i’m no closer than i was on friday to finding my genius web-developer, but i’m still hopeful that one is on the horizon. i’ve got a very specific set of requirements, one of which is a personal referral from a happy customer that i know personally. if you’re a long time reader and commenter on DFLA then you fall into that category. thanks to everyone who emailed and commented. i’m following some of your leads right now and appreciate EVERY ONE! keep those recommendations coming especially via email. easier to separate the wheat from the chaff that way.
i’m deep in online class mode right now so posts will be sporadic. class development continues unabated despite website woes. nothing gets in between me and a good idea. i’m making excellent progress with the videos. in a couple of weeks i should have a promo ready to roll. sketchbookery is going to be pretty darn awesome if i do say so myself. and i do!
over and out from moss cottage friends, where the women are strong, the cats are good lookin’, and all the ideas are above average. xo
what is the new class.
Bring it on with the new class. Can’t wait.
I can’t wait to hear more about your upcoming class! Sign me up! I LOVE a MAM online course. Even if I produce nothing myself it’s always worth it for the creativity, wit & laughter. Love it I say, LOVE IT!!
Love your over and out ending, it’s a must for all your posts from now on. Looking forward to your class, keep rolling.
Shar Ulm, it’s so cool that you mentioned that you see the word “glass” on that jar, because I see it now too!! Even though I think it actually says “1865”. At least, that’s what I see when I don’t see the word “glass”. But that’s how we friends of Moss Cottage roll, altering reality to our own design!! 🙂 Miss Mary Ann, looking forward to finding out more about the delights of Sketchbookery!!
Excited to the mooon and back over Sketchbookery…gonna be awesome!!! I feel it in my bones!
Can hardly wait for your new class!
Ahhh…sketchbookery! I so need this!
New class sounds like fun!! Looking forward to the promo xx
Have a job interview on Tuesday…
Best of luck untangling your web woes. GREATLY looking forward to another class. My birthday is in June so I’m asking for your class, if it is ready. No pressure!!!!
I like that your glass says “glass” on it!
I feel certain that a web keister of the highest level will be within sight soon. You’ve cast your bread upon the waters of the universe…the person you need will be found.
Greatly looking forward to it, and we appreciate your perseverance – oh yes we do!
hahahahahahaha – for your closing remark! You are remarkable. :o)) xoDonna
Sketchbookery! I can’t wait. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Get that new blog site up and running, so we can all join in the fun of your new class.
Stopping by to say hello and that I love you and Wyatt and Corky! Sketchbookery? Only your fine brain cells would come up with that!