the school year ended in a flurry of laughter, dancing, goodbyes, and tears. then almost suddenly a cushion of stillness filled all the spaces that had previously been filled by the demands and exclamations of 11 year old human beings. i went back to my room on the very last pupil-free day and worked by the light of the tall old windows. sorting, labeling, organizing. i was in a peaceful reverie of catagorization. sunbeams shot through the glass as i cleaned my old desk and straightened out the cabinets and shelves. outside i could hear fireworks coming from the taoist temple nearby, cars, voices drifting up from the street, other teachers in the hallways. ah to piddle and sort at my leisure without interruption. later i went to the office for a chat and to say goodbye for the summer to other teachers and staff. i turned in my key, climbed in my chariot, and headed for home, my head full of good thoughts about this year’s culmination ceremony a few days before.
it’s an indescribable feeling to know you have 71 vacation days spread out in front of you like an enormous gift. now i type this in my art room with the windows & doors open. the sun is shining down like a halo on moss cottage. sister is on a plane right now winging her way to california. i’ve got a glass of cool coffee in my hand. there’s dirt under my fingernails from a long morning spent poking around in the garden. my journal is open on the front porch. in a few minutes i’ll have lunch out there. just want to get this missive out to you. let you know my summer has officially begun. sister and i have 10 days of garden walks, tidepool exploration, and sketchbookery in front of us.
i’m feeling more relaxed and expansive than i have in a long time.
see you soon, friends. xo
So nice to pop in for a little catch up with you. I hope your summer is all that you dream of.
Love all your words and reflections. When you retire,mmmm, you should write books and/or be a professional photographer. You have accomplished just about everything else. I love all that you do and share. Have a wonderful 71 days!
Happy Summer! I look forward to seeing your adventures. Beautiful succulents … inspiring me to give it a try.
All this talk of great expanses of time not working has me longing to take another stay at home vacation. I’ll be traveling to NY soon though. And when I am planning travel these days I think of how you might approach this trip. I am reading all kinds of lovely books about NY and I am planning minimal amounts of site seeing in favor of just exploring the city. I cannot wait.
Wow, where have I been that it seems like forever since I’m reading your posts! I was feeling Mary Annitis! As always, your images are beautiful. I bought a little succulent garden in a bowl to put on my apartment window sill. Me and the pups are calling it the M.A. Moss Garden. Sounds very grand, no? Wishing you a wonderful summer filled with creative adventures.
Your succulent pots and pieces are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing those little creatures. Love the bright blue bowl. Enjoy your summer and keep on posting!
Wow, I didn’t know succulents had to be pruned. Never having owned one…
I like your tile topped table. Did you make it yourself? I saw some very cool ones at Vanessa Bell’s and Virginia Woolf’s houses.
Lately I’ve been nostalgic about summers when I was in school, though I wasn’t a very happy child or teenager. I too am looking forward to retirement.
Here’s hoping your summer is all you want it to be!
yes indeed, sandra, i made the table top using an old end table my neighbors were throwing away going on 17 years ago!
summer and nostalgia seem to go together don’t they?
I love this, MAM! You are so talented at many things! Have an amazing Summer vacation! ❤️❤️
Happy Summer! I’m going to be there with you! Enjoy!
Yum! Love all your succulents!! Have fun with your sister! Happy summer!
A wonderful summer, full of promise. If anyone can make the most of it, you can–enjoy! I’m heading to Montreal later this month, to learn sign painting–I’ll try to follow your example and make the most of each moment!
wow kristi, sign painting sounds like a very worthwhile time-honored craft to learn – one of the oldies. super cool!
Congrats! Another year well done, and big and small adventures ahead to look forward to! Your succulents are AMAZING!
OH DEARIE ~ it is so good to hear your voice – there in LA! I love the feelings your words and pictures evoke – I’m totally WITH you. What a lovely artist, entrepreneur, adventurer and teacher you are. Thanks for being in my life. AT1
blowing kisses to you up there on your island xoxo
your words……….the way you put them together…..and not is like a poem full of substance. I could read them over and over. Oh my if you wrote a book!!!!!!!!I would be the first of thousands to buy it. Thank you for being who you are and sharing it with the world. You make mine richer & sweeter.
gosh jan your words are kind and make my ego swell and my smile grow. thanks truly.
Happy summer! Have a marvellous time with Sister. Have a fabulous vacation. Breathe! Garden, read, rest, walk, nap, laugh, explore and make art. Make art all the time. It’s just the best thing EVER. Lovely to see your photos and your words again. I’ve missed you.
oh michele…you’re a dear. carol and i were just chatting about coming back up there to return to lummi island. we did love its quiet beauty so.
I saw the purple haze from the jacaranda trees as my plane circled the city of angels. A good omen.
Sounds wonderful! My head has been so full of politics and protests it has been hard to turn it off,especially now our ridiculous government has seen fit to let the Adani coal mine go ahead despite their terrible track record and so on….But today I do not have to work at it .going to the library, going to plant some seedlings and make move toward building a chicken fortress to keep our future chooks in(fox proof ,in case they return for another late night game of thrones reenactment ) And I picked up an interesting seed pod to draw. Enjoy your holiday!!
you know those foxes do have such dramatic flair!
I thought about you this week wondering what you had planned for the summer. What adventures are on the horizon, driving up the coast? Heading to a special apartment in some far off land? I cannot wait to see what you will do.
Just wait until you retire…it’s glorious!! You’ve accumulated lots of practice, being a teacher.
can’t freaking wait gwen!!!
I so enjoy your posts, your amazing photos, your humor, and most of all your art…. the way you look at life…your enthusiasm! You’re one of those teachers whose students will remember you many years from now. So how about publishing a book? You’ve got the right stuff!
Congratulations on another year guiding the children. Love, love, love your photos! And your blog postings. And your book recommendations.
can’t wait to see you!