Hello friends near and far. Mary Ann Moss here with a very special cat adoption update.
Last Sunday I had a Facetime meet & greet with Caroline the foster mom who specializes in shy cats. I had already written last week’s post, but hadn’t clicked “publish.” So here I am updating you on my search for the new cat posse to take up residence at Moss Cottage!
A bit of backstory for you: Otto & Iris were found on January 12 when they were 3 months old at a park down the street from the Burbank Animal Shelter. Probably due to their shyness, they were put in foster care and switched around a bit until they landed in just the right home with Caroline and her wife, who specialize in socializing shy cats.
I found “Latte & Princess” on Petfinder a couple of weeks ago and added them to my growing list of favorites.
Part of the reason they found their way to me is because of the warmth and responsiveness of their foster mom, Caroline. She emailed me back right away and we set up a Facetime so I could see the kitties and show her around their new prospective home. I had filled out applications and started the process on several solo cats that looked promising, but the fosters and organizations never got back to me. I even went to the Pasadena Humane Society and it was full of 7-9 week old kittens, no adults! There were other opportunities, but my transmissions from intelligent life in the universe were coming in loud and clear as NO. Not yet. So I waited.
I even braved the waters of the LA county shelters where there were plenty of cats, but no helpful people. I was becoming disheartened. All the stray cats in LA and I was running into roadblocks and dead ends. Huh? How hard could this be?
Essentially what I’m saying, is that I could not go on indefinitely without cats in my life, inside my house. An existential sort of cat loneliness was settling around Moss Cottage. I could have lived with it, but I chose not to. These little ones needed a home and I needed some cat companions. So I pushed the button.
Saturday rolled around and off I went to meet Caroline at the shelter.
I can wholeheartedly recommend the Burbank Animal Shelter. They made everything easy. Pasadena Humane Society is also an awesome place and where I adopted Wyatt in 2004.
I wasn’t planning on getting 2 cats, but Caroline explained that they were bonded brother and sister so I decided to commit. I was also NOT planning on getting “shy” cats, or white cats. These guys were low down on my list of favorites.
Best laid plans out the window!
I was afraid to get another white kitty because of how susceptible they are to skin cancer (Wyatt). But then I decided to keep my new furkids indoors. I know the signs to look for with skin cancer so I’ll keep a close eye on the ears, eyes, and noses of my new posse. They’ll be inside so the danger will be reduced, but the UV light that causes skin cancer still streams in through sunny windows.
Who better than me to be a good steward for a white posse?
I was planning to get a nice big boy between the ages of 2-7. It wasn’t to be. Otto & Iris are my cats. I knew it as soon as I saw them. I didn’t change my mind, or waver. The signals on my transmitters remained strong.
Thanks to Caroline, I’m a cat marm again.
After 36 hours at Moss Cottage, Otto & Iris have gone from being completely hidden to venturing out to explore their new world. All the windows are scary, but they are beginning to climb up and look outside. Otto is leading the way.
They won’t allow me to pet if I’m standing, but once I sit down Otto will move in close for pets and brushes. Iris watches him and is coming closer too.
I’m already madly in love with my 2 new teenagers. Iris is a few pounds smaller than Otto. I’d estimate her weight to be 4-5 pounds and Otto is probably 6-7 pounds. They have EXTRA long tails and big back paws.
Long and lanky!
I would describe both cats as wary, but not necessarily shy. Based on my interactions with Otto so far, I predict Iris will soon be allowing me to touch her. No rush.
Showing lots of pics so you can see their markings.
Otto is the blue-eyed male. His eye color is likely the result of his Oriental heritage and he is not deaf. His meow is like a gruff duck quack. Iris so far doesn’t vocalize at all.
They sat in their box for about 15 minutes when I brought them home yesterday around noon. They were probably thinking, “Oh no, not a new foster home!”
Caroline and her partner did such good work with these babies. The pics below were taken by her yesterday before bringing them to the shelter to meet me. As soon as she walked in the door with them I got teary. Thinking of my dear old boy Wyatt and also the new cat story that would roll onward in my life.
