hello you plucky few readers who have managed to find me across vast distances of time & space, hello! things are settling down from the move to wordpress. the movers pulled out and here i am with a giant stack of boxes to unpack. it’s actually a pleasure to look inside and see things i haven’t seen in years and years. what’s this? where shall i put this? do i need this anymore? i really did throw caution to the wind when i pulled the trigger on the switch. boy did i ever. if i had thought long and hard about the broken links all over the interwebs, my lost subscribers, the malfunction & chaos…you know what? i would have STILL done it. typepad makes some aspects of blog migration to a new platform very difficult. i doubt it’s their intention, but you sort of feel like a hostage. oh sure. you can move if you want. but if you have your own domain already and have been using it over there expect a certain degree of chaos.
but to all that i say pshaw! i don’t have the time or patience to worry about broken links and SEO, rankings, ratings, stats, yadda yadda yadda. no no no no i don’t. everything will fold into place eventually. i am here. i am blogging. my epiphyllums are celebrating.
that being said…i do have some housekeeping tips that might help us stay connected.
first of all, as you zip here and there on this new blog space and you can’t find your way back to the beginning, all you have to do is click on the banner/logo up at the top, “Dispatch From LA” that’s like the home button.
you’ll also notice a small icon up at the top right, floating there in that white space – list – if you click on it you can alter the way you look at my content. it will either show up in list or grid form. if you’re reading this individual post right now you won’t see it. it’s only visible when you’re on the home page. another new thing are the categories of this blog will arrange themselves in a nifty grid also by clicking on them. they are in the navigation bar at the very top. for example, clicking under the TRIP REPORT heading on amalfi coast, will display all the posts i’ve written about the amalfi coast. voila!
i think it’s fairly intuitive. hop around and see what you find. now then…i do happen to have some vile and pressing news that may displease you. THINGS HAVE CHANGED. however, i shan’t expect to hear any complaining. not allowed. if you hate the new format keep it to yourself por favor. my delicate mental state simply cannot abominate fuss. HAH! (i’ve been wanting to say that ever since reading miss hargreaves earlier this year. )
if you would like to have each post delivered by elves into your email inbox every time i write something new & profound you can do that at the end of this post.
as of now your rss readers such as bloglovin’ or feedly won’t work. i’m in the process of figuring that out. an email subscription will be more reliable for now and you can unsubscribe anytime you want, or as soon as the rss readers are sorted out. don’t know when that will be though… by the way the subscription is for the posts only, i don’t have a newsletter or other emails i’ll be peppering your inbox with.
you will have to change your bookmarks, otherwise when you arrive here you will see a “not found” notice.
of course, if that happens, all you have to do is click on the banner and that will straighten everything out. but who wants to do that every time? just reset your bookmarks. if you have my blog linked anywhere on your blog i would appreciate if you would change those links too, but if it’s too much of a pain in the tuchus, i understand! the link is simply dispatchfromla.com
that’s a lot of information. if you’ve made it this far down in the post thanks for sticking with it. if you haven’t, i don’t blame you! i’m sure i’ve forgotten other important details, so feel free to ask me in the comments if necessary and i’ll answer. i’m NOW able to reply to people individually, which is cool! my answer will appear under your comment. if you want to subscribe to the comments you’ll see a box to check for that too.
in other news…today was the first day of school and i wasn’t there! thrilling!
that’s all for now. plants are blooming. cats are napping. i’m back to regular posting.
Love this email feature !! Now I won’t miss a thing !!
beautiful, MA!!
It’s all looking pretty dang great here! I love your intrepid approach to it all!
Found it easily. Changed the link in my blog. I’ll poke around and make myself at home.
It works! I am still here with you and I think it looks great, bright and clear. 🙂
You did good! I found you easily. I am about to migrate one of my blogs and am trying to put it off until I have a week to mess with it…needs to get done. I love the look of this blog and I love your flowers and kitties. Thanks for sharing with us. OH and the travel journal is terrific. I usually end up not finishing mine. I swear this year I will. Thanks again.
as soon as I saw you’d moved, I went to feedly with a new URL so I am all set (until feedly figures out that the old typepad blog is pointing to the new site — but then I get double Mary Ann Moss! Who can complain about that??!)
