apparently, i'm having a really good time in my waiting-for-my-paper-order-to-arrive book.
i finished 11/22/63. sniff sniff. cried at the end. of course i did!
now i'm looking for my next book. and if you loved 11/22/63 we prob have the same taste in reading material. but it can't be science fiction, romance, tween novels, vampires, werewolves, have futuristic dystopian themes, historical fiction, be about amnesia or alzheimers, or be about food.
any suggestions?
i'm leaning towards GONE GIRL.
I finished GONE GIRL a couple of weeks ago…read it right through..hated it and loved it.
“Why Be Happy When You Can Be Normal” by Jeannette Winterson. Funny in a sad way! Very well-written.
I downloaded the sample of Gone Girl from iBooks and will definitely be reading the rest of it sometime soon. Three of my all-time favorites: Ahab’s Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund, Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald, and The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. If you’re in the mood for something lighter, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows was a wonderful read.
I finished BLAME by Michelle Huneven a few weeks ago and was so sad to be done with it…very different from my usual choices but I loved it.
Oh, Hill Crest was where my grandmothr lived for many years. Also the site of my uncle’s landmark restaurant (no longer there) Just to the east is North Park, lots of Urban Development going on there, chi-chi restaurants, artsy community, galleries, rather avant grade. Wonderful older part of San Diego. Many memories of childhood. Hillcrest is at the top of the hill from downtown San Diego, close to the famous SD Zoo, museums, galleries. A very neat older area that I loved. I don’t know if rentals go that cheaply in San Diego…I’ve been gone a long time so out of the loop.
Loved Swan Song, tore thru gone girl great fun
Didn’t think the age of miracles was that great
Maryann I watched the YouTube video by the author of Wild and immediately thought of you. Cheryl strayed wrote it. I’m going to read it.
After you read and love Tell The Wolves I’m Home, you could mail me some neon paper as a thank you gift. 🙂
I just put Gone Girl on my to-read list.
Futuristic dystopian themes
anything by Jen Lancaster is a hoot……..Bitter is the New Black provides the framework for the rest of her books…
Wow! I’m SO out of the loop! I had to google 11/22/63 to see what you were talking about. Stephen King novels used to scare me when I was reading them 30 years ago. I realize it’s about JFK…but Is this one way scary? I just can’t do scary.
Thank you for not spoiling 11/22/63….still working on it! Definitely Gone Girl!!! I read it a few weeks ago and it’s a fantastic summer thriller!
i second A Lady’s Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgar, Suzanne Joinson — just terrific. and When Captain Flint Was Still a Good Man, Nick Dybek. and The Jukebox Queen of Malta, Nicholas Rinaldi. good stuff.
Loved, 11/22/63 Loved: Gone Girl, Alys, Always – Harriet Lane
all of Jo Nesbo and Henning Mankell
cutting for Stone – Abraham Verghese
My favorite thing: sitting at my art table listening to audiobooks, some favorites :
A.S. Byatt – The Children’s Book
Tana French – In the Woods, Faithful Place
Vaddey Ratner – In the Shadow of the Banyan Tree
Bryce Courtenay – The Persimmon Tree
also liked: Elizabeth George – Inspector Lynley series
Jane Green – Promises to Keep reading and listening, making art, doesn’t get ANY better XXOO B.
Ever read Tales of a Female Nomad by Rita Golden Gelman? I loved the book and she loves to travel. Just thought you might like it with your love of traveling too.:)
Reading Gone Girl now. My sister is the S. King fan so have read all of those…but Gone Girl is good. I am still read the out there stuff too…my first love is sci-fi dating back to Dig Allen and the Trappers of Venus from my school book fair in elementary school. Ah, book fairs.
I’ve been into espionage lately, recently read all of Daniel Silva’s books about art restorer/Israeli spy Gabriel Allon (start with The Kill Artist if you decide to get into these). Also making my way through Henning Mankell’s Wallander series of Swedish murder mysteries (and been watching the BBC productions of same with Kenneth Branagh). All recommended if you’re so inclined.
Made book #2 yesterday, was a challenge getting the book block in so I ripped it out twice before getting it right. Making mistakes is a wonderful way to learn how to fix things, and expands the repertoire of options! Will send you a link when I upload to my blog.
I just began 11.22.63 and am excited to dig into to it. Literally. That is one hefty book to try and read in bed, I own no ereader as yet… I’ve given up trying to man handle it and stay comfy at the same time and now must read it sitting curled up in my favorite chair…which is fine but reading is my bedtime routine and I like nothing more than to read until my eyes can’t stay open anymore. When I read sitting up I can get so engrossed that when I look at the clock, discover that it is no longer night time but 5 or 6 in morning. That has happened several times now. Gone Girl has my vote. That is going to be my next book.
I suggest you take a short break with a nonsense novel like Janet Evanovich writes in the Stephanie Plum series. They’re funny, engaging and mysterious. THEN go back to digging deep with Gone Girl. I adore your posts requesting reading material-get so many good books that way!
I just finished 11.22.63 too, I hate it when you read something so good that the next book just doesn’t compare!
I loved loved loved 11/22/63. My husband and I both downloaded it for our week at the beach. I finished it by the end of the vacation, and like you, had a good sniffle at the end. But, truly – that was the only possible ending, and I was completely satisified. My husband on the other hand, Mr. Nonsentimental, keeps texting me while he reads – “do I have to know every single time they dance together??” He just wants to get to 11/22 and be done with it. Boo him. Anyway, I read Gone Girl – it’s a quick read, so get your next book lined up as well. Very very dissatisfied with the ending. You might want to read her last book instead, Dark Places. Before 11/22/63 I read Rules of Civility, which I thought I wasn’t going to like, and just bought it because it was on sale – but I LOVED it – not historical fiction – but a period piece. If you’re ever stuck for book recommendations – check out – there are a gazillion people who will tell you what to read next. Also, if you listen to podcasts, check out Books on the Nightstand – they always have great recommendations, and I love listening to them talk about books.
I just finished Wild by Cheryl Strayed – made me want to hike the Pacific Crest TrIl!
I’m picking up Gone Girl at the library today. Hope it’s as good as everybody says.
One genre that surprised me was Scani crime. Try the Henning Mankell (Swedish) or the Jo Nesbo (Norwegian) ones. I truly almost wept when I finished Mankell’s Kurt Wallander series. However, I had a slight reprieve with the Kenneth Branagh made for BBC films – films made from some of the Mankell books.
A Lady Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgar: A Novel. Dreamy.
Check out The Age of Miracles. Though Gone Girl is on my tbr list too!!
The Bookman series (John Dunning) is great – though the author hasn’t written a new one in awhle. I read Gone Girl, and you should brace yourself. It certainly was not what I expected. Have you tried last year’s Night Circus? Or Defending Jacob?
The Widower’s Tale by Julia Glass!
I thought that I had outgrown historical fiction along with adolescence — but if you’re ever willing to give it another try, Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall (Booker Prize winner) is just amazing. So well written, a page turner, emotionally involving, etc etc. My sister forced it on me, and I’m now gobbling down the sequel, Bring Up the Bodies. The protag is Thomas Cromwell, advisor to Henry VIII.
BTW, I haven’t read it, but isn’t 11/22/63 historical fiction? 🙂
Haha, but that doesn’t leave ANYTHING! 😉