i am HOOKED on Sarah Carey. just love watching her daily cooking videos. yesterday i made gazpacho. i read pioneer woman’s version and also remembered things a spanish friend of mine told me about how adding bread makes it creamier. in other words i gathered evidence and then did my own thing. but sarah inspired me, and my version is much more hers than PW.
in the photos above you can’t see the red wine vinegar or olive oil. everyone agrees really good olive oil is the key. i like mine smooth not chunky so i used a strainer.
naturally the photos above are starring another dishtowel i got in norway.
about the gazpacho…i forgot the red pepper. but even without it, completely delectable. seriously luscious. crazy good. all that.
i just had a bowl with crispy croutons on top. oy.
i got 2 more crocheted panels for window tops at the aalesund, norway antique store i mentioned in the last post. 2! a set! ORANGE!
they may as well have had my name on them. when i took them to the counter the proprietor laughed and said, “the ’70s!” apparently someone decided to experiment with tradition. i’m totally in love, that’s all i know.
i was so taken with this little project alice chiang is trying to get off the ground.
go watch her video over at kickstarter. prepare to be charmed.
You inspired me to make gazpacho this weekend.
I’m not usually drawn to the color orange, but those crocheted panels are adorable and could make me into an orange convert! 🙂
Thank you for sharing your trip in Norway…I am missing your posts. I don’t get to travel as much as I would like to and it was wonderful to watch your adventure unravel! Just finished all the videos of full tilt boogie…and must say I love love love your teaching style. I didn’t think remains of the day could be topped but it was equally as funny and educational. Just when I thought I am going to de-stash/simplify/clean out my craft closet…
Your beautiful orange curtain would look so perfect over the window through which I view my orange lilies and orange-blossomed scarlet runner beans climbing their way up the trellis in my front yard! And I’m trying gazpacho – Thanks!
domenico obviously you didnt see CRAIGS LIST KILLER. i did. better watch out!
I have to admit, I was a bit concerned about the bowel and its relationship to crispy croutons. But, my Welsh grandmother was always telling me that I needed more fiber…
Perhaps I should learn to cook too 😉 No, seriously – I am totally in awe of people who can cook. I’ve been telling myself lately that I should approach it like crafting and thus be able to learn it – do you think your new cooking guru videos are accessible to a person who once attempted to make macaroni and cheese…without butter or milk? Beh oui – we’d run out of both supplies, and I’d already opened the box. So, I substituted mayonnaise as it’s white – like milk, but sort of oily like butter – and water – because it would water down the mayo and make it like milk….(it’s a true story. It’s just not a very happy ending story – even the dogs were highly suspicious of it. C’est vrai.)
Just put ad for friends on Craigslist… wish me luck!
And by the way I do know how to spell clear, not sure why I typed clrar(?).
I love gazpacho in all it’s forms; red and white. This is my favorite recipe. The wife of one of Spain’s most famous chefs makes it for their family and he loves it. It’s very
much like Martha’s but check it out. http://www.josemadeinspain.com/recipes/andaluciaColdTomato.htm Thanks your for taking us to Norway!
Whenever I think of gazpacho I think of the film “Women On the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown”…
More orange envy … I still haven’t gotten over that lovely chair of yours not belonging to me! Gazpacho is perfect, my favorite in the summer. Happy Weekend to you!
Domenico my love, you simply must make friends with a hoarder/collector! Thats where all of my recent ultra fab floral bowls came from.
Note to Self: Norwegian dish towels are the best and make any food photo look like it was professionally styled (although MAM makes everything look good anyway). Okay so thanks for helping me with my travel plans. I was planning on a trip to the Scandis but now I have to go double so I can fetch those lovely dish towels. Love your posts as usual.
sigh, clear bowl with the slighly blue rim is just too sweet.
I just can’t pull that off, the total misuse of the word like, but you get my meaning.
Love the towels, the gazpacho, and the orange panels. However, never ever invite me to your cottage for I fear my inner clepto may come forward, because the clrar slightly blue rim bowl is just too sa-weet!
Yeah, can’t pull that off either.
Read, follow, heck, even like the Pioneer Woman, but please, please be wary of her recipes. I swear she’s going to kill this nation… and I want you around for-like-ever!
Do you think you could post a closeup of the orange window panel? It’s gorgeous! I sure did enjoy your trip.
Yum. What else is there to say? I have my eye on the bread. Just warnin ya. Orange curtains, well why the heck not…no doubt you will hang them someplace special and inviting. And can I just say that the dish towel is the bomb. Love it all.
I’ve been missing my red garlic press, I thought I left in your luggage, and shure ’nuff, there it is! No worries, I will let you borrow it as long as you keep posting yummy food pics. Dig the orange curtains, the pattern would make a great stencil….which reminds me of your stencil class that I loved…which reminds me to ask you when another MAM On-Line Especial Creative Fun Cat Featuring Video is going to be made available to your discerning fans. No pressure. But August is pretty open for me.
I’ve never heard of creamed Gazpacho, but I’ve never eaten it either way…but the color is great. The orange crocheted piece is “far out!” Ha, remember that phrase? Maybe you’re too young.
I was going for my 2 mile walk this morning…got up at 5 AM, opened the door…90F and 50% humidity! Turned around and headed for the teapot and yogurt with fruit. Now we’re under flash flood watch until late tomorrow…Yesterday was 114F, today 106F but the cloud cover has cooled it down a bit. I can hear thunder up in the Spring Mtns. about a 20 min. drive west from my home…one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Alice is charming and I had to give her money – thanks for turning me on to it. And bring some of dat gazpacho to Texas! please.
hahaha I read “I just had a bowel” and laughed at myself for the miscue and went back to re-read and lo! the miscue was yours! It’s only funny because when I was reading your entry I was reflecting on what gazpacho did to my bowels last summer…you da best!