Venice eats. all excellent. the fried olives in the middle photo were v. tasty!
i still can't get over the fact that while my comrades will be returning to school on monday i WON'T be. thinking about everything i want to do. so keen on this idea of a break in the middle of one's career. and then i saw THIS on TED talks. very long and not really necessary to watch the whole thing to get the gist of the idea. which i think is brilliant!
one thing i want to do is begin my days with no technology. the first 2 hours – no computer, phone, ipad. back to basics. going to try it. will report my findings right here!
i thought of you all day today-on this, your first day of…whatever comes next. will love seeing what unfolds.
Loved the TED talk. I’ve believed for a long time that one must refill the creative well on a regular basis. It’s too easy to use and use and use your creativity until your spirit is depleted. Your no-tech-mornings sounds like a good idea. You may find yourself in the Zone and decide to go for more than two hours. I love it when I’m so immersed in something creative that I forget to have lunch. 🙂
Want to hike The canyon for those two hours… got a new pair of sneaks just begging to be broken in.
loved that film.
Loved the TED Talk. I know I would be more creative if I had a long stretch off work. I was laid off for 9 months 2 years ago. I did so many things that I haven’t done in years. I made my first quilt. I made stuff for the grandkids. I made stuff for myself. And I dreamed a lot about all the other things I want to do before I die. But there is no way I could take time off again. Gotta work if I want to eat. 🙂
I’m truly happy for you Mary Ann, an extended break is so good for one’s well being and going uplugged is nothing but a very good thing.
Mary Ann, I’m with you on no technology the first 2 hours. I write morning pages first thing (well after brewing coffee) and have, until the past few days, jumped right onto the computer to begin a blog roll. I’m trying to change my habit and after journaling, I’m reading on mindfulness (my current area of interest). I find myself at times trying to rush through the reading to get to the computer. However, I’m trying to train myself to “be in the moment” 🙂 Keep us posted on your new journey.
I meant I could be tech free til 10am… I must have panicked at the thought!!
Best to you Mary Ann on the 2hr of no tech. I suspect I would have to get up earlier in the am to do that! However, starting tomorrow, it’s exercise at 08:15 M,W & F so I COULD be tech time til 10am. I usually try to end my tech time by 8:30pm as they say sleep is easier that way. I am so not a night owl but nor am I a lark. I just like my sleep! Maybe I’m just lazy…
btw, we saw the fried olives at a McDonalds in Turin (while waiting for an iPhone fix appnt) – sadly, I didn’t try as I’d just finished a real gelato…)
bold! no tech – i can tell how connected i am by how antsy I felt thinking of it. yikes
Yep, I am goin’ in tomorrow (in service then kids on Tuesday)
Fascinating video – Thanks for the heads up. It has really got me thinking. To be honest one thing I am now thinking about is how can I get to Bali?? xx Michelle
P.S I have the post holiday blues – I am missing you and Venice!!
Mary Ann, I really need to do this on the weekends. I have to jump on during the week because of the dirty 4 letter word, (work), but I could do this 2 hour thing on Saturday and Sunday’s!! I am gonna try it! Thanx as always for your inspiration.
Lovely life continues.
Love the idea of no technology for the first two hours… actually I think it will be three for me since I get up three hours before I need to start working – can get some studio time in, meditate, and either walk or do yoga before I have to get ready. The issue for me is that I live with an information/media/TV junkie – mornings have the least chance of that being an issue, so I either adapt this plan to that time or I won’t have the opportunity. LOVED the Ted Talk video – thank you for sharing. Looking forward to hearing more about your sabbatical and seeing more from Venice! Polly
How exciting! I hope you enjoy this path less traveled. Life gets so hectic with the day-to-day routines and such. What a wonderful way to just get perspective!
Yes – me too – only it’s a scary-ish-to-begin kind of thing. The kind of scary that says it might be a good idea…. wondering if you are about to catalyse another new creative wave of evolving behaviour….. shall we all hold quiet hands to help us do it? … I love the way you land these ideas. Thank you for the food and the Ted food and this scarygood idea food too. xxxj
I love this. Idea……may be a Form of meditation…..get set for the day…..a way to establish balance. I am thankful you will ultimately share with us…….!! I wonder if i can do it…….at the end of the day.
Love your idea of no technology! I can’t wait to see your Venice Journal!
love your idea of no technology for the first two hours of the day….that might work for me to do for last two hours of my day. i want to try it too.