A big celebratory HELLO to you on this most auspicious day in the United States of America. Sometime this morning I heard loud cheers, pots clanging, trumpets, whistles, and lots of hooting and hollering. I dashed out to my front porch to hear the most beautiful sounds of celebration. I live in a blue state, in a blue city, in a very blue neighborhood. I immediately knew the reason for the joyous eruption. I checked my phone. Yes indeed, the election had been called.
It reminded me of the early days of the pandemic when we would head to our porches at 8 p.m. and send out greetings and support across the streets and hills. Tonight there will be fireworks, I’m sure, and while I don’t usually welcome those, I will tonight. Hope springs eternal. In my neighborhood I can say people are happy to have a new head honcho. I’m thrilled about Kamala and Joe. First woman VP. Daughter of immigrants from India and Jamaica. I think she will be a good balance to Joe. Looking forward to hearing them speak tonight. I look ahead with optimism and no small sense of relief. Hallelujah!
I’ve been enjoying a serious uptick in hours spent inside the pages of my sketchbook. Committing to Inktober and completing a sketch a day really worked wonders on me. I think I’ve made more art in the last 5 weeks than in the entire previous year. Something shook loose.
I’ve been posting daily on Instagram, but not all of these pages found their way over there. At some point I will have to do a sketchbook flip through for my YouTube channel because there are too many to post here.
For one thing, I document nearly every ZOOM meeting I attend by drawing people. If I have extended ZOOM time when I’m not actively teaching in my virtual classroom, I’m drawing. I find it very difficult to sit and listen to endless streams of extremely vital information at faculty meetings. I can process everything better if my hand is moving at the same time, but the truth is with an entire group of faces in front of me it’s kind of irresistible.
For the month of November I decided to focus on portraits and figures. Loose of course, and mostly painted in watercolor or gouache. I added commentary to these…
I just got in the mail this very day a book published in 1963. Drawing The Head & Figure by Jack Hamm. If it turns out to be an invaluable handbook for your art bookshelf, I’ll be sure and let you know. I haven’t drawn many figures so I’m enjoying the challenge.
Few things match the pleasure of a thick-nibbed black pen gliding across smooth paper. Wyatt makes a good muse.
I’ve had some art ZOOMS with friends since my last postcard. That’s when I drew these ornamental squash.
Since the end of March I’ve been walking daily. Recent bloodwork and a visit to the endocrinologist confirmed what I already believed to be true: moving and eating less is really good for the body. I will probably never be slim, but getting off a little weight has had a huge impact on my health. I think the walking has made the biggest difference. I look forward to walking much more on future visits to the UK and Italy.
The canopies of trees I walk beneath are endlessly inspiring and I’m already thinking ahead to a daily challenge for December. More on that as it develops.
For now I’m happily spending time in my art room painting figures and puzzling things out.
I ordered more big brush markers. They are most excellent for coloring in quick ink portraits.
I’m hopeful that with a new prez, we’ll be back to traveling sooner rather than later. I think our reputation needs some repairing before we’re admitted back into Europe. The pandemic rages on, but maybe a new and improved coronavirus task force can get us on the right road again. Fingers crossed!
The sketchbook below was purchased on a cold December day in Venice, nearly two years ago.
Keep me posted on what you’re getting up to in your lives around the world. I’ll keep my face turned skyward checking for your smoke signals. I do so love getting news from afar!
I think I’ve mentioned that my old dreamdeep email is long gone so if you’ve sent correspondence to me there it will have gone unread. In other “housekeeping” news, I discontinued the comment subscription because people were getting hit with tons of spam. It didn’t make it to the actual blog, but it did wind up in plenty of commenters mailboxes.
Until my next postcard you can keep abreast of what I’m doing sketchbook-wise on Instagram. My link is down at the bottom of this blog. I post the good, the bad, and the ugly over there. And very occasionally something outstanding.
Blowing kisses and sending virtual bear hugs xoxo.
I live in Australia and l was thrilled with the election result too. Such a relief.
Love the portraits Mary-Ann, keep them coming😊
So nice to see all your sketches. You are really productive! I started a virtual watercolor class but am waaaaay behind. You are inspiring me to get back to it and use all that expensive art crap I have accumulated. I think I like buying it even more than using it. My blood pressure went down about 20 points after the election results were announced. Finally adults will be in control of the government after 4 years of kindergarten tantrums. Do you really have a tooth flipper? I have one from ages 12-25 for my bottom two front teeth. Apparently, after the baby teeth fell out there were no adult teeth to grow in. I looked really Ozark. Hence, the tooth flipper. Sometimes used to trick people that I tripped and knocked out my two front teeth. Some were so gullible they didn’t even notice there was no blood. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I spatchcocked my turkey and put it on the bbq. Not as easy as it sounds. Had to crack some ribs to get it done. Felt like a psychotic serial killer carving out the backbone. Turned out edible, so all good.
