FRIDAY INSPIRATION for ya! I am filled to the absolute brim with sketching inspiration after watching this. utterly speechless. oyvey caramba!
FRIDAY INSPIRATION for ya! I am filled to the absolute brim with sketching inspiration after watching this. utterly speechless. oyvey caramba!
Howdy, I'm Mary Ann Moss, the chimp at the helm of this ship. I've been blogging right here since 2007 and exploring the world & driving getaway cars since 1963.
I had discovered him a couple of months ago when Danny Gregory posted the Kickstarter and this video on his Facebook page. I, too, was amazed and without too much more ado, kicked in. cuz I want that book! Especially meaningful to those of us who live in the area. I recognize so many places, just in the small sampling provided.
When are you doing your book? 🙂
Thanks for sharing. I’m going straight over to kickstarter. Then I’m grabbing pen and paper. How can you not want to draw after seeing that?
I love this post! He is so amazing~! I would love to post this on my blog, is that possible? Can you tell me how to get the link to do this? Your blog is amazing!!!!! Thanks, Cindy
This entire post has sort of left me with an inability to form words out loud. In Awe. xoDonna
I would love to take a day and go through your sketchbooks! Your art is amazing!
I can’t wait for your kickstarter!
I think, if you don’t already know it, that you would adore the Urban Sketchers web site. There’s a brilliant artist called Tommy Kane who draws in the same style as Steve Reddy. So cool, so seemingly relaxed and easy, so clever. (He has a blog too).
I’ve followed the Urban Sketchers for ages. Anyone can contribute. Your drawings would look great on there.
I want one of those Where Was I books! Thanks for the info.
Forget this guy coming to my house to draw. I want to go his house and go through those shelves full of sketchbooks. Imagine 35 years of sketchbooks to rummage through! Sigh…
Thank you for sharing this man’s amazing talent – he is so good, and seems really humble and down to earth too 🙂 Very inspirational – I know your posting this will help his Kickstarter campaign too!
Double, triple WOW!!!
oh thanks MaryAnn… first thought, was going back to 1998 and sitting with my 10 & 9 year sons reading, THE WAY THINGS WORK illustrated by David Macaulay, written by Neil Ardley…..remember that the three teenagers, 18, 16 & 15 came over to sit and look at this amazing book with us. But Steven B.’s 21st century reflection of his 35 years of journals will be even more illuminating and a joy to read over and over again…….
love that he drives up & down streets….sits in the front yards and draws….and paints…..and thinks and does it all over again again…
Well, finally got off my arse and signed up for my first kickstart and feel great about it! Thank you for telling us about him. What wonderful talent he has.
Peggy, I’m with ya!
that is so cool! Kicking myself for not drawing! MUST get back to it! I love how he takes the mundane and makes it look fabulous! Thanks for sharing this!
Wow, in my dreams I can draw like that , then I pick up a pencil and it doesn’t happen. This is why I like patterns, collage and bright color, I can do that. Enjoy and thanks for sharing.
Still picking jaw up off floor! Just shows, anything is possible. I’m so inspired. Thanks so much for finding this and sharing it. xoDonna
Oh, my God. Is it even possible to do that? Awesome, indeed.
What an inspiration, indeed!
And yeah for Seattle!! 🙂
Mmmmmm. Bowing to you mr. steven b. reddy.
wow. awesomeness. love.
Oh WOW!!!
Oh My Goodness! Is this man not talented???? 36 years of journals. I’m totally impressed. I so want to do this, but I can’t stick with the drawing every day. There is just something in me that bucks at having to adhere to a schedule even tho’ I know that drawing/observation skills improve exponentially when one draws in pen/ink every day. I’m doing the 75 drawings in 75 days challenge put on by Brenda Swenson. Her journals are outstanding too. But I do struggle with that commitment.
Thanks for sharing this with us. I’ll support him on KickStart and hope he gets his memoir published soon.
Wow…his drawings are amazing and full of character – wish I could capture memories like that. Thanks for sharing!
WOW, how awesome is that? Thanks for sharing!
Let’s KickStart his butt, like NOW!
Great share MaryAnn….
Oh my my my!!! I must have this!! WOW!! Thanx, Mary Ann!