2012 didn’t feel completely over without a roundup of where my creative & travel pursuits took me in the last year. so here goes:
where i finish up my chiapas travel journal.
No. 2
where i go on a reading retreat in the woods
No. 3
where i begin to keep a sketchbook
No. 4
where i spend some long overdue time in the city by the bay
No. 5
where i set up a journaling station outside and make a jillion labels
No. 6
where i begin an itty bitty book of collage
No. 7
where i learn how to crochet!
No. 8
where i get on a letter making kick
No. 9
where i make a new visual journal…
No. 10
and a new travel journal
No. 11
where i go to norway with my sister
No. 12
where my other sister moves to san diego!
No. 12.1
where i build a pattern factory in my head
No. 12.2
where i teach a new online class…
No. 12.3
and find myself in venice at the end of the year
Bliss! Thanks for sharing your year with us and spreading the joy! For me it was double the fun, since I had as much fun living vicariously through your year as I had living actually in my own!
the song lyrics “it was a very good year” comes to mind~
Wow Mary Ann, what a lovely creative year you had! You’ve inspired me to do my own list – just landed back in South Africa after 5 weeks on the US West Coast – and still not quite into 2013 in my head yet. 2012 was the year in which I found you on the web. A highlight for me, because you keep inspiring . Thanks to ROD, I made a special travel journal that I took along on our US trip and while traveling, I took the virtual to trip Venice with you as well. Life doesn’t get better than this. What an adventure it was! Thank you thank you thank you – oh and happy birthday on your 50th! Anel
I am so glad I went to Venice with you and shared a small part of your life and journey. It’s been a true inspiration and so obviously is your most recent posting of how you spent your year. I have no idea how you accomplished all of this and work at the same time. A wonderful finish to the year. And selfishly, I cannot wait for another trip though right now I am overwhelmed with several journals and your Full Tilt Boogie…..Came back today with some wallpapers and old books…..you are really keeping me on my toes and busy. I am neglecting my digital scrapping, instead of one regular page daily I am reduced to one every other day and slowing down further…..touching papers is more fun, getting hands messy, getting involved in real life! Thank you, Mary Ann.
I’ld like to apply for a job in your pattern factory!
Will work for creative inspiration!
And it looks like you visited Fresher than Fress snow cones when you were here….yum!
I think that I need a book reading retreat and certainly I could use some time in the city by the bay. I could go to Norway as long as I didn’t have to come home saying uffdah(or however it is spelled). But Venice. Venice is the one. I just stare at those pictures and can’t wait for the few days I will be staying there. I will be with a group and wishing I were alone( even though the group is made of very nice people. )Even so, I will be there. Ahhhhhh.
Looking forward to this year. I will be painting and knitting and landscaping (and making the aforementioned trip). Do you have ideas of what you will be doing?
A year filled with creativity, how wonderful! Wishing heaps more for you this coming year, and a heap more traveling, so we can enjoy it with you.
what a beautiful year you have had. looking forward to what this new year with more free time will bring you. hope it is all good and am looking forward to travelin’ along with you.
Throwing my hat off and giving you 2 big thumbs up on a year well lived. I’m lovin the fringe benefits from taggin’ along from here. OH YESiree bipbity bopity booooo.
Great look back! Hope this year is the best yet for you!
How satisfying! For you and us!
What a great year. It was fun to take a look back with you. Here’s to 2013!
Thanks for the “review”! I’ve enjoyed following along and being inspired. I look forward to this year’s adventures.
I love being a tag-a-long with you….Thanks for great memories, such a creative year for me, and a very big thank you for sharing 2012 with all of us! May this new year be all that you desire!
….and we’ve enjoyed every inch of it! We can all say that we have lived an inspired 2012 due to your zany efforts! Really looking forward to 2013. No pressure 🙂
To an even better 2013!
What a fabulous year you have had! Thanks for taking so many of us along. Can’t imagine what you will accomplish this year now that your days are more open. So excited to see whats next for you(us).
Thank you for sharing your year and all of your bliss so openly. You enrich everyone’s day with all of your beautiful words and photos. We are so lucky that you allow us to peek in.
Awesome. Love it!
Lovely times. Lucky lady, lucky us.
And what a marvelous year it was. I’m glad I was along for the ride. Here’s to an even better 2013! xo
All in all, quite a special year indeed. Here’s to your even more magical 2013!
Love your book spines. What a fabulous year. I’ve been on hiatus from my book binding, miss it, must find time.
WOW!! I read this and look at my year……cannot even say, but I work full time cuz, you did too!!
I am thinking, I must be going backwards!! Such inspiration….thank you you are the best ever…..Ruth.
You are just kicking my butt with inspiration, MAM! What a year!
Top 12 (or so) in 2012… great list!! I’d say you had a wonderful time with your list 🙂
Thanks for sharing xoxoxo