autumn is settling into southern california. mornings & evenings are becoming cooler. i can’t wait to try out my new heating system!
i’m drinking coffee. wyatt is slung over my shoulder kneading my shoulder as i type this.
a playmate is on her way over for a day of artsy explorations.
i keep talking about sodalite ad nauseam, but only because i love it so much. it’s become my go-to “black” color.
hematite also makes a warm shimmering black and mixes so well with other colors. they both do. i have barbara roth to thank for setting me off on this voyage of discovery with watercolors. when she sent me all of those special colors i was convinced i would never need, i began to experiment much more with colors that seemed extravagent and unnecessary. sometimes my stubborness with not buying art supplies i “don’t need” keeps me from trying new things.
i finished O’ Pioneers and will do another book post v.v. soon. somehow i left the overland trails and pioneering homesteads and ended up in the perils-at-sea aisle. shipwreck!
back to the 19th century. can you imagine when i was a child i actually worried about running out of books to read? i was afraid i would plough through my many enthusiasms and curiosities and end up in the desert with nothing left to read. silly young mary ann, you were only at the tip of a vast iceberg.
happy sunday to you. i hope you’re getting ready to take a bite of something delicious.
I can remember that girlhood anxiety about running out of books so clearly! xox
i had that same fear when i was young … that i would run out of books.
Just about to slather a freshly baked biscuit with summer raspberry jam. Shall I pour you a cup of tea and pass the butter?
I love sodalite genuine, too. And hematite genuine has been one of my favorites for several years now—so much nicer than black!
when I was 7 I moved from Connecticut (land of plenty) to Pennsylvania (a modest farming town). I was petrified that everyone spoke another language. Well, the older folks did, and it was quite evident at the grocery store or farmers markers, PA DUTCH, a form of German. For the rest of the townfolk, many had special words or idioms that I had to learn…..and then were still in use 22 years later when I returned to town with my children. Today, I have two grandsons there…..but I don’t think my daughter will allow them to learn/use those terms……
I love Willa Cather. I’m now reading The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty an Australian author of several books. I’m 1/3rd of the way through the book and must say I was not prepared for “the secret.” Complete surprise on my part, which is a good thing and the earmark of a good book, in my opinion. Lots of questions to be answered in this one about secrets, betrayal, and asks how well do we know our mates? Highly recommend this one.
Love that Hematite pigment!
Your pages today are feast for my eyes. All that gorgeous color play and experimentation. Remember Mary Ann; you and experimentation are synonymous, you can’t have one with out the other no matter how hard you try so yup, ya just gotta get those colors even when they don’t shout at you. Yesterday I made a trip to my favorite art haunt ‘wet paint’ all because after you posted about Tiger’s Eye I knew it was a must have color and when I did that I also discovered another DS color Minnesota Pipestone and I couldn’t resist it. For the life of me I couldn’t recall what color I knew you’d mentioned. I had written it down but forgot to grab my note so one of the staff who knows me by name dutifully hopped on the web, zipped over to your blog and wrangled the name of the color and in doing so, as we are both standing in front of the DS colors and chatting about how we never have enough art supplies and how those of us with our hands into everything, collage, painting, watercolors, acrylic, inks and everything under the sun basically, we ended up agreeing that we were dangerous standing their together and I was told how I’d managed to enable her in buying yet two more colors she didn’t have but decided on the spot that she could no longer do without. Conclusion of this story. I can’t go into the store if she is working. So today now that I’ve made a gazillion Italian meatballs and they are cooking in the oven my intention is to take my 2 brand spankin’ new tubes of paint and color up some pages. Play to your heart’s content Mary Ann. I’m right there with you and your art buddy, thinkin’ I know who that just might be too. VBG!!!!!