a friend sent me this big heavy scrap of wallpaper {from london!} i keep looking at it. thinking it will be perfect for my venice travel journal.
there are lots of ducks i have to get lined up for my new class debuting in december. so i'm working on the foundation well in advance. i spent last week drafting a really solid outline. i mean it seemed solid. maybe it's the opposite of solid. hmmmm. i'm adding to it as i go along.
Ticket To Venice.
i've already given it a name! i went and visited my sister last weekend at her new little cottage in san diego. after i described the class and told her my tentative name she suggested this one instead. saying it better captured the spirit of the class. and you know what? i agree!
at the core of the class is the travel journal of course – building it. filling it. preparing. all of that. but then there's a whole other side to the class. and like a story it has a beginning, middle, and end. one that you can revisit anytime you feel like it.
and i do hate to be coy, but i'm not ready to deliver the full monty yet. no can do. have to let the back & forth motion of my art brain do its thing first.
but how about some more irrelevant french paper. because it's pretty. and because i can't show you the italian.
and how about an orange marmalade sky?
a pink & orange dome. of sky.
FUN FUN FUN! Can’t wait to cruise up the canals and walk all the bridges. Your sunset photos are awesome:)
Looking forward to another class! And exploring Venice through your eyes. Woo Hoo!
Ok, Mary Ann…. you placated me THIS time with those gorgeous photos! But I tell you, you sure do make a person get excited about doing another project!
Okay, here you go… Give me the details and I will help you out with all of the back and forth. All you need to do is give me the details and I will handle it for you. I CANNOT WAIT!!! I know what I want for Christmas or December or whenever it comes out. I am so excited I cannot see straight. I keep checking your blog, just in case you reveal anything. Anything at all. WE ARE READY!!! Your classes ROCK. THANK YOU.
oranges seem to be the theme here
yes, orange and Mary Ann – of course
Oooooooooooooo…. Oooooooo, if they would check my bloodprressure now i would be declared clinically dead. Died of exitment for a new Mary Ann Moss class! Just what we need to go into fall!!!! Yippeeeeeeeee
Everyone is going to Italy it feels like, except me! Should I order a ticket perhaps…
the news of you offering a new course may quite possibly be the best news of this year! i’m ready and waiting patiently (kinda!). have a great week, xo
Mary Ann Moss you are such a tease!!!! This craft monkey cannot wait to hear all about the new class….agony I tell you! Hurry, hurry.
Can’t wait for the details!
Coy, coy, coy! Your adult craft monkeys can’t stand the suspense, you tease!
Soo exicted for your class! Yes, the one redeming thing about fall is the wonderful sunsets! I am preparing for a trip to Maui at the end of the week. Making a little travel journal of my very own. Our dear Ms. Moss you DO inspire.
I am so excited about this class! Ever since I saw your first travel journal I have been desperate to create something similar. While I took your ROD class and loved it, I still struggled to make my journals as fabulous as yours. So to have actual instruction on how to “fill” a journal the MAM-way is what I have been waiting for. Add to that the most magical of backdrops, Venice, without doubt my favourite city in the world. I honestly can’t imagine a better online class or a more wonderful Christmas present to myself!
Hah! Laura Ashley wallpaper, currently on our friends’ dining room walls and previously seen in our own entrance hall in a different colourway Fancy that!
I’m looking forward to your Venice travels. We had such a magical time there during the January of the first Gulf war, when everyone was scared to travel and the city was empty and freezing cold. We can’t return, for fear those magical memories will be overwritten, so i’m looking forward to travelling vicariously with you . Thanks for taking me with you 😉
I am a patient one, even if a little whiney at times… and you are worth the wait!
Lurve that wallpaper, sigh
Oh my goodness I CANT WAIT!!! I ADORE this idea and ADORE your classes Mary Ann! Bring it on!!!
I can’t help it! I want you to hurry up and tell us EVERYTHING about the class! Starting now…..how about every little, rapturous detail?
and another one …
Quote from Jan Morris ‘Venice’
Wherever you go in life, you will feel somewhere over your shoulder a pink, castellated shimmering presence, the domes and riggings and crooked pinacles of the Serenissima
a quote for you I love about Venice xx …
This was Venice, the flattering and suspect beauty-this city, half fairy tale and half tourist trap, in whose insalubrious air the arts once rankly and voluptuously blossomed, where composers have been inspired to lulling tones of somniferous eroticism.
~ Thomas Mann
I totally agree with everything Susie said – I can’t wait to buy my ticket and get that passport stamped either! Viva Italia! Viva MAM! Viva pink sky!
You, my dear Miss Mary Ann are a temptress, from head to toe indeed. So to avoid the rush, the stampede, the longer line than any Iphone can muster up…I’ve already got my wrist band…I’m ready to buy my ticket to Venice just say the word. I can’t wait. I really, really can’t. That paper is the bomb. And those photos…OMG…to slip away into all that pink and orange. Breathtaking!!!!
I cannot freaking WAIT for the class!! Or Venice! Beautiful skies, Miss Moss!