, listen. Bring what you wish, but know that we are PLAYING. Not making “good” art. Let’s make a lot of “bad” art. Okay?
I’ll have these things on hand for our exercises. Gather some things for yourselves. We’ll be turning and rotating and getting a sense of depth. In our sketchbooks, from our own houses. Wear your pajamas if you want. Bring your cats.
We’ll be doing nothing and everything. I have a loose plan. See you on the morrow at 10 a.m. (links in OMG)
Enjoyed the Zoom gathering very much although I was late (I was invited to lunch unexpectedly:) ). You are definitely one of my favorite “art enablers,” especially since you used the kind modifier of “middle-aged mammals.” I think I’ve passed the upper qualifier for that. Anyhoo, looking forward to the next zoom this Saturday and maybe see the kitties. I may actually get off the fence and get some gouache paint. I’m curious about trying it with watercolor.
just get 1 tube of white and see how you like mixing it. when one is invited to lunch unexpectedly one must always say YES. see you Saturday 🙂
I am taking my kid to camp tomorrow and will
Be tuning in from the car (passenger seat!) on tje ride home. Won’t have enough space to paint but excited to watch 🙂
I am ready Sister! All supplies have been gathered, reviewed etiquette on admitting visitors to the ZOOM room. Count on me!
OMGouache. That’s 1:00pm in Michigan and I think I will be there. I’m hiding the fancy sketchbook. Lol.
I so wish I could be there for the zoom play date. But I am away from home, visiting my mom and celebrating her 95th birthday. Priorities!!