saturday in the city of angels. it’s cool and cloudy. i’m drinking paris tea from my new susan branch mug and clattering away at the keyboard. typing out a missive to you dear reader.
in classroom news, our first fieldtrip of the year happened this week. off to santa monica beach on a big yellow school bus. we were packed in tight like sardines on a freeway that was barely moving until at last we reached the shore.
everyone grabbed their bucket and trudged off to pick up trash. then we marched off to the acquarium in 2 lines. somewhere in between, everyone devoured a sandy lunch and ran around screeching and playing. finally we boarded the bus bound for chinatown. i may have drifted off to sleep. lulled by the rumble of the engine and the general exhaustion brought about by escorting many 10 year olds to public places.
one of my students gave me some chocolate candy from his country. isn’t the little one with the bears-in-the-forest wrapper cute?
fledgling friday exercises in watercolor and pattern making.
in other news, pamela from san francisco sent me a package which included a book i may use for next summer’s trip to the bavarian alps. also some pretty envelopes, german postage, and other bits of mailart. i had forgotten the pleasure of reading a handwritten letter.
aren’t these envelopes lovely? she takes vintage envelopes and alters them with more postage and stamps. clever!
still thinking about everyone whose lives were blown apart by hurricanes irma & harvey. here’s hoping you’re on the road to recovery soon. we’re all thinking of you and wishing you well.
i’m off to sit at my art desk and do something in my sketchbook. i’ve been so buried in school i barely have time to poke my head up out of the classroom and think of anything else.
but i DID start a new book!
see you soon!
Oh my goodness. I think I just had my first drink of MAM lemonade! I’ve been under water with school related business and the business of taking my freshman girlie to the middle of the country from our lovely left coast for college and then, the new early school beginnings (lost two weeks of summer BOO HOO) and, oh! a kitchen remodel. Whew! I kinda felt like I just went under again! But no. Here I am with your lovely kiddos and their patterns (I just got my watercolors into their proper findable space so I’ll be practicing their lovely fun!) and your trip. But here’s the key question. What does your mug look like. Thankfully, I too drink Paris tea and will settle in to go backward in your blog with a cup. I’m so happy!
book looks like a great read!
Your field trip brings back memories! Pattern making and watercolors looks like a great idea for me too! Love that mail art, I’m off to visit Pamela.
I was enjoying reading along and then I saw “Pamela from San Francisco”……. that’s me! So glad you enjoyed your mail from me and thanks for the shout out in your blog….
glad to be of service 🙂
You have some excellent pattern/mark-makers in your class this year.
P. S. a nap on a bus after a field trip IS one of life’s greatest pleasures!
Ooooh! I LOVE Ken Follett’s works! Thank you so much for the head’s up!
it’s my first KF book!
Hello. Now sure if you knew, but the candy wrapper you are talking about – it is a painting by a famous Russian painter. Although there is a bit of controversy who did the actual painting. Here’s a link to Wikipedia.
wow. amazing. love knowing about that painting. thanks!