Such good painting here. I love the way you delve into so many media and have fun with all of it. That’s the real pleasure of “playing”.
Do you have a preference for any particular medium? I’ve never worked with anything other than watercolors as it’s my own personal preference…and I do love it.
I’m with Pati…why are you not visiting Dottie in NM? Come on down, we’ll wine and dine you with way more than yummy coffee…and the light…you’ll love the light!!
I agree, your paintings do have inner light, and you have developed a strong artistic style – I can tell a MAM at 30 paces! My friend Annie brought me some of that NM Pinon coffee and the dachshunds actually stealth ‘relocated’ the packet into their lair! Now of course, this scared the bejeezers out of me as dogs are allergic to caffeine, so this would have been ‘not good.’ Thankfully they didn’t get any of the grounds, they were content to just admire the pretty packaging. And slightly destroy it. Good thing I know that when a dachshund is quiet, it’s time to be very, very suspicious!
susan wsays
You captured that glossy package so well!! That’s a large success
I’ve said this before Mary Ann, you got magic in those fingers of yours. I think your sketches rock especially that coffee jar. It’s da’ bomb!!!! I love watching you play and splash around with your gauche and watercolor. Kind of the best ‘puddles’ to mess around in and your messes are turn out so pretty and divine….MMMMmmmm MMMMMmmmmmmm GOOD!
gouache is like opaque watercolor. i find it more difficult to use than watercolor because its opaque, but i love the matte velvety finish. i personally like rewetting my pans of gouache and getting it to a creamy consistency with the brush. then i load my brush with paint.
the difficult part for me is creating different values. it is plenty of fun! give it a whirl and see what you think..
Wonderful! Do you prefer gouache over watercolors? When I use gouache I feel like my paintings are flat, no depth. Yours, however, are vibrant and seem to contain inner light. How’d you manage that???
Pati Woodardsays
Come and teach a class in Albq or just visit Dottie! It is my dream to meet you! Seriously….. yes, you!
Kristi Shreenansays
You crack me up – having paint dreams in staff meetings! I love it! Well worth the daydream too based on the above results. I can only imagine what you draw and paint in your night time dreams. Have pleasant ones.
There are also fabulous orchids in Costa Rica! You could spend days drawing them! and SLOTHS!
I love Piñon coffee!! Your illustrations make me want to be in Santa Fe, New Mexico with a cup and a great book. We had great coffee in Costa Rica recently. It was from Doka Coffee Plantation. The best was Peaberry! Go to Costa Rica and try some! 🙂
Such good painting here. I love the way you delve into so many media and have fun with all of it. That’s the real pleasure of “playing”.
Do you have a preference for any particular medium? I’ve never worked with anything other than watercolors as it’s my own personal preference…and I do love it.
I’m with Pati…why are you not visiting Dottie in NM? Come on down, we’ll wine and dine you with way more than yummy coffee…and the light…you’ll love the light!!
I agree, your paintings do have inner light, and you have developed a strong artistic style – I can tell a MAM at 30 paces! My friend Annie brought me some of that NM Pinon coffee and the dachshunds actually stealth ‘relocated’ the packet into their lair! Now of course, this scared the bejeezers out of me as dogs are allergic to caffeine, so this would have been ‘not good.’ Thankfully they didn’t get any of the grounds, they were content to just admire the pretty packaging. And slightly destroy it. Good thing I know that when a dachshund is quiet, it’s time to be very, very suspicious!
You captured that glossy package so well!! That’s a large success
I’ve said this before Mary Ann, you got magic in those fingers of yours. I think your sketches rock especially that coffee jar. It’s da’ bomb!!!! I love watching you play and splash around with your gauche and watercolor. Kind of the best ‘puddles’ to mess around in and your messes are turn out so pretty and divine….MMMMmmmm MMMMMmmmmmmm GOOD!
gouache is like opaque watercolor. i find it more difficult to use than watercolor because its opaque, but i love the matte velvety finish. i personally like rewetting my pans of gouache and getting it to a creamy consistency with the brush. then i load my brush with paint.
the difficult part for me is creating different values. it is plenty of fun! give it a whirl and see what you think..
I have been using gouache, but it seems so similar to watercolors to me–maybe i am using too much water with it? I love the coffee painting!
I have never used guache. Is it similar to painting with watercolor. I love what you paint in your sketchbook
Wonderful! Do you prefer gouache over watercolors? When I use gouache I feel like my paintings are flat, no depth. Yours, however, are vibrant and seem to contain inner light. How’d you manage that???
Come and teach a class in Albq or just visit Dottie! It is my dream to meet you! Seriously….. yes, you!
You crack me up – having paint dreams in staff meetings! I love it! Well worth the daydream too based on the above results. I can only imagine what you draw and paint in your night time dreams. Have pleasant ones.
There are also fabulous orchids in Costa Rica! You could spend days drawing them! and SLOTHS!
I love Piñon coffee!! Your illustrations make me want to be in Santa Fe, New Mexico with a cup and a great book. We had great coffee in Costa Rica recently. It was from Doka Coffee Plantation. The best was Peaberry! Go to Costa Rica and try some! 🙂
I’m blown away! Love seeing your progress MAM! xo