I’m so grateful to the Burbank Animal Shelter for creating such a safe haven for animals. I can’t recommend them highly enough if you live in LA and need some animal companions. They are doing such good work in the world. I’m also grateful to Petfinder where I first saw “Princess & Latte.” I will never be able to thank Caroline enough for her patient socializing of the cats and her kind approach towards me.
In case you’re wondering about the name change, most strays and rescues get named when they’re found, knowing those names won’t stay with them through life. I tried to find names that had similar consonant sounds. For some reason though, I’ve been calling Iris, Prinny. By next week they’ll probably have half a dozen nicknames. Wyatt and Corky had about 20 each.
Keep your eyes open wide for the lunar eclipse. It starts here in LA at 8:29p.m. tonight and will completely end at 11:50p.m.. I’ll be watching with my binocs.
See you soon.
Peace and love to you and your fur babies.
They are just beautiful; their expressions still so solemn as they determine where they are and who
Loves them unconditional. Soon, soon they
Will find out how lucky they are to have landed
With you…
Btw— is Otto the one with the dark markings on his head? It seems to me he would be.
Enjoy them. Peace.
So glad to see you all found one another. And goodness! Those kitties have the longest tails I’ve ever seen!
Just popping in to say so very sorry about Corky and Wyatt, and how in the world can it be so long since Buck Moss left? I remember it like it was yesterday. You have done such a Good Job MaryAnn with your kitters. It hurts so much when they leave us but there are always new kitters to love. I lost all of mine in the past few years, including one I inherited from my friend who died. I was kittyless for one month. I somehow got involved with some teenage feral kitties (6 months old) living down by the river who were TNRd (loooong story) and I agreed to keep them in my garage for a week after spay/neuter…3 months later, still in my garage… I could not bear them being in the shelter waiting to be adopted-they were NOT adoptable. I took them home and have had them since 2019. They are a sister and brother. Very skittish and not normal kitties at all. It took a long time for them to become comfortable here. They are strictly indoor and in fact have NO desire to go outside. I live alone and am a pretty solitary human so they get no socialization. I am now 69 and facing the fear of what happens if I die – I was very hesitant to take them on but they needed me. No resolution yet or plan. Stay healthy and don’t die? 😉 Anyway, welcome Otto and Iris! They are so lovely.
Oh Liz the heart of the story of your kitties is beautiful. I wish you much good fortune and health in the coming years. May you find someone who can caretake your dear cats when and if you die before them. My sister will become cat mama if something happens to me. try and stay anchored in the present and not let fear of future doom cloud your days. easier said than done i know. sending love and compassion and a wish for the best outcome. xo
Congratulations, marm. These are beautiful companions and will just add so much fun to your home. They have such expressive faces and unique looks. The tail and back legs just add to their looks and personality. Happy cat mom days to come, for certain. Let the fun begin.
Lovely to see the installation of a new cat Posse! I hope all three of you will bond quickly!!
I just knew you’d find each other!!
We always always get two. This time for us it was sisters, they were 4 months old when we found each other and they were only 1.5 lbs and almost 2 lbs because they were so sick. But we knew. We knew when we locked eyes on each other that we’s found our family! So so so ridiculously happy for you!!!
I am so excited for you and happy for Iris and Otto. Congratulations to all three of you ♥️♥️♥️
I have been thinking of you constantly since news of Wyatt’s departure. A true cat lover cannot live without a furry friend in resident, and now it looks like two very lucky strays and a warm-hearted soul have once again filled Moss Cottage with the love each of them deserves. I wish you the very best with your new kiddos. They are very lucky, indeed, to have found their way into your life. May you all enjoy getting to know one another and the awesome adventures you are sure to share!
From one cat lover to another, all the best! Nan Dodson
they are gorgeous! can’t wait to see the paintings you will do of them!
Two beautiful new buddies. So happy for the three of you.
Congratulations to you and Otto and Iris for finding each other. It is lovely to know you have cats in your life again! All the best from Brisbane, Australia.
