wyatt is adjusting very nicely to his new life without a catdoor. i let him out in the morning for about 40 minutes. enough time for a roll in the dirt and eat some grass. i leave the patio door open so he can come back inside. i don't feed him before he goes out so that when i rattle his kibble container he comes running. then i close the door and say, "GOTCHA!"
i let him out again when i get home. that's when the missus comes inside. she stays inside till morning. i dare not leave the two of them alone in the house together during the day without mama to referee.
no no no
they're both inside before dark. safe & sound.
oh thank heavens it's friday!
i came home and flopped down on my bed and took a little cat nap.
and watercolored some letters in my sketchbooks.
easy tasks for a weary mind.
i also read my new book. i'm nearly halfway through it.
i finished Black Chokeberry. It's a pleasant easy read. now i'm reading this:
a debut novel by a new young writer. it is NOT what i had on my list to read next, but i was curious about the premise of the book – the rapid slowing down of the earth's rotation. fascinating.
i'll probably finish it in the next few days and begin one of the books on my list. maybe.
what are you doing?
Right now…catching up on blog reading because I spent hours completing the quilting on my new granddaughter’s quilt! YAY!
Its sunday, I just finished posting and now found this blog thru Pat’s blog Lost and found. So glad
After about three crazy busy weeks I’m winding down this weekend with basically nothing and I’m loving it. I’ve been on a few long hikes (well, mostly sitting on benches or in dune grass as it’s way too hot for really walking), I’ve been rereading Philip Pullman’s His dark materials and am finishing up Martha Becks Finding your own north star, I’m watching crime shows on tv, I’m eating unhealthy stuff, I’m finally convincing my cat it really is fun to sit on my lap, and … I’m sleeping, sleeping and then sleeping some more. Aaaaah, I needed that! And oh yeah, I’m catching up on blogs and mails, which is why I’m at the computer right now. But I might just get back to sleeping soon, I just might.
I am stuck in summer, unable to stop painting blue and white striped things in my sketchbook. Maybe I should get some new red paints so I get into the fall spirit??
well you already know what i did, but you dont know that i just put a homemade chicken pot pie in the oven to brown the top crust and when it comes out im gonna eat myself a big ole piece.
francesca that is a mannequin arm i picked up on a walk awhile back. its been on the porch ever since. sometimes i scratch my back with it. have a lovely time at SQUAM!
i’m preparing to leave for squam art workshops tomorrow… and on the long drive to new hampshire from toronto, i’ll be reading the tiger’s wife by tea obreht. my sister says once i get past the first chapter i’ll really love it. so i’m bringing some magazines as well, just in case. and btw, is that a hand right at the girls buttox…????!!!! what is that? xo
In my mind painting would be a wonderful thing to do but in an unfair fight, my body demanded a nap! I really love your lettering.
Makin’ zuchini bread, brushing the dog girls, contemplating Newlywed game questions for a bridal shower I’m giving for my most precious niece next weekend. Looking at the clock and realizing it’s past noon and I still haven’t brushed my teeth or put on clothes…it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
Me? I’m trying to muster up some courage to paint my basement half-bath with a BRIGHT green my hubby convinced me to try. I’ve got this bad feeling…wish me luck. Oh, is that a hand/tail coming out of Wyatt of what?
knock knock, that’s me banging on the door and waving hello. I followed Wyatt in through the patio door and it’s already saturday, I don’t quite remember friday as it passed by in a flash, too many places to be and schedules to coordinate and wondering when I will find my own playtime. My paints and journals have begun to taunt me, reminding me shamelessly that they are being ignored. sigh Your pages keep whispering how much they enjoyed being brought to the pages by your hands. They look so dang happy and fun. Love em bunches. The new book sounds awesome. I’m half way through 11/22/63. DD is making toast and I think I will join her. Later gator. Have an awesome and pleasant weekend.
Painting, napping and reading? Sounds perfect to me!
What am I doing this weekend? Playing with paper, working a beer/wine tent at Art/Cultural event at the old grain mills of Buffalo (cityofnightbuffalo.com) while praying it doesn’t keep raining!, and then reading, and reading some more (currently Left Neglected by Lisa Genova).
Wishing you a splendid slow-moving weekend! xo
Hitting the BEST rummage sale in Humboldt, in about an hour — the Ferndale community yard sale. If I can’t find whatever I’m looking for here, I probably don’t need it! Have a great weekend, my friend.
1) I’m kitty-wrangling: three new rescued 9-week-old kittens this month to add to our year-old rescued kitten. All found dumped or feral at our friends’ lake house. The littlest one has some treatable health issues, so we are being kept busy. 🙂
2) Finally got some rain and cooler temps in KC, so I’ll be gardening today. 🙂
3) Reading BROKEN HARBOR, a murder mystery set in Ireland. I don’t usually read this type of book, but my mom (94) recommended it, and it’s pretty readable, so far.
4) Will work on some Art Journal pages.
Happy Weekend to you!
I’m busy prying the wiggle eyes off of some paper skeleton decorations with an Exacto knife real careful-like, cause they look so much better that way.
Well now I’m wishing I was going travelling with Michele Unger, visiting Nantucket and Wilmington and having a class with Judy Wise sounds awesome!
It’s Saturday morning as I read this post, woke up to a forecast of heavy rain for the next several hours which means the trip to the 2nd last outdoor antique market of this year is not in the cards. So I ask myself, “what would Mary Ann do?” and I shall get out some paints and brushes and bits and pieces of this and that and play in my journal(s) today!
Today was time spent. Some time drinking chai with friends. Some time taking photographs. Some time on the drinking a cocktail on the deck. Some time eating pork loin and peppers. Some time watching Waiting for Guffman
Hi MA and a very happy Friday to you! I just heard from a friend that “Hitchhiking With Larry David” is a wonderful book – both funny and introspective. I’ve not read it yet but plan to. I am loving your doodly letters and plan to play around with that idea myself. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a perfectly painterly peaceful w/e.
What a great way to spend your Friday….after work, of course. Napping, reading, coloring letters, admiring the Posse…now throw in a nice martini or some such libation, a little dinner and something pleasant to listen to and life is gooooooood.
Me? I’m packing. I leave at an ungodly hour on Sunday morning for my annual visit to my best friend. She lives on Nantucket. Then we will go off together for a little trip to Wilmington, NC and will take a journaling class from our mutual friend, Judy Wise. I’ve been living for this trip for MONTHS. I am so excited!