out on a ramble with my little sketchbook.
the clouds were fabulous this morning, the air cool.
i’m trying to get back into my walking habit that i established in the last year and a half.
my natural inclination is to rest.
speaking of resting, my morning alarm song is herb alpert & the tijiuana brass THIS GUY’S IN LOVE WITH YOU.
you probably know that you can click that link then return to the DFLA tab, and listen while you look at the rest of the post.
i learned that from visiting susan branch’s blog and clicking on her “musica” links.
the camelias are blooming.
parts of the forest floor are covered in pink petals.
how nice it was to sit on a rock and paint sketch the mountain scene before me.
then stand in the sunshine while i studied the sugar bush.
judging by the date on the page below, i think it’s tuesday of next week…

my 3 x 5 moleskine sketchbook
did you know our president was an artist!
i only use twitter on my computer and am enjoying following peeps like steve martin, tom hanks, and stephen king. smart funny fellows.
these times call for humor. ya know?
Ahhhh Herb Alpert!
OMG that was too funny. I thought he does?! NOPE He doesn’t. Lol. Got to go now and share the heck out of it. Lol. ThAnKs!!
so so clever whoever thought that up huh?!
Thanks for a laugh, and as always, thanks for sharing your scenic views and your art!
Totally unrelated, but with your love of drawing/painting squirrels, I thought you might appreciate this. Our neighbors have guinea hens and they like to come over the fence to peck at the winter grass in our yard. About twenty of them were in our yard just now, and one of the crazy squirrels who hangs out here was literally BOUNCING across the yard, then grabbing sticks and rolling around with them. It was hilarious! I’m not sure if he was trying to chase them away or just entertain them, but they just stared at him like he was crazy. I was on the phone so didn’t get video, darn it all!
I’ve been wondering about your Art Monkeys lately. How are they doing?
Loving the view from your desk! And I used to listen to Herb Alpert all the time! Great stuff.
The view out of my window is about 7 inches of snow dumped last night. Seattle and suburbs are pretty much shut down today. Very pretty though! I would go out for a walk, but branches are cracking and falling from the heavy snow. My dog is having a BALL though. It comes almost up to his belly.
I like your wake up song! Not too jarring to start the day… Love the sketches, too. For funny…did you see Melissa McCarthy on SNL last night play Sean Spicer? Hilarious!
ha ha ha ha ha!!! love MMc..hadn’t seen this so thanks 🙂
Moose- Lambs!
I needed that laugh! Thanks. Love your ramblings. I am about to ramble up a trail here in Southern Oregon, called Lower Table Rock. Its a steep hike and I am out of shape, but want to move while the sun is out and feel my heart and lungs expand. I will make an attempt to sketch it but make no promises. I may be breathing to hard to accomplish it. Happy day to you!
send me a pic! i wanna see! steep hikes! i bow to your fitness 🙂
Thanks for the earworm, MAM!! I’ll have that song in my head for the next 24 – 48 hours!
I had wondered about that date… I didn’t know you could time travel!
LMAO about the dump drawings…
My sisters and I sang that song all the time. However, if I hear it, it goes around in my head for days. The landscapes
, fabuloso!
i went and checked your IG feed and am crazy about what you’re paining! how fun it would be to ramble around with you and draw & paint. when you retire for reals the moss sisters are coming to kidnap you and sketch our way through new england.
I love you Mary Ann Moss!!
Thanks for a good laugh 😂 MAM!