it's saturday.
i'm having another go at a pinecone in my sketchbook.
listening to rain and hail. good sounds for a dry place to have.
it's saturday.
i'm having another go at a pinecone in my sketchbook.
listening to rain and hail. good sounds for a dry place to have.
Howdy, I'm Mary Ann Moss, the chimp at the helm of this ship. I've been blogging right here since 2007 and exploring the world & driving getaway cars since 1963.
SO glad you are finally getting the rain!! Such a blessing that so many take for granted. So sorry to hear of Momma Moss’s passing. Glad for you that you could be with her. She will always be there. <3 and PEACE
Great thanks for posting the sound of the rain- one never tires of that sound!!
You have quite the lovely set up over there.
Love those pinecones – all those little diamonds and other shapes stacked together. Like fractals.
super difficult personal challenge to draw pinecones, I tried a couple of times, ugh…
me, I just smear peanutbutter on them, roll them in birdseed,
and enjoy who comes to visit.
hope sunday brings you lots of inspiration, too.
Have been thinking about you and hoping you are not in a mud/flood zone. Take care.
Oooh. Those pinecones look hard to draw. You is one brave woman, kiddo. lol
rained? from the sound of that i’m looking for the cats and dogs to come down! how nice that must be to sit and listen to when it has been so dry there. me, i’m just trying to keep warm and thanking my lucky stars that we have not had the snow we should have this year (knock on wood LOUDLY). great pinecones@
I love the sound of rain in Southern CA…much better than the ice & snow we’re getting ready for here in NE Ohio. I miss being out there…thanks so much for sharing a bit of it with us!
Wonderful sights and sounds of a lazy Saturday spent in reflection of the line and space that a pinecone takes up in the world.
Hey sweet rainy day woman, hope the rain is gentle and kind to Moss Cottage, I’m watching the national news and some of your neighbors in the hills are, getting a little more than I think they want, mud is not fun. Come spring I am pretty sure there is going to be some flooding around here, all this snow has to go somewhere. The sound of the rain is lovely tho and I do adore a rainy day, especially if I can stay inside and do whatever I want. Your pine cones are adorable. Stay snug and warm.
I have to post and tell you thank you for all the sketching you have been doing the past year–every time I have visited your blog, I have admired it so much and wished that i could do that–but I just didn’t think I could–so finally in the last few weeks I just took the bull by the horns and started. I have been copying photographs from magazines and I am having so much fun. (I do all kinds of other art, but this sketching and painting real things always intimidated me) Next up will be drawing a “real” object!! LOL–come over and visit my blog and see what you have inspired!!
Reading your post sitting here listening to the rain and the rumblings of the sky. The desert is getting a lot of rain today finally. Water is rushing down the street. Water is pouring off the house in buckets. It has been a long time since I have heard this much thunder. Sky has a lot to say today. It is pure heaven.