Congratulations on your newest family members!
Congratulations on your new cat children. I look forward to reading about the adventures you have with them as well as the pictures you’ll paint of them
Welcome to the family Iris and Otto. I will be visiting you shortly for your initiation into having 2 moss women both petting, kissing, and talking to you at the same time. I predict you will LOVE it.
I’m so happy for you! 💕
I am sending you big high fives on the welcoming of Otto and Iris to Moss Cottage. It’s official. They are both beautiful. Yes. These white kitts are in the best of care with you. When I first laid eyes on them, I wondered having read your earlier musings on the subject. I am glad you followed your instincts. I feel the same way about paws on the ground in my home. Every time a pet has passed, I’ve needed to open my heart to someone new. As hard as it is, my home is not complete with out fur companionship underfoot. Ya gotta trust your heart in that regard and everyone who has ever loved a pet, has to trust their own way with that. Our Lucy is not a vocal kitty either,
she only mews when she is frustrated by something she can’t reach or being herded into her crate for annual vet and well kitty checks. She does not like to travel and while she gets on just fine with our puppers and our daughter’s pup, being around strange barking dogs makes her very so terribly anxious so our vet makes her visits as short and as quiet as possible. Leaves me at a point of anxiety given that for the first time ever I will have to board her and the pup for 4 days to attend the kiddo’s wedding Oct. 1st. Just too far from home for a single days travel and everyone I trust will be at said nuptials. I’m diligently doing my research. If I could find a place that would take both and keep them together, that would be ideal since they trust each other and get along, just need separate beds and corners to settle in. So far no luck on that front. Anyway, sorry I got off track here, I can’t wait to see these 2 come into their own with you. I have no doubt both will be loved and cherished and I am just heart happy for you that a new cat posse is moving in and will soon be in charge. After all cats are always in charge.
I always use the most awesome pet sitters. Here in LA there are some really good ones. I use the same person every time. She is wonderful, patient, and SO GOOD with cats. I hope you find someone!
Congratulations on the new posse ~ they are adorable, and so lucky to have ‘found’ you! I’m looking forward to lots of pix and tales!
Mary Ann, They are beautiful and what a great addition to your Moss cottage!
Have fun and enjoy,
Oh congratulations Mary Ann! I have 3 cats that are 12, 13 and 14 yrs old. The oldest is living with 2 of my kids so there are still 2 here. They’re getting up there in years, I know when their time comes we’ll miss them terribly. I still miss our golden retriever we had for 13 years, we lost her back in 2013. They really are just like our kids, they’re part of the family. And when they go they take a piece of our hearts with them. I can’t wait to see your new sketches of them and hear about their antics. They’re be cuddling in time.
Oh, those tails! What beauties, and so smart to just wait for you to find them.
They look wonderful. I am deeply happy for you.
Congratulations, they are beautiful.
those tails! so happy for all y’all
So wonderful! You are all lucky to have found each other. Enjoy and I will enjoy hearing about your life together.
What good news! They look beautiful. All my dogs and cats have ended up with a string of nicknames. too Have a wonderful time getting to know each other.
Congratulations on your new babies! I am new to your site but I am so happy to have found you at this exciting time in your life. I had purchased some past copies of “Artful Blogging Magazine” and you were in one of them. I have had so much fun reading the past issues and finding some new blogs through them. Wishing you and your beautiful kitties a wonderful day!
So happy for y’all !!! I knew they were out there waiting for the perfect Cat Mom. They are beautiful kitties 🙂
so very happy for you MaryAnn…..they will bring you great joy!
Hello Otto and Iris! You are truly beautiful and you have landed on your feet with the wonderful human with whom you will now live happy lives. Lucky you! And congratulations to you Mary Ann for having found these beauties.
Welcome Otto & Iris, you are both divine! I’m not crying….much.
Congratulations and fel(ine)icitations on your new posse!
