late august & september in los angeles. sometimes humidity. almost always air conditioning. when the sun slides between the gold-rimmed clouds and begins it's western arc over to the other side of the world. well, when that happens. we get some relief. i flip off the a/c and throw a box fan in the window. whir whir whir go the blades. cool down.
i feel better with the windows open. the world is out there. and i can hear it!
night birds with their clicking noises.
small planes.
the neighbors are laughing.
dogs are communicating with other dogs.
i'm inside drawing maps of imaginary places.
and letters made of bones. that was an accident.
these things. they calm me.
and by the time this post arrives on the blog in the morning the weekend will almost be starting.
and it's going to be a long one.
The map page is amazing! I believe you mentioned drawing maps before and possibly a teacher but I’ve been looking “forever” and can’t find the post… Enlighten us again? Please…
Thank you
Marianne 🙂
how marvelous that you captured that liquid gold spilling forth in such a glorious photograph!
Particularly intrigued by the map! And of course, beautiful photos that dance and sparkle, as expected 😉
You are so clever! Is map drawing part of the new travel journal video class? What a great idea, to make your own map of the place you are going to and mark all the spots you want to see. Flat Cadburry is already packing for the next adventure….are we packing swimsuits?
Anytime you can have the windows open is the best time of year.
Great picture! I agree about wanting to hear the world outside. I have my bedroom window open almost year round! I love to be able to hear the birds int he morning. I tried to see how many different chirps and peeps and songs I can identify. Perfection!
Love the sunset photo. Why is this a long weekend for you? Not a holiday is it? Labor Day is long gone…Rosh Hashanah? Naw!
Yay for long weekends. I have a feeling it’s gonna be a good one for you.
Keep pushing it out there, it is moving the world, it is moving each of us…it is shifting the vibration.
bad news? there are no friday nights in retirement. good news? there are no sunday nights/monday mornings in retirement. Now let’s see: which do we want? duh.
Speaking of hearing the sounds of the outdoors…this is what greeted me when I awoke:
1. Timid hammering on a roof by a DIY guy behind me
2. Jackhammering of a driveway (by another DIYer) across the street
3. Leafblower machine at full blast nextdoor
4. Massive explosion noises from nearby Marine base
Ummmm…..I’m not enjoying it all that much!
Wishing you a very long and happy weekend Mary Ann. Love, love your blog.
Really like your map drawing – what a neat idea! You’re just full of ’em!
Hi Sister! I hope my Friday night sky is as pretty as your Thursday night sky was. Cause it sure was. Pretty I mean. Your bone letters reminded me of the bones museum we went to in Rome… Except I didn’t get creepy looking at your letters. remember that fabulous meal we had sitting outside afterwards? Under the trees and umbrellas right there streetside, drinking wine, listening as Rome whispered to us. Oh that was a day!!
Happy Sweet Friday to you to Mary Ann. Enjoy every single second doing whatever it is that makes you abundantly happy. I can imagine you sitting on your patio, doodling, painting, cutting and pasting and maybe laughing at the antics of the cat posse, or maybe dozing in the late day sun with them; a favorite sunny patch. Maybe later you will enjoy something delish with something ever more tempting to drink…your weekend awaits…ready for you…ever beckoning…oxox
Greetings from el Segundo on this gonna-be-hot Friday. Flew here to show grandson some SoCal colleges. Us? We buy books and eat local. Yum! Have a great weekend!
Sometimes that anticipation of the weekend and the night before it starts is almost as delicious as the time off itself. Have a great one!
Erin in Morro Bay
happy friday Mary Ann Moss!!! my middle name is Ann too! love the sunset photo! i want to take some but i have to get in my car and drive to edge of town and i always forget or am too lazy by that time! enjoy the weekend, i know you always do!