I am guessing that I did it right since I seem to be where I am supposed to be. This is a first as I usually mess up and then need help. Thanks for making it easy, I hope.
Good news! If I found you, anyone can! I am sooooo non-techy… I just typed dispatch from la into search and magically it brought me here. Woot! Woot! Congrats on your new digs and so glad you like it. Here is a virtual, welcome wagon peach pie!
Site looks gorgeous. Pix and post are fun, as always. Looking forward to regularly visiting your new digs.
Well now, welcome to your new home. Let’s see if I can finally comment again. Your previous host wouldn’t accept them anymore and at some point you said you found a lot of comments in your spam folder, so I’m sure that’s where I ended up too. Very annoying. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Little annoyance left still: I can’t seem to link to your blog on my blogroll. I’m not sure if it’s a blogger thing or a wordpress thing, or if I just need to be patient because sometimes changes I make in my sidebar take some time to settle for some reason.
Anyway, let’s hope you enjoy your new home, looking good so far!
Oh Em Gee, I’m actually showing up! That hasn’t happened in over half a year. Yay!
yes i see what you mean…just went to your blog and clicked my link. it’s taking people here:
but needs to be taking them here:
i think you’ll have to go in and change it. if you already did and it still didn’t work, wait a week and try again. might have something to do with the switchover being so recent…?
i have a good spam plugin here which seems to be doing what it’s supposed to do and not removing your comments. so glad about that. there were a few people that ALWAYS went into spam
Your new home looks good! All new and shiny. I read a lot of your older posts yesterday which suddenly turn up when you browse through the new categories. Love it! I never found my way to them on the old site. And as I just started to read your blog a couple of months ago there are hidden treasures waiting to be found!
I have just one minor complain. When I read a post the link to the next and previous posts are only at the top of the page. I wish they were at the end, too! That’s where I need them. I can live with the links at the top, but it’s not intuitive (for me).
Now I am off exploring again, looking in all your boxes for hidden treasure and fun things!
sabrina i agree about the previous/next being at the top and bottom. i’m having my tech guy add those. excellent suggestion!
Here they are, at the top AND at the bottom of each post! Thanks Mary Ann and your great tech guy!
Love what you’ve done with the place, things are looking good from here. As long as you are happy and are callin’ it home, then that is good enough for me. I fixed my link to your new home on my blog and will double check class links, but I think I changed those over when you started switching things around last year. Welcome home Mary Ann. You done good, now it’s time to crack open the bubbly and celebrate and dance around, shake your tail feathers and all that jazz…;)
Hello dear friend. Of course I found you. Wasn’t difficult with the breadcrumbs you dropped. I even signed up for email notifications. Never figured out what RSS meant. I only pay attention to RSS that means Really Serious Shit. Like the stuff you read in Trader Joe’s news. Or similar food bulletins. I love your epi photos. In fact, I might be inspired to do a study of epi blooms with my paint brush tied to a stick. Of course the Dali mustache is de riguer. TTFN
Hey, us old dogs CAN learn new tricks! This is easy peasy, lemon squeezy and I’m sure everyone will find you. BTW, love the clean, crisp, inviting surrounds! Nice move!
Found you with ease, yes, I did. It’s sort of like being on yet another of your grand adventures to parts unknown. Looking forward to a bit of a walkabout and seeing all the things in their new places. Who knows what I’ll find?
foolish feedly. BAD feedly.
Welcome to wordpress land!! You will love it!!
That subscribe button is nice. I need to add that to my site. Something else to figure out!!
I switched to WordPress last January after ten years on blogger. Love WordPress. Have so many more followers than I ever did on Blogger!! Happy I made the change.
margaret about the subscribe button….it’s a jetpack plugin and to get it to appear below each post i used another plugin called JETPACK AFTER POST. over here at WP i find it much easier to actually post, especially to upload all the images at the same time! that alone is worth the trouble of migrating!
Glad to know I’ll be following along as usual…and that I’m not going to miss any shenanigans you get up to because of a glitch in the switch! I live vicariously through your travel posts and drool with envy over the cuteness of Moss cottage..just saying 🙂
Welcome to your new abode. I love the structure and grid-wallpaper MAM decorations. I know we will all enjoy visiting. The herd of deer just galloped through the yard and send their best wishes.
Wow! It works!