They are so elegant! Congratulations on your new feline family! Those are some very lucky kitties to have you as their hooman.❤️
I have a cat with white ears, where the fur is thin. I put high protection sun screen on his ears all summer, to protect them from the sun. He doesn’t like it much, but since he is outdoors all day – we have to do it.
Your new furkids are adorable and I wish you – you and them – all the best; cuddles and purrs.
Renate, this is intriguing! Is it specifically for kitties? I might consider that for summer even though they’ll be inside. I’ve got so many windows. I’ve read conflicting ideas about using sunscreen on cats, but yours seem to tolerate it well.
Hope you got my reply (sent by email)?
Soooo happy for you, and they are beautiful! I also have two cats, both found us and have been here for about 7 years. Good luck with your new fur babies.
Mary Ann, Lucky you; lucky kitties! I’m so glad you found them! You now have a new, very fine posse! Enjoy your special friends, Leslie
I’m so glad you have adopted beautiful new kitties.
I miss Wyatt and am happy for you! Thanks for all of
Your wonderful descriptions of your world. And your
Illustrations are becoming quite fabulous. Great birds!
Thank you for keeping your kitties indoors.
The tea kettle is still on if you ever get to Pacific Grove again.
Write a book! And put together another class! Please.
Best wishes…..
I love imagining you there in Pacific Grove among the pines with a kettle on and perhaps a soft fog rolling in. I’ll be by. xo
So Happy for you and your new posse, Mary Ann and they will soon realize how lucky they are to have you as their new Mom! Looking very forward to reading about lots of fun cat antics while they settle in. A very kind vet came to our house yesterday and eased our 18 year old Bibi Kitty into his next journey. We are sadly lost without his little presence. Maybe in a while, we’ll find another, or two, to fill the void. In the meantime, we’ll enjoy your smoke signals and yarns. Congratulations – Oh, Love the names!
Oh Mary. My deepest condolences on your little Bibi Kitty. I will dispatch Wyatt to the far shore to wait for him and be his guide in his new world. Along with his other friends. The more the merrier. I hear you and feel you. Sending love.
So pleased for all of you. Definitely some Siamese body types.
The adventure begins 💕
What beauties! I just want to pet them! It’s wonderful that you found the right kitties so quickly. I wish the three of you many, many happy, loving years together.
Oh gosh, I cannot wait to see them grow into those tails! Gin (my leggy, long-tailed 7 lb kitten) and I wish them courage and verve and all the best and bravest forms of curiosity.
I am so sorry for the loss of your Wyatt. Though the grief is still there, those little ones, with all their preferences and opinions, will go a long way toward knitting up the more ragged parts.
I wish all three of you trust and healing and love. I hope you have a beautiful life together.
Amy E
So, so happy for you, Mary Ann!! They are both very sweet looking, and they’ll have the best home and life with you!
Lucky kitties. I got a rescue baby last year and she has brought me so much joy. She is a model citizen and sooooooo precious. She is very smart too. Enjoy your new kids!!!!!
Hooray 🎉 what beautiful sweethearts-so glad you have companions again!! Thank you for sharing.
Oh yes! Congratulations MaryAnn, Otto and Iris for finding each other. These beautiful kitties will have the very best life in their new home. Thrilled for the three of you. Xxx
Congratulations to you all for finding a new family! I am glad you rescued both brother and sister- when I rescued my dog 11 years ago, his sister had been adopted before (and without) him. Makes me sad, even now. Glad you all begin together !!!
They are absolutely GORGEOUS! I wish you years and years of love and life together! You are all three so lucky to have found each other Mary Ann. This is a very good start to the week. Jennifer in Aus.
What an interesting coincidence! My daughter just yesterday adopted two grey kittens, 10 weeks old. Her quirky older cat who had moved with her from S Cal to Colorado to Oregon had to be out down recently. Still waiting to hear about names. I doubt she will accept any of my suggestions. Your two are vert pretty.
I know of this thrill your daughter is experiencing. It is delicious. Sorry to hear about the loss of her other dear cat. 2 grey kittens! Oh boy!