About the photo and the question you didn’t ask. Because it’s in my nature to tease. That’s why.
I left this comment below on my own blog post yesterday in response to someone else’s comment and since I know you have better things to do than read my comments I’m putting it here. Which if you think about it is either A. self aggrandizing or B. narcissistic. But since I’m c. both it totally works for me. And also I wanted you to know what happened to the peach thief. Inside my mind.
yeah the peach thief really teed me off, but i must admire their clever bold desire for good peaches. ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!! maybe they’ll make peach preserves and leave me a jar on my front porch! maybe i’ll catch them in the act then invite them in for tea. maybe the would-be thief will turn out to be a motorcycle riding banjo playing travel writer and we’ll end up running away together. and maybe while were out on our first adventure he’ll steal some mangoes and get caught and end up in a mexican prison. and then i’ll be sad, but remembering the peach incident, not too sad. and i’ll head home. and maybe on the plane next to me there will be a nice old lady wearing a red bonnet and carrying a basket of peach preserves and when we part ways she’ll hand over the basket. maybe that will happen.
Love the way you think! And I love the “sewn” image above. Can’t wait to see what happens in class.
Love it
HA! Love the way you think. xodonna
Sorry to hear someone has absconded with your fruit, it’s a sad, sad state of affairs indeed. If I lived in that house at the bottom of the hill across from Moss Cottage, I would be more than happy to (a) help with 24/7 peach thief surveillance duties; and (b) make peach jam, peach cobbler and peach vodka concoctions with you and the rescued/returned peaches!
Curious… is your tree near the street? Or was said thief more invasive than that?
Not that I ever give in to thievery, but good gracias those were some pretty compelling peaches.
Ummm….and I would have done all of that to the Peach THIEF, too! (Oops!)
You are so much nicer to the Peach Theif (mentally) than I would be. Yes, you are. I would have keelhauled him (her?) and then started in with the cat o’nine tails. Once I’d warmed up to the chore I would THEN I have moved on to the methods of a certain 15th century Dominican friar, the one with the initials of T de T. I would. I take my peaches very seriously. I am much, much meaner than thou.
Ok, I’m loving the fancy pants stitches with that yummy yellow Gutermann thread on the grey background.
I had the same experience with a dwarf peach tree in a pot on my deck…it was the summer that we took my son to his first year of college. I checked the peaches regularly for ripeness, since it was the first harvest…say 6 to 8 times a day. When we left to take Son to school, they were almost ready…we’d be back in 4 days and they should be perfect. We got back home late on the 4th day, just in time to get the dog out of the kennel.
Next morning, when I went to harvest my peach breakfast, they were ALL GONE!. But the thief, my beloved Airedale Drizzle, had left all the pits, licked clean and scattered all around the pot. Needless to say, he did not end up in a Mexican prison, but instead, continued to occupy the special Martha Stewart brand designer dog bed. Sigh…
Oh good grief, this is like some peachy Vodka-induced cyber traveling show. Starring the crazy kitty/bird artzy chick, the mango eating, banjo playing motorcycle-riding writer and Miss Marple in business class.
I know it isn’t funny that your peaches were stolen…but your story cracked me up!!! Flights of fancy…haha! No Gutermann thread here…I’m using my cheapo thread I found on Amazon(Threadart is the seller). “Invite them in for tea” ??? Reading it again…lol
I get my kicks just reading comments. Besides Mary Ann’s, of course.
mangos are more my thang but whatever blows your skirt up….
An old lady in a red bonnet on a plane?!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha – perfect Mary Ann.
Huge hugs x
Well that is not a plain ol’ zig zag stich, is it Ms. M???? Yes, the Guterman thread is upscale but that is easily bought but the ability to make fancypants stitches…well… I’ll just do them digitally. 🙂
bytheby have you seen David Lebovitz http://www.davidlebovitz.com/ recent columns on his jaunt to Sweden? if not, I think you’d enjoy it. Those smiling pleasant people are a good contrast to the despondent detectives I so love in my reading.
Oh my word – yellow GUTERMANN thread? When did you get so la-de-da? Will that be a requirement for class? hehehehehe I LOVE the photo and yes, I am properly teased.
I think your peach thief romance was twittered to you by all your new feathered friends as you napped on your verdant patio while Wyatt and Corky stood watch over the peach tree on a branch of the towering live oak. That’s what I think.
chortle, chortle, chuckle, guffaw….slapped my knee twice and fell over in glee, now that is what I call funny….could it be dear one, that the heat has finally gone to your head? Or maybe its those libation creations you’ve been sippin’ or maybe it’s a combination of both…and to that I reply, who cares so long as I can indulge my pleasure in visitin’ this particular blog and enjoyin every tidbit you leave behind, via post or self comment…delightful read and then some, as always I might add. Please pretend that it’s really the 4th of July and it’s time for SEWN to begin, really, I wouldn’t make it up…time has flown right past you, you didn’t see it at all cuz it was faster than a speeding bullet, faster than sound, lightenting quick it was…YES it’s 4th of July and …. pretty please…just pretend…I won’t tell a soul…promise and scouts honor…and um yes, I’ve been sippin somethin’ mighty tasty too…that is what happens when I’ve got the whole house to meself, one kid at camp and one workin’ her tushy off into the wee hours….and DH callin it a night….xxxooxx Happy 4th. 😉
And a new friend by the name of Anne would send you a jar of peach preserves with a pretty coral ribbon wrapped around it if she only had an address to send it to.