i'm not ruling out the possibility of one last beach fling. even though yesterday's was supposed to be the last.
it looks like the roof is on fire here, but it wasn't. that's the bougainvillea. those 2 rogue sheep from the other page started it.
a room with a view. i love old motels.
i forgot my paint brush and pen so i had to stop at michaels in ventura and buy one + one. it's right off the 101 so just a 10 minute detour. i discovered something in the process. a person really only needs one pen and one brush plus their travel palette. i chose a #6 round and it was perfect!
the end.
Did you drag the rogue sheep home from Palm Springs? Maybe they’re stalking you! Love the banana trees in the “roof on fire” sketch.
I hope you get more beach time in before the new school session begins. Too bad you can’t bottle that salty sea air smell to take a whiff of during the year, eh?
Check out his blog I just found. She does watercolors of vintage items. Very cool. And, scroll back to March where you can see she did watercolors of her grandma’s fabric. Thought you would enjoy. Hugs from your land-locked in central Ohio friend.
It all sounds good to me, especially the squeezing in another beach fling! Love your travel paintings, I think they are romantic really. I always forgewt to leave the white, I need to write that down.
A technical difficulties post script: your blog posts are all of a sudden going to my spam… Thought I could beat the system by just hitting ‘subscribe’ , but that didn’t work, the powers that be just told me I was Already subscribed… Not pleased to have to burden you with my whining while you’re vacationing, sorry! But when you’re home if you’ve any ideas let me know if I can fix it… Is anyone else having a problem?
Did you bring those sheep with you, our sheep are never rogueish, nothing but the BoPeep kind allowed…. xox
And I didn’t know that rogue sheep knew how to plant bougainvillea!
Rogue sheep? A travel pitfall of which I was unaware!
Too too funny. The Sketchbookery headmistress leaves her pen and brush at home!!! Of course, I’ve gone off and realized I didn’t have any shoes on. Sort of hard to get around some places barefoot. HA! That’s what happens when you’re in a hurry to split town. Have a great rest of your vacation week!
Beautiful drawings. You always have wonderful summer vacations. Miss you. I still have your picture on my desk. Good luck this year.
I like where you left white on the palm fronds. It gives them just the right touch.
lovely as always. i say do another beach fling, you won’t regret it when back at school, right?!? also…such a good influence on less is more and my “bring just in case” ways…you are right, that is plenty, and saves time searching for the 2 you use all the time anyway, even though there are options, there are always favorites, i need to learn to stick to those!
One must be wary of rogue sheep, no doubt about it! 🙂 (love these sketches/paintings!)