attaching a few things to my pages. with red & orange thread.
{of course}
brought my trusty machine out of the closet and set up shop on top of my paper cabinet. i like to sew standing up. press on the gas and pretend i’m on a motorbike. zoom zoom.
this makes for erratic sewing.
i found this pinwheel i made a couple years ago in the dark recesses of the paper drawer. i hopped off my motorbike and taped it to the closet lickety split.
ipad play with sketchbook pro.
good clean fun.
p.s. lunar eclipse coming tomorrow am
I love your pinwheel too! No wonder you took a detour…
I also love your pinwheel! It is like a mandala created with pieces of different papers, different lives, different colours. I love how even though you used some very different pieces of papers to create it, they all tie together to create one harmonious whole. Maybe it is the orange thread that does it…
Your pinwheel is magnificent… A word I do not lightly use! Beautiful…
Love the pinwheel.. it’s just so gosh darn pretty. xo
I remember that pinwheel – glad to see it again! Also, it’s heartwarming to know that you put your sewing machine in the closet because you’ve just been so busy with other enthusiasms. I feel like I can’t stay focused on one enthusiasm for more than a couple of weeks before it’s off to something else (crochet!, dyeing, sketching!,, art journals! you take my point) I’ve kind of made my peace with it (calling oneself a mixed media artist helps) but sometimes I feel like a gadfly of glitter. I know I get bored fast if I try to stick with one thing, so I try to ask my muse “what do you want to play with today” and go with that – doesn’t get anything completed fast, but it’s more fun. And I know I’ll revisit each enthusiasm eventually, they’re on a gypsy circuit! Thank you for sharing with us as always.
Alas, no such show here on the East Coast. 🙁 So you’ll have to enjoy it on our behalf, please!
I love the pinwheel. Wow! Another lunar eclipse? I like your idea of a motor bike. Safer that way.
See… got so excited forgot to mention all the love for the pinwheel.
All ready for Venus to make her appearance; got snacks, protective eye gear, blankets, pillows, camera, and personal astronomer. Cannot wait! The only thing that makes me more excited than art is the stars themselves, your journal excluded of course.