I love this posts and all your sketches are encouraging me to pick up a pen and paper.
I live in New Zealand and life for us is carrying on as normal as the only covid cases we have are in managed Isolation. That means people who have come here from overseas have a compulsory 2 weeks in a hotel in isolation and have to have a negative test before leaving. So we have no one wandering around with the virus so not many masks, and we can go to work , out for dinner, to the movies , sports games and concerts.
We do watch the news and worry about the rest of the world. Its getting scary ou there.
I love reading you and seeing your art. You always make my day just that much better.
Montreal (and no doubt the rest of Canada) was thrilled with the Biden win! Celebrations were had and champagne was opened…
What a delicious post! Always love hearing your thoughts. Your writing, photos and of course, art adventures, are magical! Xoxo
Over the new year we will venture to a favorite spot of yours, Mendocino. Is there a place on Airbnb you like to stay or even an area to stay with great walks. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have been nowhere since last January and we need to have a different view. Zooming with my 3rd graders has settled into a groove and just had 10 conferences today. What wonderful families. Love your sketchbooks, it inspires me to get back yo drawing. Sending you love from the Central Coast.
Lisa Stockel
Lisa I have THE PERFECT place for you to stay. I’m going up in December too though and will be there through the first week of January so I’m afraid the place I would refer you to would be occupied. By me! If you see someone in a white hat and big dark glasses stomping around the headlands do say “hi” I’m staying in the village and will be there for a glorious 10 days. How I love that wild coast. STaying in the village is wonderful because you can walk directly out onto the headlands from everywhere. I was in bliss this past August when I was there. Let me know if you’ll be going up after the 5th of January…
Thanks for the Central Coast love xoxo sending some to your from “the southland”
p.s. I start my parent conferences next week!
I love seeing all your sketchbook pages. Yes please for a YouTube flipthrough!
Speaking of YouTube, do you know Second Chance Hiker? He did the PCT last year, couldn’t walk more than 4 miles a day in the beginning but kept going and has lost tons of weight. Plus he’s a really nice person.
I loved following along with him last year. Such a great adventure. He’s a dear!
I have exhaled for the first time in months. It feels so good to have hope again! I adore all the sketching you’ve been doing, especially the selfies and figure selfies! Re: Zoom: I think its main benefit is to aid in sketching people while they don’t know it. 😉 (Otherwise, videoconferences are a nuisance.) Hey, where did you get all those Pitt Big Brush pens?? F-C stopped making them! I’m sure you know Don Colley (donald.colley54), the guru of Pitt pens? He was very sad about that! I bet you could sell those to him for a lot of money! 😉
jerry’s artarama AND a vendor on etsy, but she has less colors than jerry’s! i didn’t know they were discontinued!
couple of ‘vital things’…..silly me
1) DITTO on the election, I am so happy for our next generations: GEN X, Mellennials & GEN Z, who voted! I told my 5 adult kids I was voting for their future & my grandsons’ future. Please, please allow positive & healthy Change to our Country.
2) BOOMERS need to write to their Senators/Representatives MORE.
3) You have been super productive in Oct/now Early Nov. with all of your drawings….love them
4) I had my first ZOOM art class today….it was fun. I cannot imagine how tedious a work meeting on ZOOM could be …..
enjoy your Fall, smoke/fire-free.
5) Keep wearing our masks, washing our hands & limiting our new contacts….and we’ll beat this COVID thing. I am in an AstraZeneca study here in Central Virginia….first shot was a breeze, second one this week. Scientists have been working overtime to help all of us. And, First Responders!!
Looking forward to your next newsletter.
Holly that is so exciting – BIG thanks for being a guinea pig for all of us with the AZ study. Super interesting.
What a year! I’m so glad to see all the lovely, creative things going on in your neck of the woods. Yours sounds like a great neighborhood. And the flowers! It’s always such a pleasure to see your smoke signals. Hey, I have cats of my own now over here in Alcatraz East!
A cat posse of your very own! I’m going to see if I can find them on facebook. xo Happy days ahead for all of us.
Hi MARYann, I think my love affair with your blog is going on 7 hrs. Do keep it going please! YOur words so delight.
I bought a cargo van, Lightly equipped it for travel and hit the road Oct. 1. You can see pics of places from CA to MA and new ones as I head back to the west coast on my Instagram “adventures of Dawnri”. Including Washington DC – I was there on the cusp of the election results. 🇺🇸 So dramatic!
I’m crazy in love with your IG. How fun fun fun. Going to sit at the kitchen table and pore over every single post. I just happen to be sitting here at my computer when your comment dinged through.
Have fun in your Cargo Van. I like to watch Adventure Van Man sometimes on YT.
The pre-election stress was overwhelming!
I just slept like a rock for 11 hours!
A huge weight is off our shoulders but I realize our work is just beginning. How do we reunite with the nearly 50% of our countrymen that believe the 22,000 lies?
That’s my first project…
Mary Ann your blog is a real gift… full of inspiration and creativity…Grazie!!
Until we meet in Venezia….💙💙💙
Hello Linda!
I like to think we can bring about change by being more conscious and present in our daily lives. Paying attention to the world in front of us and staying out of mental dog fights in our heads and social media. Eckhart Tolle speaks to me deeply in this regard. Nearly all of his YouTube videos are a revelation. Raising our own consciousness seems like it can in and of itself bring about change. Keeping a clear channel. Tending to my own state of consciousness so that I am more present to others. Or something like that.
I can’t wait to meet you in Venezia. That day is coming. xo
I must know: Just how big are those acorns? I have some that are about an inch long and 3/4″ wide. Never realized there were so many different types of acorns!
Happy, happy day!
I know! and they often seem to come from the same species of oak. Those particular ones were about 1.5 inches long with the cap, but I saw some this morning that were HUGE.
Happiness extended in your direction too xo
Congratulations from over here in the UK! The world is letting out a huge sigh of relief. To know there is an actual human being back in the White House who exudes empathy can only be good for the planet! I have a friend in Australia who has found it difficult to sleep this week so how you all must have been feeling over there I will never know!
Love your sketchbook pages and wondering about the Moss Cottage book, have I missed something?!
During the pandemic I made about a dozen photo books and called them all Moss Cottage Life. Went back to 2006 and used lots of photos from my computer. Had been meaning to do it. So they have garden, cottage, family, trips, friends, cats, art in them. I need to do a flip through of a few and show them on my YouTube channel. I’m so happy to have them all in print. I have a few years left to document.
What a HUGE relief! Finally, we have the leaders we need to turn things around for our Country! So happy! Goosebumps over & over from J&K. There’s a fresh new breeze a-blowin’!
xoxo from the big NE!
that breeze feels so fresh, is so welcome. ahhhhhhhhh
waving to you over there in the beautiful state of Nebraska, Sheila!
I cried when Kamala Harris talked about being the first but not the last female VP. I voted for Shirley Chisholm my first election when I was 18. Thanks for all the news from LA. Lovely seeing your sketch’s. I have gotten out of the habit but want to get back into it. Went sketching today for the first time in about 6 months!
In 1984 (i think it was) I wore a giant GERALDINE FERRARO button that read, “First Woman VP of the U.S.” or something like that. Now nearly 40 years later we’ve got our woman in the White House. Loved listening to her and look forward to more interviews with her.
You went sketching! Yay you!
We live in Canada and we are watching the celebrations tonight in Wilmington Delaware. Fairness and decency and hope are all values cherished by Biden. He has a big mess to deal with and he has many challenges ahead of him ;however, his decency and strength of character will guide him through the difficult moments. We can only hope and pray that better days are ahead for our neighbours south of the border.
Better days are here. We’re coming out from under a dark angry bitter cloud. Nowhere to go but UP! Thanks for your well wishes xo
I love reading your posts and peeking in your sketchbook .
Nullsie ( Sharon)
Waving to ya over there in the east! Just finished watching the Victory Speech. LIfe is GOOD xo
This is a wonderful day . New hope for our wonderful country. I cried when I heard the news.
I’ve been moved to tears on several occasions today.
A great post, MAM. I loves your faces and, figures they are terrific.
The wholw post exuded happiness and made me feel good, an inspired.
Thank you.
Hey thanks Missus Jacki Long xoxo
So good to hear your happiness Ms. Moss
Aww thanks Terry. It’s been a deeply thrilling day on so many levels.
A great day, soooo great! Add to that a new postcard from MAM! Going to have to get some of those fat markers!
They are 100% awesome! Get a few and try them out.
I’ve been celebrating all day long ~ ecstaticly happy here !!!
Right on Bobbie! Feels so GOOD finally to win both the popular vote AND electoral vote. Joe and Kamala did it!
Best day I’ve had in a long time! I want my country back and I want our morality as a nation to return without the name-calling and smart remarks, denigration, mockery and bullying. We all deserve better and can do our part to make it so, so much nicer. Tonight I’ll listen to the speeches and breathe and relax. I feel wight lifting from my shoulders and for the first time in years, I look forward to seeing my fellow Americans treated with so much more respect. YEA! Celebrate large, I say!
Amen, sister!
The BEST DAY of 2020!! I live in Georgia and never dreamed it could be a close election here. Amazing! Celebrated in my little redneck town on our town square under the gaze of a confederate statue with other kindred souls today. All wearing our masks, except the statue. We hope to turn our senate blue too with our runoff election in January!!
Anne, I LOVE that gorgeous Georgia peach vote sticker “I’m a Georgia Voter, I secured my vote!”
How lovely your little town square celebration xo
Great day for our country.